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A Love Story: Model 3 is so good, monster truck drivers want to finger it

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In heavy traffic on the big many-lane freeways, red waves (of brake lights) are rarely synchronized across lanes. Your lane will come to an unexplained stop, while the lane beside flow for a few seconds, then they will switch. The OP’s lane was just temporarily the slow one when he was being undertaken in the video as he was tight to the car in front.
^ This
and This is nuts, hasn't everyone been in heavy traffic on a freeway before? Op wanted to overtake the cars next to him but could not. This is the 405 we are talking about here too so no one thinks the left lane in the passing lane anyways, everyone just drives for themselves like they are the only person that matters.

Next thing you know someone will say they should still be passing cars to the right event though there is an accident in front of them becase your in the passing lane right?

But really, EVERY lane except the right lane is a passing lane, they each overtake each other based on the fact that your supposed to pass on the left because people on the far right are entering and exiting the freeway. By this rule the far left lane is "the passing lane" because it should be used for passing cars that are to the right, just like every other lane, only you can't go anymore left. So for arguments sake (sorry Electra) technically if the op switched to the lane to his right to pass the car in front of him, he is not playing by the rules as your not supposed to pass cars using the right lane lol.

BTW his camera shows his speed, so you can clearly see that there is allot of traffic and the fast lane / passing lane is only moving at 1/2 the speed people normally do in it (80ish, but this is the 405 during daylight hours). In fact you can see the car slowing down in front of him.
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In Texas
Aggressive Drivers

Aggressive Drivers
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  2. Driver
  3. Share the Road
If you've ever been passed on the wrong side, tailgated, cut off or hemmed in by another vehicle, you've been the victim of an aggressive driver. Drivers may be fined up to $200 for each moving violation associated with aggressive driving and could spend time in jail.

Avoid Becoming an Aggressive Driver

  • Keep your emotions in check. Don't take your frustrations out on other drivers.
  • Plan ahead and allow enough time for delays.
  • Focus on your own driving. Yelling, pounding on the steering wheel and honking your horn won't make traffic move any faster.
How to Avoid Danger

First, be a cautious, considerate driver. Avoid creating a situation that may provoke another motorist.

  • Don't tailgate or flash your lights at another driver.
  • If you're in the left lane and someone wants to pass, move over and let the driver pass you.
  • Use your horn sparingly.
Second, if you do encounter an angry driver, don't make matters worse by triggering a confrontation.

  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Steer clear and give angry drivers plenty of room.
  • Don't make inappropriate hand or facial gestures.
  • If you're concerned for your safety, call 9-1-1.
Although it doesn't justify his reaction, I'll be the dissenting opinion here.

I know it isn't common in Cali but the left lane is for passing, not cruising at a speed slower than lanes to your right. You literally had 6 people pass you in the lane immediately to your right, and 15-20 pass you in all lanes to your right in the minute of your video. If you want to drive leisurely (which is great, btw) then please move out of the passing lane.

He was behind a line of cars all going the same speed. The truck driver was only angry at HIM.

This is your country on fox news. They've made these moronic gorilla people so passionate in their hatred of those evil libs, that they now hate EVs, clean tech, and protecting the planet, since libs like those things.
He was behind a line of cars all going the same speed. The truck driver was only angry at HIM.

This is your country on fox news. They've made these moronic gorilla people so passionate in their hatred of those evil libs, that they now hate EVs, clean tech, and protecting the planet, since libs like those things.
I remember when they found leaded gasoline caused neurological damage, aggressiveness, etc., and ended up banning it. I wonder if they tested the affects of inhaling diesel fumes/particulates. That could explain such behavior. ;)
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He was behind a line of cars all going the same speed. The truck driver was only angry at HIM.

This is your country on fox news. They've made these moronic gorilla people so passionate in their hatred of those evil libs, that they now hate EVs, clean tech, and protecting the planet, since libs like those things.

Lets not make this political or stereotype truck drivers, that guy was most likely a liberal himself given the location.
There are lots of reasons to own a truck not related to gorilla people!

Perhaps he just needed to do a #2 real bad. That's what I always figure when these sorts of things happen.

edit: although you would think he would have used 2 fingers instead of 1?
He was behind a line of cars all going the same speed. The truck driver was only angry at HIM.

This is your country on fox news. They've made these moronic gorilla people so passionate in their hatred of those evil libs, that they now hate EVs, clean tech, and protecting the planet, since libs like those things.
You again. Permanent energy independence is reason enough to get on board aside from your stereotypical virtual signaling. Since you just can't help yourself, ignore is the last option.
This. The people implying OP was “blocking the lane” must not know LA. Going 45mph with a car in front slowing him down ... I’m very familiar with this freeway and that’s just pretty much 405 traffic. There is NO “passing lane” to block. They’re all blocked.

