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Anyone going to upgrade to FSD before March 18th?

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Im not paying $2000 more. I just needed autopilot for stop and go traffic and lane keep for long distance driving. Navigate on Autopilot has not worked well for me at all, it makes lane change mistakes and too erratic. If NoA was better I may have considered it. I don't think full self drive is going to be a reality during the life of my car as Tesla had advertised it on the website before the changes. I don't want half baked features and if it becomes a reality and works as promised years ago I would love to be proved wrong and will pay the upcharge at that point.

This was the old description for FSD on the Tesla website: "All you will need to do is get in and tell your car where to go," Tesla's order page said. "Your Tesla will figure out the optimal route, navigate urban streets (even without lane markings), manage complex intersections with traffic lights, stop signs and roundabouts, and handle densely packed freeways with cars moving at high speed."

I don't think we are there technologically yet for at least 5-10 years where you can sleep in the car and it would be able to take you from point A to B. The description for FSD also said the driver did not need to pay attention which was removed. I rather keep the $2000 and use it for something else right now, maybe ill save it to pay for it for my next car.
I bought it the other day. At $2K for me it was worth he risk given the hope I will get the new HW3 hardware (and associated software) that will make my EAP (which I already have) better. I am not concerned about true FSD, who knows when that will happen.
I called customer service and they have no idea how much the price is going up. They have not discussed it. They just know it is going up. Pretty typical where employees have no idea where the company goes next. If the price will be $4k i think I should wait. If it will be $7k, I might need to do it now.
I held out for a long time, but finally got FOMOed and just went for it.
I hope it wasn't $ for vaporware, but time will tell.

( Now starts the wait for hw3 upgrade offers, and wondering if it would be better to wait on that in case they make some hw3 improvements over time. )
I have EAP already. FSD for 2k seems like a no-brainer to me. This is less than half the price the early M3 buyers paid. So sure, Elon may be full of crap and maybe we won't see FSD working before the end of the year. But what if? Even if it's not happening this year, I'd rather pay and be prepared now then be left wanting later. There are some days where I would absolutely love to just plug in an address and let the car do the rest from my house to destination. A bargain for two more days. A buddy called me to tell me about this because I didn't even know. I owe him big time. There will be a lot of people who missed the boat here because they just didn't know.
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This decision really depends on a couple of things to me:

1. (and most important) How much is $2000 to you, specifically? For some people (even some tesla owners likely) 2k is an amount of money they might have to finance for a few months (or longer) on a credit card. For some people, 2k is an amount they could not afford to spend. For others, 2k is an amount of money that is discretionary. The willingness to spend starts with "how much it is" to you.

2. Once hurdle one is thought about, then you have to decide what you actually might or might not get for your 2k. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is real, especially for tesla owners in general as a group. For many, one of the reasons they chose tesla was the fact that tesla updates the car with new features. Many want as many features as possible for their car and are willing to take a chance to get it. Others are in the "feeling burned" column.
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I just stumbled upon this topic. I guess my timing is good. I have EAP of course on my first generation RWD LR. When I get into my account and click manage on my vehicle I keep getting a error message 404 page not found.

Wasn't the original terms $3,000 when we took delivery and 4000 after delivery? I'm foggy on it but is that accurate?

Do you really think it's going up on Mon.?

Hardware that will obviously be required whenever this becomes a reality will be included no extra charge correct??

Lastly, if it never gets delivered in any kind of functional form we'll all get a full refund I'm sure correct??

This decision really depends on a couple of things to me:

1. (and most important) How much is $2000 to you, specifically? For some people (even some tesla owners likely) 2k is an amount of money they might have to finance for a few months (or longer) on a credit card. For some people, 2k is an amount they could not afford to spend. For others, 2k is an amount of money that is discretionary. The willingness to spend starts with "how much it is" to you.

2. Once hurdle one is thought about, then you have to decide what you actually might or might not get for your 2k. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is real, especially for tesla owners in general as a group. For many, one of the reasons they chose tesla was the fact that tesla updates the car with new features. Many want as many features as possible for their car and are willing to take a chance to get it. Others are in the "feeling burned" column.

Hah, this unhip guy thanks you for explaining what FOMO means.
This decision really depends on a couple of things to me:

1. (and most important) How much is $2000 to you, specifically? For some people (even some tesla owners likely) 2k is an amount of money they might have to finance for a few months (or longer) on a credit card. For some people, 2k is an amount they could not afford to spend. For others, 2k is an amount of money that is discretionary. The willingness to spend starts with "how much it is" to you.

2. Once hurdle one is thought about, then you have to decide what you actually might or might not get for your 2k. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is real, especially for tesla owners in general as a group. For many, one of the reasons they chose tesla was the fact that tesla updates the car with new features. Many want as many features as possible for their car and are willing to take a chance to get it. Others are in the "feeling burned" column.

Good points. If I pay the $3k then the price I paid for my car will be slightly less than what people pay after Monday. If I don’t, Im a couple thousand in the hole. Autopilot is great. i’m glad i bought it for mundane stop and go traffic. Spending $3k more though for an autopilot with light recognition? While this might be amazing tech, what will I do with it? Autonomy is worth a fortune but this isn’t autonomy, it is just smarter autopilot. Decisions decisions.
Did it. Thanks for everyone input. I used my next mortgage payment hahahahaha. Just kidding. I’d never do that. I used kids college savings.....


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