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This market is really pissing me off. Why isn't Tesla getting any love? The reservations are coming in, and nothing has changed since when Tesla was at 35. I bought about 2000 shares at around 32-33. This is beginning to piss me off. I am long, short of someone giving me a darn good reason not to be, but seriously, this is beginning to annoy me. What is going on? How long do you folks think this will continue?
Care to explain? I think your saying you expect the stock to skyrocket during between the release date announcement and the release of the Model S. I am hoping that's what your saying, since it seems that is the only thing that will trigger a reversal. Either that or some announcement of a deal with a major group for power-train components. I really hate Morgan Stanley for causing a 13% drop. Once Tesla can prove that at least 6500 of the 9000+ reservations intend to buy the Model S in 2012, they should be set for 2013.
The stock market is rarely predictable and sometimes you get the opposite effect of what you're expecting. At the end of the day, remember that even though companies help set the pace with their performance and PR, it's normal old human beings that end up defining the market. There's a lot of emotion, misguidance, scheming etc.

What's sunshine without rain?
I agree. The stock market is rarely predictable. However, the long term trend should be all clear once it is obvious nothing is wrong with the company. Are we all in agreement though that once it is evident that Tesla will not fail in the next 6 months, all clouds should be lifted, and the horizon should be all clear. This should yield an all out reversal. The only thing dogging the stock at this moment is general fears of electric cars, the problems with the Karma, and Mike Kelly pushing for a revoking of the $7500 tax rebate. Are we in agreement a short squeeze is imminent once it is obvious Tesla isn't going to fail?
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I'm in agreement that *$#% happens and the stock market can be a *^$#@. It sounds like you're asking for reassurance... Personally, I can't give that. I honestly don't know what will happen, but yes, I do hope in the long run Tesla will continue to rise.
@Doug_G: agreed. If one is bullish on TSLA, a falling price simply creates opportunity to buy an undervalued stock. The declining price may, however, cause one to do a check-back on whether being bullish is appropriate. In theory, the market has as much (or more) information than any individual investor, and in theory that means its price today reflects the best estimate of the value of the company. Efficient market theory, however, may be right on average but wrong in particular cases.
This market is really pissing me off. Why isn't Tesla getting any love? The reservations are coming in, and nothing has changed since when Tesla was at 35. I bought about 2000 shares at around 32-33. This is beginning to piss me off. I am long, short of someone giving me a darn good reason not to be, but seriously, this is beginning to annoy me. What is going on? How long do you folks think this will continue?
Is this your first investment?
This isn't my first investment, but it is my first very risky investment

I have invested before, mostly in strong companies with a trend of yielding 20-40% annually, that have 0 chance of going bankrupt, and are guaranteed to be growing. I would rather not say which ones (Apple, etc... :tongue:) . However, this is the first time I've invested in such a high beta stock, especially one where there are so many people betting against it. I really don't know what to expect. It would help me feel better if someone else tells me they agree with my investment thesis.
Any technicians out there that can shed some light on this? It's RSI is now 29, indicating it is technically oversold. If this doesn't jump tomorrow I don't know how to react. I'm usually a hold and wait it out type of person, which usually works well. In this case I'm a bit worried. I provided some math for what I think Tesla will be worth in 2 years, once it is evident that they will not fail. I see Tesla achieving a $15-20billon market cap, assuming 15k Model S, 15K Model X, and 200k Model 3rd Generation, as well as 25% margins, and a PE of 10. The success of the Model S, in my opinion, will bring TSLA to at least $100 a share. I'd rather not show the math again. Any thoughts on why this is going down recently? It was showing such tremendous strength prior to the downgrade. This weakness in the stock is really frustrating me.