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Climate Change Denial

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All advertising must meet our advertising acceptability guidelines,” said a New York Times spokesperson, Nicole Taylor. “This prohibits advertising that is intentionally misleading, deceptive, or contains false information. Ads submitted to the New York Times are reviewed by an advertising standards team and are subject to factchecking.” Yet, Exxon’s misleading claims about carbon capture passed this filter. Taylor didn’t say whether the Exxon ad went through the company’s factchecking process, just that ads “are subject” to factchecking. So either the ad passed, or it wasn’t checked closely in the first place.

They just need to form a PAC and run it as a political ad, totally exempt... because FREEDUMB! See case of telemarketing and obviously political ads.
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Disgusting attitude toward your fellow man.

Says the guy that rejects the harm carbon emissions are doing to people that played ~no role in causing the problem. They never got to play and still they are forced by fools fuel addicted scum to pay a price.

Cain and Valentine CHOSE to roll the dice. Play stupid games... win stupid prizes. I feel sorry for the nurses ethically required to care for idiots.

.... would it not be more just if people with 50 ton/yr lifestyles suffered 50x more heatwaves, droughts and floods than people with a 1 ton/yr lifestyle?
I have as much sympathy for these people as I have for drunk drivers.
According to the left, these people need treatment, not incarceration.

"At the VICE News “Brown & Black Democratic Presidential Forum” this week, former Vice President Joe Biden said “drunk driving should not be a felony,” and immigration agents who detain illegal immigrants caught driving drunk should be fired. Biden’s position puts him at odds with Mothers Against Drunk Driving and with advocates for tougher punishment of DUIs in New Hampshire."
Says the guy that rejects the harm carbon emissions is doing to people that played ~no role in causing the problem. They never got to play and still they are forced by fools fuel addicted scum to pay a price. Cain and Valentine CHOSE to roll the dice. Play stupid games... win stupid prizes.
Ignorance squared... I support climate change initiatives and installed a PV/Storage system many years ago.

It's too bad the effects of climate change denial aren't as precise in who they hurt as COVID/vaccine denial... The comments are amusing...

Wishing death on others is still disgusting. Stop digging.
Wishing death on others is still disgusting. Stop digging.

Not 'wishing death' would just be better if the consequences are allocated to those choosing to cause the problem not spread out over everyone.... choose not to get vaccinated? Most of the risk is on you. Choose an addiction to fools fuel... the cost is spread over society and often mostly on those that contributed to the problem the least..... Not very fair is it....
I have as much sympathy for these people as I have for drunk drivers.

Arguably less. At least drunk drivers have the excuse of being drunk when they made the idiotic decision to drive. Was Valentine drunk for 10 months from when the vaccine was released to when he committed suicide by stupidity?

Makes you wonder what else he was wrong about.... let's not gamble with our future the same way Valentine idiotically gambled with his....

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Conservation of Energy. If you add energy to something or prevent energy from escaping it heats up. The 'temperature' radiated by CO2 is irrelevant. We're not talking about conduction but radiation. The equivalent 'temperature' of your microwave is < 17K or < -256C but it can boil water. How? Because water interacts with the wavelength and your microwave can add energy to the water. Same way more IR bouncing around in the atmosphere due to more CO2 causes warming.
Somebody has to teach him the physice behind radiative frost.
I'm all for protecting global warming....so I bought a Tesla...to drive to the airport....to do my job, and fly a jumbo jet to Hawaii....and burn 12,000 Pounds or 1,200 Gallons of Fuel per hour for 6 hours....to go where it's warmer and sunny🤣🤣🌴☀️

.... it's 2021 and CO2 is ~415ppm... you no longer need to go to Hawaii to get warm and sunny weather in December....

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I used to take climate change seriously, but now that it’s shoehorned into every topic I can’t stand hearing about it anymore.
-Fire in California … climate change
-No rain in the southwest desert.. climate change
-California running out of water because of overpopulation? Nope it’s because of climate change!
-too hot? Climate change
-Too cold? Climate change!
I used to take climate change seriously, but now that it’s shoehorned into every topic I can’t stand hearing about it anymore.
-Fire in California … climate change
-No rain in the southwest desert.. climate change
-California running out of water because of overpopulation? Nope it’s because of climate change!
-too hot? Climate change
-Too cold? Climate change!
Actually fires (see what happened in Australia), drougths and estreme weather conditions are always caused by the Climate Change issue.
I don't really understand your point.
I used to take climate change seriously, but now that it’s shoehorned into every topic I can’t stand hearing about it anymore.
-Fire in California … climate change
-No rain in the southwest desert.. climate change
-California running out of water because of overpopulation? Nope it’s because of climate change!
-too hot? Climate change
-Too cold? Climate change!
Don't look up!
Actually fires (see what happened in Australia), drougths and estreme weather conditions are always caused by the Climate Change issue.
I don't really understand your point.
My point is that most of the fires in California have been set by human activity.
The southwest US is a desert, and has been before humans settled it, yet people still blame their lack of water on man made climate change.
California being in constant drought is a man made problem not caused by climate change. Just like oil, ground water and reservoirs are a finite resource and the state has been building new neighborhoods and expanding cities like crazy. The more homes you build the quicker you’ll deplete your water reserves. Yet I never see the main stream media mention that, the only thing they push is that climate change is the reason for our lack of water.