If your route is I-10W to 60W to 215S to 15S to 76W, then I suggest you top off at Temecula SC. It is on the 3rd floor of the mall parking garage, an though sometimes busy, rarely do you have to wait for a slot.
As long as you fill up in Temecula you should have plenty of charge to do lots of driving. During your vacation if you find yourself going north, or if you need more electrons, then head up to San Clemente SC. You and your wife can stroll through the outlet mall.
If you find yourself heading to San Diego, then go to Fashion Valley Mall where the Tesla Store is. Call ahead and make sure they know you are visiting from AZ and wish to charge while visiting the mall. They should be able to help you.
In Oceanside I used to charge my Leaf at the Nissan Dealer. I have even used their J1772 to charge up our Tesla a couple of times. Because of the time required, I have only done that when I had to drop off my wife somewhere close by, then waited for her to finish while charging. Call ahead if you wish to use it to find out the status and ask permission. So far they always say yes. I have even used Nissan dealers on my cross country trip in both GA and FL when a SC was not convenient. In both cases these dealers also said yes.