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2021+ Model S LR Delivery Tracking

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I want to say something in support of the way Tesla is communicating about Model S LR deliveries. I understand the pain of not knowing...Iā€™ve been waiting over five months. But if I were running Tesla and knowing that any slightly negative news gets exaggerated, twisted and just turned into click bait by the unfriendly press, I wouldnā€™t release the slightly negative news.

Suppose the issue with the 19ā€ wheels was as simple as a mistake in ordering...imagine the headline, ā€œTesla Factory System Broken, Forgets to Order Wheels.ā€ Or if the issue were a late change in color. Then the headline might read, ā€œTesla Changes the Wheel Design, Is it a Safety Issue?ā€ The article could say it isnā€™t, but the damage would already have been done.

So as a stockholder, I support Teslaā€™s policy of not communicating reasons for delivery uncertainty and delays...better no news than bad news. Iā€™ll just wait for the car I want.

Ordered Model S LR white on white w/19ā€ and FSD January 28...order # 1144 estimated delivery, blank...had been March, June and August
I want to say something in support of the way Tesla is communicating about Model S LR deliveries. I understand the pain of not knowing...Iā€™ve been waiting over five months. But if I were running Tesla and knowing that any slightly negative news gets exaggerated, twisted and just turned into click bait by the unfriendly press, I wouldnā€™t release the slightly negative news.

Suppose the issue with the 19ā€ wheels was as simple as a mistake in ordering...imagine the headline, ā€œTesla Factory System Broken, Forgets to Order Wheels.ā€ Or if the issue were a late change in color. Then the headline might read, ā€œTesla Changes the Wheel Design, Is it a Safety Issue?ā€ The article could say it isnā€™t, but the damage would already have been done.

So as a stockholder, I support Teslaā€™s policy of not communicating reasons for delivery uncertainty and delays...better no news than bad news. Iā€™ll just wait for the car I want.

Ordered Model S LR white on white w/19ā€ and FSD January 28...order # 1144 estimated delivery, blank...had been March, June and August

I disagree with you. They have a responsibility
To their customers. Take care
Of the customers and the stock will reflect it. And if it doesnā€™t , Tesla still need to step up and communicate what the issue is. Amazon and apple have good CS and donā€™t bs customers. Those companies and their stock are doing quite well.
I want to say something in support of the way Tesla is communicating about Model S LR deliveries. I.. (...) But if I were running Tesla and knowing that any slightly negative news gets exaggerated, twisted and just turned into click bait by the unfriendly press, I wouldnā€™t release the slightly negative news.

Suppose the issue with the 19ā€ wheels was as simple as a mistake in ordering...imagine the headline, ā€œTesla Factory System Broken, Forgets to Order Wheels.ā€ Or if the issue were a late change in color. Then the headline might read, ā€œTesla Changes the Wheel Design, Is it a Safety Issue?ā€ The article could say it isnā€™t, but the damage would already have been done.

So as a stockholder, I support Teslaā€™s policy of not communicating reasons for delivery uncertainty and delays...better no news than bad news. Iā€™ll just wait for the car I want.

I disagree with you. They have a responsibility
To their customers. Take care
Of the customers and the stock will reflect it. And if it doesnā€™t , Tesla still need to step up and communicate what the issue is. Amazon and apple have good CS and donā€™t bs customers. Those companies and their stock are doing quite well.
Do it both ways. Control the narrative. Say outright that the CF is delayed until x/x/xx, and the 19" is delayed until x/x/xx, and the red/white is delayed. Because of our strict safety standards and need to put out the best car for our customers, blah blah : ) If you switch to different options you will get a car by x/x/xx
Don't have to be true reasons. Just give a valid timeline so customers can make choices.
Correct, but it is the first LR that we have seen it in. Previous LR delivery photos and even Plaids do not have it along the dash. Curious about others that got delivered if we are seeing an incremental design change or a one-off.
Yeah. Itā€™s on the LR. It only on doors and arm rest.


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Ok since thereā€™s people in this thread that have received their cars, anyone figured out how to view the sentry mode videos? All of the YouTube videos and websites say to press the sentry icon top right but nothing is there. Is it not working in the refresh? No such icon exists even though it says itā€™s in sentry mode and I get alerts I canā€™t view. Sorry I know thatā€™s not what this thread is about. Delete if needed and Iā€™ll post in the main forum.
RN 114263XX MSM LR 19ā€ Cream Ordered 12/05/20 Dec 31, March, May, June Now blank again
Thanks all for the pics of your new deliveries - Your cars are Super Cool!! & you give me hope - Congrats!

In case anyone in Tesla reads this please help:
  • If switching to 21ā€ arachnid wheels gets me a VIN - Iā€™ll change my order.
  • If taking delivery someplace other than Phoenix gets me a VIN - Iā€™m up for the road trip! Say where
  • Iā€™m told by folks at the call center to talk to my SA about my order, but he wonā€™t call me back.
    (BTW The guys at the TESLA store in the mall shrug their shoulders and laughā€¦.really).
  • I promise if you tell me the truth about the delay, when to expect a VIN, & how I can accelerate it I wonā€˜t go to the press
  • I am a shareholder and want you to thrive and prosperā€¦.but I also want the car I ordered 7 months ago.
Love your product, own your stock, and want to write you a six figure check. could you not make me feel like a chump.
RN 114263XX MSM LR 19ā€ Cream Ordered 12/05/20 Dec 31, March, May, June Now blank again
Thanks all for the pics of your new deliveries - Your cars are Super Cool!! & you give me hope - Congrats!

