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App vs Car Charging Discrepancy

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Active Member
Mar 24, 2019
I noticed tonight when charging my car at home that the app showed 7kW and the car showed a 8kW charging rate, all the other numbers were correct. I don't recall those numbers being different in the past and this is my second Tesla since 2018. You'd think they would be the same. And not that it's really that big of a deal but, which one is correct?
I know I can calculate it myself, I was just commenting about how the car and app aren't showing the same numbers. I figured it was a rounding thing but you'd still think they would both reflect the same number. When the charging ramped up and stabilized the car never showed above or below 8kW and the app never showed above or below 7kW.
You explicitly asked which one is correct, which is why I gave you the way to answer that question - even though you apparently already knew how. 👍🏻
I know how to calculate it, I just didn't want to and asked which one was correct because I also wanted to know if others are having this discrepancy, which I should have asked. I did say in my initial post that all the other numbers were the same, so 240 volts times 32 amps is 7,680. This means the app rounded down to 7kW and the car rounded up to 8kW. Since the calculation showed a number about in the middle, again you'd think the app and car would round it the same and show the same number.

I've never noticed this discrepancy while at a Supercharger, but now I will be paying more attention to it.
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I know how to calculate it, I just didn't want to and asked which one was correct because I also wanted to know if others are having this discrepancy, which I should have asked. I did say in my initial post that all the other numbers were the same, so 240 volts times 32 amps is 7,680. This means the app rounded down to 7kW and the car rounded up to 8kW. Since the calculation showed a number about in the middle, again you'd think the app and car would round it the same and show the same number.

I've never noticed this discrepancy while at a Supercharger, but now I will be paying more attention to it.
I would normally trust the car before the app, and based on the math, that would be correct in your case, and 8kW would be the right answer.
Also, are you sure the 240 volts is exactly 240? When I charge my car, the voltage varies some, but is usually around 236 to 238 or so, not exactly 240.
But in your case, even 236 volts would round up to 8kW.
Also, are you sure the 240 volts is exactly 240? When I charge my car, the voltage varies some, but is usually around 236 to 238 or so, not exactly 240.
But in your case, even 236 volts would round up to 8kW.
I had no way of finding out if it was 240 exactly, which it probably wasn't, I know it goes up and down slightly. But 240 is what the app and my car showed steadily. I kind of figured the car was more accurate, still seems like the app then should be fixed reflect what the car shows because I though the app got that information from the car.
I know how to calculate it, I just didn't want to and asked which one was correct because I also wanted to know if others are having this discrepancy, which I should have asked. I did say in my initial post that all the other numbers were the same, so 240 volts times 32 amps is 7,680. This means the app rounded down to 7kW and the car rounded up to 8kW. Since the calculation showed a number about in the middle, again you'd think the app and car would round it the same and show the same number.

I've never noticed this discrepancy while at a Supercharger, but now I will be paying more attention to it.
Likely just as simple as 2 different software teams doing the math/rounding slightly differently in their code.
because I though the app got that information from the car.
Neither my car nor the tesla app displays the power, just the current and voltage. But I have a 3rd party app that does display the power and also indicates that it is a value read directly from the car (not independently calculated).
So it seems the car and app should show the same value. Are you still seeing the discrepancy?