I often drive on the 405 carpool lane ... I did 2 years of a 60 mike RT commute on it. In heavy traffic that goes from zero to 10-20-30 mph and back to zero all the time, I’d have people tailgating me and flashing me if I left more than 3 car lengths of space for 5 seconds. Then of course we’d slow right back down. Again and again. These morons behind me would get pissed off and finally pass me illegally crossing the double yellow, only to do the same to the next person...

Truck driver is a douche no question. OP was in no way blocking the lane, the car in front caused him to slow down!
In Texas this behavior can get expensive at 200.00 per occurrence.


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Although it doesn't justify his reaction, I'll be the dissenting opinion here.

I know it isn't common in Cali but the left lane is for passing, not cruising at a speed slower than lanes to your right. You literally had 6 people pass you in the lane immediately to your right, and 15-20 pass you in all lanes to your right in the minute of your video. If you want to drive leisurely (which is great, btw) then please move out of the passing lane.

That's a great position, in theory...

The fact of the matter is when you're in a stop & go, commuter traffic situation all lanes will pass other lanes at different times. While the OP did get passed on his right he the passed those cars later (and before). Under your theory everyone would have moved over to the right lane in this scenario, and what? One driver would have the lane to themselves? The aggressive a** in the pickup truck was definitely the problem here.
TLDR, angry A-holes in pickups are the worst drivers. Bitter, middle aged, and mad at the world. Some people are too stupid to understand that leaving some space between you and the car in front of you isn't the same as driving slow in the passing lane.

All the hate and misinformation surrounding Tesla is pretty amazing. An american car company hiring 10's of thousands of Americans making cars that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce noise pollution and help our country get off fossil fuels should be celebrated.

Maybe one day...
Nope. That kind of person will die believing that diesel smoke is healthy and pollution is a lib conspiracy.
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So, Elektra and I saw this man again during my morning commute as we were greeted by his finger of love.

Love. Never. Forgets.

Same left lane?

BTW, although I do see the traffic and understand you could go no faster. That being said the left lane should be for faster moving traffic, so there is a long line of people in front of you that just don't get it. And unfortunately that is just all to typical, especially out there where you guys live.

Is that in San Diego? I've only seen a few building like that round one before.
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Same left lane?

BTW, although I do see the traffic and understand you could go no faster. That being said the left lane should be for faster moving traffic, so there is a long line of people in front of you that just don't get it. And unfortunately that is just all to typical, especially out there where you guys live.

Is that in San Diego? I've only seen a few building like that round one before.
That really only works/applies in non-traffic situations. When the highway is full you can't have a proper passing lane.
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That really only works/applies in non-traffic situations. When the highway is full you can't have a proper passing lane.

I understand that. However it seemed like the right lanes were flowing much better than the far left lane. Cars were actually traveling at a much better rate of speed and not full stopping (it seemed). I often times will travel in the far right lanes at certain key junctures because they always seem to flow better than the left lane. I'm sure you do the same at places where a lot of traffic exits the highway etc.

Not pointing fingers. Also the fact that the Raptor flashed his lights and as large as that truck is can see there are MANY cars in front is one of those things that baffle me. There is no where to go, even if the OP pulled to the right the Truck is going no where. Sucks to be flipped off for that!
Same left lane?

BTW, although I do see the traffic and understand you could go no faster. That being said the left lane should be for faster moving traffic, so there is a long line of people in front of you that just don't get it. And unfortunately that is just all to typical, especially out there where you guys live.

Is that in San Diego? I've only seen a few building like that round one before.

Haha, nope. At a red light 10 miles away this time. He came out of a gas station, ended up next to me at the light, and displayed a sign of affection once again. I thought it was kinda funny and didn't remember him until I saw the front of his truck later on. Video was in Los Angeles and this was in San Fernando Valley.

Regarding that lane, I've found that sticking to that left lane overall flows better. The right 3 lanes usually become way slower a few miles ahead due to them merging on the 101 highway. This was before I had gotten my HOV stickers. :)
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Indeed. If you aren't overtaking, you shouldn't be in the leftmost general-access lane. If there's an active HOV lane in the extreme left (assuming a civilized country, not one of those weird right-hand-drive places that drive on the sinister side), the next-leftmost is now the passing lane for general traffic.
Hey you...:mad:
YOU drive on the wrong side!;):p