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Battery won’t charge

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So far their "customer service" has been garbage - promised to get back to me on monday re: arranging a loaner, so far nothing, messages I sent to them yesterday afternoon enquiring if there was any update seem to have been completley ignored - car has now made its way down to 28% remaining, lets see if I get a response from them today.

12,000 miles and the battery is dead - I am not very impressed.

Any progress since last week? (I have to say the Edinburgh SC has been pretty good with my own dealings... touch wood!)
Any progress since last week? (I have to say the Edinburgh SC has been pretty good with my own dealings... touch wood!)
Some progress - and a bit of a background story too since I think it's only fair to explain what they have said happened rather than just rant - I seem to just have bad luck;

So first week in February I raised service request as I had a warning that battery was unable to fully charge, they passed it to Virtual Service who investigated and mid February came back and said I will need a new HV battery, one has been ordered, I can continue to drive the vehicle and they'll be in touch once the parts arrive. All was well until 2 weeks ago when the car decided it would no longer charge - displaying constant error message and beeping whenever regen tried to do anything - as I said previously in this thread I messaged Tesla to point out I could no longer charge and the battery was going down, they acknowledged but didnt say anything further, last Saturday I highlighted that the car was now undrivable as it was at 30% and if I let it go much further I would not be able to reach service centre, they responded saying they would contact Edinburgh regarding a loaner vehicle and get back to me on Monday. - I heard nothing else since then despite sending various messages throughout the week finally sending on Friday afternoon "The car is now just above 20% can somebody please respond to me".

I got a phone call on monday from Virtual Service apologising, but explaining theyve been trying to get in touch with Edinburgh and not getting any response (I find it odd that they cant just pick up a phone - but anyway), he suggested that as I was under warranty and while he's sorry he has to suggest this, but I could at my leisure drive the car over to Edinburgh and demand a loaner vehicle - he would update the service request to say that he had told me to do this. I pointed out about the range issue and he told me, if I dont think it would make it, that's even better, call Tesla Recovery at my leisure and they'll take the car to Edinburgh and get me a loaner.

So some background (to be fair to Tesla); It seems that the service messaging system (or whatever you want to call it) has f***ed up, both Edinburgh and VS were receiving my messages, but I was not receiving any responses, VS were also not recieving responses from Edinburgh - when I went over yesterday Edinburgh showed me the service request and the messages that had been sent back and forward between them and me (none of which I had received), it seems that Edinburgh had responded last week on the tuesday and said that they had a car for me, but when they never got a response from me (I never got the message) or VS (who it seems also didn't get the message) they didn't follow up further - they've now made a note on the request that I am not receiving messages and to phone me instead.

Back to the saga - so since my car was at 23% and the navigation said I would arrive Edinburgh with 1% charge I wasn't too keen in driving down the m8 with that likleyhood, so I contacted Tesla Recovery, via the app - they responded within a few minutes telling me I would have enough range to make it to edinburgh and that edinburgh had a loaner car for me, please take the car there now - we have informed edinburgh your coming - this was first red flag, but still I reconfirmed with them that they definitley had a car and they wanted me to drive the car down a motorway with the likleyhood it would just make it - they clearly didn't understand what was wrong with the car as they came back telling me, it's fine I can charge on the way to the centre, its just a warning message... So I drove to Edinburgh and made it - amazing how much you save by not going above 50mph, made it there with 7% remaining... and Edinburgh firstly were not expecting me and secondly did not have a loaner vehicle - they had even told the idiot from Recovery that there was no car available for me until at least that evening - I arrived at 10am (and showed me this communication) so the guy just blatently lied...

The guys at Edinburgh were extremly appologetic and unfortunately couldn't even give me a demo car as they were all booked out on test drives for the day until a loaner came back from another customer; they called some of the people who were due to return loaners that day to see if any could return it as soon as possible and in the end I got given one just before 3pm.

Not overly impressed to be honest, exceptionally pissed off at Tesla Recovery for blatently lying - they could of just told the truth and said take it over at night and it would of avoided totally pissing me off - no idea where they are based but they clearly had no understanding of the issue (given they insisted I could just stop and charge the car on my way to service centre) and even the people at Edinburgh seemed to be pissed off at them.

They don't have a date for the replacement battery arriving, but they recokin its highly unlikely to be within the next month, if I am lucky maybe sometime in May.

Could be worse I suppose, while I was there some guy had brought his in just out of warranty for some brake failure - he was really unhappy!

Sadly I think Tesla are a victim of their own success, they have grown far to big, far to quickly and dont have the infrastructure in place to support such a large customer base / large number of issues as until this issue, they have been really efficient in dealing with any problems (including the 5 trips to prevent water leaking into the boot!)
Well I was expecting my car to be ready on 26th April but just had a message to say it will be ready at 11am today. Invoice shows HV battery replaced at a cost of £8,658.33 and AC cable replaced at a cost of £165.00.

While great service the timing is a bummer because I’m supposed to be leaving for a two day conference in Rugby shortly. I don’t imagine they’ll let me keep the loaner till Monday.
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Well I was expecting my car to be ready on 26th April but just had a message to say it will be ready at 11am today. Invoice shows HV battery replaced at a cost of £8,658.33 and AC cable replaced at a cost of £165.00.

While great service the timing is a bummer because I’m supposed to be leaving for a two day conference in Rugby shortly. I don’t imagine they’ll let me keep the loaner till Monday.
Lucky! Does all appear to be fixed?

Latest update for me on Friday was "We're still awaiting a replacement battery - we don't have an ETA yet but will continue to push to get you one as soon as possible, we will keep you updated..." :/
Yes, it all looks fixed. I’ve driven about 400 miles since I picked it up and the range and performance is exactly what I would expect.

Tesla weren’t letting me keep the loaner over the weekend though. On Saturday morning I got a message (while I was in Rugby) reminding me to bring the car in or face late penalty charges. I left the conference a bit early, got to Chester about 4.30pm to drop of the loaner and pick up my car. Didn’t have to see anyone face to face.

Hope you get your car sorted soon.


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To update my battery saga which finally ended yesterday.... after 5 months from when problem was first reported to Tesla!

Can't really blame the service centre at Edinburgh as it's not been their fault - but Tesla's availability of parts is shocking if it takes them 5 months to replace the HV battery.

Got the car back yesterday evening and so far all seems well!