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Climate Change Denial

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You bought that stupid-ass John Cook Skeptical Science Crap? Allow me to present to you where that 97% bullcrap study came from.

97% of scientist who study the climate are in agreement. The pathetic signature pages of the physics deniers are generally non scientists from fields not related to climate but who have personal or professional ties to denial.
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1. Nothing.
2. The Goldilocks or Habitable Zone - the earth's optimal distance from the sun
3. Different scientists come up with different estimates of CO2 induced flux. Your numbers are in the ballpark. Spencer's is something like that.

What happened to Water Vapor being a GHG? So..... what exactly are you arguing if you agree the radiative forcing of CO2 is ~1.5w/m^2? Cumulatively that's not a small number. That's enough to add ~2E22J/yr to the oceans, make Venus hotter than Mercury and drive interglacial periods.... so..... CO2 blocks ~1.5w/m^2 AND there's nothing blocking heat on the surface from radiating away???? Which is it?

.... again.... you understand that your answer to Q1 and Q3 can't both be true..... right? Which is it?
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The oceans were warming. They appear to be starting a cooling trend now.

.... are you high?

Screen Shot 2021-05-31 at 10.53.43 PM.png
No. The average distance doesn't change, the Eccentricity does. So the average amount of energy received by the sun annually remains the same. What changes?
That is something one has to look up and research. I don't have the exact distances of perihelion and aphelion in my head. But those distances are affected plus the variation of the tilted axis with respect to the orbital plane around the sun.
That is something one has to look up and research. I don't have the exact distances of perihelion and aphelion in my head. But those distances are affected plus the variation of the tilted axis with respect to the orbital plane around the sun.

The average distance literally cannot change. That's not how orbital mechanics works. Eccentricity, Obliquity and Precession change. That's WHY you need a powerful set of feedbacks to drive a 10C temperature change. So.... what changes? You agreed CO2 adds ~1.5w/m^2 (~120ppm increase)... that would do it.... why can't you connect the dots???
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Oh you mean like the Permian extinction event where 90+% of living things died because magmatism burned through the Siberian traps coal and sedimentary deposits releasing massive amount of greenhouse gases and raising sea surface temperatures by ~10C and acidifying the ocean?
Initial pulse of Siberian Traps sills as the trigger of the end-Permian mass extinction

At any rate what are these negative feedbacks that you are actually aware of?
Do you think the almighty CO2 molecule will do something like that? Is that what you think?
The average distance literally cannot change. That's not how orbital mechanics works. Eccentricity, Obliquity and Precession change. That's WHY you need a powerful set of feedbacks to drive a 10C temperature change. So.... what changes? You agreed CO2 adds ~1.5w/m^2 (~120ppm increase)... that would do it.... why can't you connect the dots???
Because those dots require a tremendous amount of tunnel vision.
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Because those dots require a tremendous amount of tunnel vision.

???? No.... just math. 1.5w/m^2 is ~2E22J/yr. You think adding that much energy to a system has no effect? You understand the Law of conservation of Energy is a 'Law'.... right ;)

So....... Increasing CO2 from 180 to 280 ppm would increase radiative forcing sufficiently with the help of a few feedbacks to warm the planet by 10C because math. We know CO2 actually DID increase from 180 to 280ppm... and that temperatures DID rise by ~10C but.... that's not the cause.... why? And there are also no other remotely plausible explanations. So..... CO2 isn't the cause..... why?
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Arctic temperatures are running right along the 1958-2002 mean. Doesn't appear the Arctic ice will melt away to oblivion like you global warming zealots hope.

Meanwhile in the US.

CNN : Record heat expected this week in the West.
If you think all scientists and engineers are singing from the same human-caused global warming hymn, you are flat-out wrong!
Indeed but the vast majority of them are saying so, and on what basis are you claiming they are wrong, and the small minority you support correct? Why, a political one, since you yourself have repeatedly accused the majority of some form of liberal agenda.

Your argument is pure hypocrisy .. you say that scientists should be allowed to decide, but in fact what you mean is that only the scientisis who agree with you should be part of that decision. That is not science that is party politics in its most raw and damaging form.
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Does that mean climate catastrophe?
It means you lied about ocean temperatures dropping as well as arctic temperatures dropping. Just another of your arguments being destroyed once again. Funny thing is if you go to the link you provided and look at the graphs for the last 20 or so years you see that arctic temps have been consistently higher than the mean other than the summer months. Your own sources contradict you yet still you persist.
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