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Consumption chart issues?

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Hey everyone

I've got my 2021 Model Y little over 25k miles on it, pretty familiar with my consumption and generally don't look at the chart I understand I can go between 180-230 miles on a full charge at highway speeds depending on temp and elevation in most scenarios I have encountered. Lifetime rating over 25k miles is always just over 300 wh/mi, two days ago I was curious what my numbers were looking like and I was shocked, average range on 30 miles of data was showing over 500 wh/mi with the weather around 50 degrees not much wind and no highway or spirited driving. Started to panic, think there was something wrong etc so I went to my trips page and saw much more normal wh/mi numbers that seemed to correspond with actual usage (240-260 wh/mi). Curious if anyone else has noticed such a discrepancy and if so what did you do to fix it? Tires are at 42PSI, I am on winter tires so I know efficiency takes a hit but this is my second winter on them and I've never had consumption charts looking like this. I've attached photos, but if anyone has any ideas on how to solve this I'm all ears!

Thanks for your time


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I do remember someone at TMC recently mentioned this exact thing. They thought it was just after a recent software update.

There are a few different threads on people complaining about consumption numbers being "out of whack" after some recent update or other. Here is the main one I remember:

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I was shocked, average range on 30 miles of data was showing over 500 wh/mi with the weather around 50 degrees not much wind and no highway or spirited driving.

... and I was thrilled to see 400 driving at around the same temp, very little wind at 78-80 mph. Return trip was slightly lower, temps closer to 75 and faster speeds. '22 PY with pZero rubber at 38 psi cold.