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Arghhhhh - single track roads!

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This really is doing my head in.

I live in a rural area with single track roads all over the place.

EVERY single time I forget to turn off emergency lane assist when I start the car I get aggravating damgerous klaxons going off and dodgy steering once or twice per trip as the car tries to 'save' me from a passing place.

Why can't I turn this off permanently? I have never had this in a car before.... it isn't some sort of crazy legal directive is it?

It is actually dangerous as well as annoying. The worst kind of nannying.
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I'm in a similar position, we live on a single track lane and many of the roads I use all the time are single track. The car used to bong at me all the time until I just turned off the sounds from the ultrasonic sensors. It still insists on displaying red lines around the car a lot of the time, warning me of non-existent collision threats.

I also get regular steering input events, with the car deciding to try and wrench the wheel out of my hand when it decides some normal narrow road feature is an imminent threat. I've got to know most of the places it does this, now, but wish there was a way to turn it off permanently. I get the feeling that the software developers just didn't consider normal UK rural roads, and assumed that anything narrower than a 4 lane freeway was too dangerous an environment to be driving down.
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I don’t have cause to use the narrowest lanes very often these days but back in the early summer last year when I did, the long grass between the wheels caused it some angst !!
Considering it’s a tarmac B road, everyone was a little surprised when highways mowed the grass :p I guess that’s Norfolk for you. A bit of weed killer might not have gone amiss.
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I also get regular steering input events, with the car deciding to try and wrench the wheel out of my hand when it decides some normal narrow road feature is an imminent threat.

I have occasionally had the klaxon and the screen message telling me that the car just saved me by steering but I've never been aware of the steering wheel actually moving ... maybe it's so slight ... or the dramatic noise distracts me .. but I just seem to to drive on as if nothing happened!
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I have occasionally had the klaxon and the screen message telling me that the car just saved me by steering but I've never been aware of the steering wheel actually moving ... maybe it's so slight ... or the dramatic noise distracts me .. but I just seem to to drive on as if nothing happened!

Most of the time mine's the same, just the warning sound and message, but there's one junction I drive past regularly that always, without fail, triggers a very strong steering movement to the right, together with the warning. The junction's one that is at an acute angle to the road I'm on, to the left hand side, and the avoiding action happens whenever there is another vehicle stopped and waiting for me to pass. The visualisation "sees" the vehicle, and colours it red every time, even though it's stationary. I think that what's happening is that the car gets confused by having another car apparently facing my car, but to the left, rather than to the right.

The warning noise is a PITA, especially with a passenger in the car. My wife now hates the Tesla, she stopped driving it a few months ago because of the random oddball warnings and braking events, and it's now got to the point where she suggests we take her car if going somewhere, as she seems irrationally upset by the false warnings from my car. Came to a head on the way back from our Christmas break, when we had around 4 or 5 warning events during a ~2 hour drive home. If there was a way to permanently turn these warnings off, then that would, IMHO, make life a lot easier.
It can't be a legal requirement because I can turn off lane assist in my VW.

Hmmm - we really need to get this changed with an update.

It probably only affects a tiny percentage of users... but for those of us that do live in these areas it is infuriating. My wife always forgets what setting to disable and (quite rightly) wonders why she has to faff about in the car every time she starts it rather than just driving off.
Most of the time mine's the same, just the warning sound and message, but there's one junction I drive past regularly that always, without fail, triggers a very strong steering movement to the right, together with the warning. The junction's one that is at an acute angle to the road I'm on, to the left hand side, and the avoiding action happens whenever there is another vehicle stopped and waiting for me to pass. The visualisation "sees" the vehicle, and colours it red every time, even though it's stationary. I think that what's happening is that the car gets confused by having another car apparently facing my car, but to the left, rather than to the right.

The warning noise is a PITA, especially with a passenger in the car. My wife now hates the Tesla, she stopped driving it a few months ago because of the random oddball warnings and braking events, and it's now got to the point where she suggests we take her car if going somewhere, as she seems irrationally upset by the false warnings from my car. Came to a head on the way back from our Christmas break, when we had around 4 or 5 warning events during a ~2 hour drive home. If there was a way to permanently turn these warnings off, then that would, IMHO, make life a lot easier.
My wife is the same!

It is certainly the 'emergency lane assist' toggle that is the cause of my grief. If it is turned off - no problems.
Hmmm - we really need to get this changed with an update.

It probably only affects a tiny percentage of users... but for those of us that do live in these areas it is infuriating. My wife always forgets what setting to disable and (quite rightly) wonders why she has to faff about in the car every time she starts it rather than just driving off.

It does vary with the updates. A good while back it became a regular thing but was resolved (95% for me) by a subsequent update. I'm pleased to say that it's a rare occurrence for me nowadays and I do drive on single track and narrow single carriageway roads frequently. I'm not sure why we have to have a blaring sound when it happens anyway! If it really was a serious incident the last thing you would want is another loud distraction.
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I'm not sure why we have to have a blaring sound when it happens anyway! If it really was a serious incident the last thing you would want is another loud distraction.

It's that loud warning sound that is the annoying thing, IMHO. It makes matters far worse, until you get used to the fact that it's just a "feature" of the car. First time it happened was on the M3, driving home from collecting the car at West Drayton. Frightened the living daylights out of both of us, and almost made me pull over to the hard shoulder to try and find out what had gone wrong (it was the car getting frightened of a truck - but at least it didn't slam the brakes on!).

That very loud warning noise needs to be either turned down, or given the option to be permanently turned off, like the ultrasonic sensor warnings, at least until such time that the software is mature enough to not give so many false alarms.

There's one occasion, out of all the dozens of times that the car has done this, when there was a remote possibility of the car hitting something. A couple of months ago the car detected some deer crossing the road ahead (at night) before they were visible. I'm guessing that it was the radar that spotted them, as they didn't show on the screen, and they were too far away for the (dipped) headlights to light them up. I only knew it was deer when the lights caught the back end of the last one in the group jumping the hedge to the left, so the warning was given in plenty of time.
It can't be a legal requirement because I can turn off lane assist in my VW.
In my wife's ID.3, you can turn it off, but it comes on again on the next drive. I've read somewhere that it's an NCAP requirement that if fitted, it can't be permanently disabled, and that the operation to turn it off on any one drive has to be more than a simple on/off button!

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In my wife's ID.3, you can turn it off, but it comes on again on the next drive. I've read somewhere that it's an NCAP requirement that if fitted, it can't be permanently disabled, and that the operation to turn it off on any one drive has to be more than a simple on/off button!


Oh no. Then we can't even get Tesla to fix this? How do we influence NCAP? This really is crazy... a safety regulation which makes my driving more dangerous?
Oh no. Then we can't even get Tesla to fix this? How do we influence NCAP? This really is crazy... a safety regulation which makes my driving more dangerous?
I know. Hopefully someone will figure out how to permanently disable it using VCDS or similar (ID.3). It's WAY more annoying on the ID.3 than the Tesla BTW. Constantly nudging the wheel to "correct" you and beeping if you cross the line.
Yes, that's what I do. It hardly ever intervenes now.

AFAIK you can turn lane keep off and turn collision warning to "late". I never have this issue.

This is a totally different setting elsewhere on the panel which i also have set to 'late'

This is a very specific error that happens on single track roads and is related to the 'emergency lane departure' toggle which is not possible to be adjusted except on a per journey basis.
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