In case anyone in Tesla reads this please help:
  • If switching to 21ā€ arachnid wheels gets me a VIN - Iā€™ll change my order.
  • If taking delivery someplace other than Phoenix gets me a VIN - Iā€™m up for the road trip! Say where
  • Iā€™m told by folks at the call center to talk to my SA about my order, but he wonā€™t call me back.
    (BTW The guys at the TESLA store in the mall shrug their shoulders and laughā€¦.really).
  • I promise if you tell me the truth about the delay, when to expect a VIN, & how I can accelerate it I wonā€˜t go to the press
  • I am a shareholder and want you to thrive and prosperā€¦.but I also want the car I ordered 7 months ago.
Love your product, own your stock, and want to write you a six figure check. could you not make me feel like a chump.
You've been waiting so long, if the wheels are interchangeable, experiment a little - change the wheels and see what happens. If they don't give a VIN after a few days and you really want the 19", change it back. I changed my wheels last Sunday and crickets.... but, I also want the white interior. Lots of people seem to be getting their cream interiors.
I want to say something in support of the way Tesla is communicating about Model S LR deliveries. I understand the pain of not knowing...Iā€™ve been waiting over five months. But if I were running Tesla and knowing that any slightly negative news gets exaggerated, twisted and just turned into click bait by the unfriendly press, I wouldnā€™t release the slightly negative news.

Suppose the issue with the 19ā€ wheels was as simple as a mistake in ordering...imagine the headline, ā€œTesla Factory System Broken, Forgets to Order Wheels.ā€ Or if the issue were a late change in color. Then the headline might read, ā€œTesla Changes the Wheel Design, Is it a Safety Issue?ā€ The article could say it isnā€™t, but the damage would already have been done.

So as a stockholder, I support Teslaā€™s policy of not communicating reasons for delivery uncertainty and delays...better no news than bad news. Iā€™ll just wait for the car I want.

Ordered Model S LR white on white w/19ā€ and FSD January 28...order # 1144 estimated delivery, blank...had been March, June and August
This was only a no-win scenario for Tesla because they announced the damned thing to early. Like...a full quarter too early.

Do it like most of the big boys (Apple and the like) - you only announce when you're good and damned ready, and then suddenly it's here "next week!". They need to manage expectations better. Orders and hype don't really get them anywhere when the only metric that matters to Tesla's shareholders is deliveries anyway.
Ok since thereā€™s people in this thread that have received their cars, anyone figured out how to view the sentry mode videos? All of the YouTube videos and websites say to press the sentry icon top right but nothing is there. Is it not working in the refresh? No such icon exists even though it says itā€™s in sentry mode and I get alerts I canā€™t view. Sorry I know thatā€™s not what this thread is about. Delete if needed and Iā€™ll post in the main forum.
Correct. That icon isnā€™t there yet for whatever reason. Hopefully they fix it in software soon.

Someone in another thread said you could use voice commands - ā€œOpen dashcam viewerā€ when parked.
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Just got an update July 13th-July 20th, after being blank for one week. (It had been July 1st-July 13th for 2 days). Not holding my breath, I've been fooled too many times but hoping it sticks this time.

Ordered mine on 1/1 pre-refresh, black exterior, black interior, 19', no fsd, RN1143. Then changed to 21's and MSM a week ago.
Of course back to blank this morning. This is a brutal joke from Tesla.
I want to say something in support of the way Tesla is communicating about Model S LR deliveries. I understand the pain of not knowing...Iā€™ve been waiting over five months. But if I were running Tesla and knowing that any slightly negative news gets exaggerated, twisted and just turned into click bait by the unfriendly press, I wouldnā€™t release the slightly negative news.

Suppose the issue with the 19ā€ wheels was as simple as a mistake in ordering...imagine the headline, ā€œTesla Factory System Broken, Forgets to Order Wheels.ā€ Or if the issue were a late change in color. Then the headline might read, ā€œTesla Changes the Wheel Design, Is it a Safety Issue?ā€ The article could say it isnā€™t, but the damage would already have been done.

So as a stockholder, I support Teslaā€™s policy of not communicating reasons for delivery uncertainty and delays...better no news than bad news. Iā€™ll just wait for the car I want.

Ordered Model S LR white on white w/19ā€ and FSD January 28...order # 1144 estimated delivery, blank...had been March, June and August
There is ZERO excuse for how Tesla's lack of communication is beneficial to the company. They have the absolute worst reputation now for customer service. I've been waiting for 9 months for my car, I've been told I'm a priority and they are looking for my car and they do absolutely nothing except tell me what I want to hear. (Whenever they choose to get back to me.) If I even get the car when they decide to get me one, I will never go through this process again. Not with other car companies who will fill this void coming up on their heels. They are sinking their own ship with this behavior. Honesty is always the best policy.