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In right-to-work states it won't matter because they have the ability to fire you for no reason and there is no recourse. (e.g. lawsuits won't go anywhere).

"just another brick in the wall."

do you remember the ending of that movie?

tensions will be running high, during this stressful time. you can push people only so far.

our corporate masters had better be thinking about how THEY are going to weather this, too.

short answer: if we don't act like a whole society, thinking about each other, yes, things can get ugly. countries have had revolutions before and we (modern times) are not immune to that. it will take a lot to get people to do that, but we are sowing the seeds right now. we better be careful and think before we do things.

bread and circus keeps the population calm under normal circumstances. these are anything but normal, though.

terrorism happens when people are pushed to the edge and feel they have nothing left to lose. if we are not careful, we could create that situation.

I'm advocating LOTS of caution. if you own a company or are a manager, you need to re-think your power base and understand what might happen if you push people too hard when they are up against the wall.
The above story has been making the rounds in the media (and isn't the only example in the US w/tested roadblocks) and is mentioned at Survey of Nation’s Frontline Registered Nurses Shows Hospitals Unprepared For COVID-19.

totally 100% unacceptable!

america is in ostrich-mode. what are we, a 3rd world country? we sure are acting like it.

I'd like to see legal action againt our administration for RISKING OUR LIVES and thinking this is all some joke (the 'hoax' line has been discussed enough so I won't throw that against our admin - we all know that he's only looking out for himself.)

I call that murder. you can protect peoples' lives and yet you sit there and deny, deny, deny.

until tests are allowed to be given when a DOCTOR says so - and not held back by POLITICIANS - I'm basically doing all I can to keep myself safe, healthy and if that means I'm doing the 'social distance' thing to an extreme, so be it. I do not want to worry that I might catch the virus and be denied the test by my own 'government'.

you want pitchforks and fires? keep this up, guys.

I'm furious about how we are NOT taking this seriously.

yesterday, I made a supermarket run and not a single cashier had a mask or gloves on.

entirely too many people were 'told' this is a hoax and sadly, too many people are still not understanding the seriousness of it all.
For those speaking German here is todays account from Italy. Similar articles can be found in the Italian Press e.g. in the various regional editions of the Corriere della sera.
You can read in those links what happens in reality in an overloaded health care system.

Do you have a good read on the situation in Switzerland? The raw numbers are encouraging so far:

# "Switzerland" daily new infections log:
Mar 01:     6 new cases,     23 total cases (+25.0%)  #
Mar 02:     6 new cases,     29 total cases (+20.0%)  #
Mar 03:     7 new cases,     36 total cases (+18.9%)  #
Mar 04:    43 new cases,     79 total cases (+53.7%)  #########
Mar 05:     7 new cases,     86 total cases ( +8.0%)  #
Mar 06:   123 new cases,    209 total cases (+58.5%)  ############################
Mar 07:    54 new cases,    263 total cases (+20.4%)  ############
Mar 08:    68 new cases,    331 total cases (+20.4%)  ###############
Mar 09:    42 new cases,    373 total cases (+11.2%)  #########

It's the fourth column percentage (second derivative) I'm watching, to catch the inflection point which was the best sign of containment in China and South Korea.

The drop to 11.2% today in Switzerland, if there's no new infections announced this evening, would mark a possible inflection point and turnaround in record time.

This suggests that Swiss health authorities both have enough testing capacity and are intensely tracing back existing infections and are trying to contain all sources and possible secondary infections.

But on the other hand it might just be a random artifact of lax testing ... only someone with good insight into the state of things in Switzerland would be able to disambiguate the two cases.
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I'm advocating LOTS of caution. if you own a company or are a manager, you need to re-think your power base and understand what might happen if you push people too hard when they are up against the wall.


Some companies, especially in texas seem to enjoy living in the past and are not open to any improvement.

I'm lucky to be working for an out of state company and a while back we were told that anyone who wants to, is allowed to work from home. On the completely opposite side, my wife works for a small "family" owned texas company and they've been told clearly it's against company policy to work from home (all they need is a computer and internet). Also, the managers who told them this, are of course working remotely.
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its time to look at the long-term picture.

profits are going to be way down and corps are going to have to live on their savings, just like regular people.

having workers stay at home - even if they are not as productive as they could be at-work - will definitely causes financial losses for the corps. but then again, the bigger corps have made more money in the last few decades than ever before, in the history of mankind. they should have been saving for this kind of 'rainy day'.

everyone is going to take a hit, short-term. can't really be avoided. we're all in this together.

I hope there are enough people who can see the long view. yes, some employees won't be as productive at home - but the benefit will greatly outweigh the short-term cost.

businesses have costs. now, this is a valid cost. deal with it and maybe in a few months, we can recover.
She said people with flu symptoms. Is there some other easy way to differentiate patients with flu symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms?

Seems like the focus for testing should be in areas with high incidence of COVID-19 to avoid overwhelming medical facilities. Get people to self-quarantine at home as much as possible and avoid spreading. Not sure how successful that would be, but it at least may reassure the public that they are doing something.
Otherwise just assume all flu like cases should be isolated. This is what they did in Wuhan and what they are doing in Lombardy.

Where you see new clusters, test agressively to find out the extent of infection and decide whether to contact trace or impose isolation of all flu like cases.

We are now doing neither. We have Sounder games in stadiums with 10s of thousands of people, we don’t test but if a covid case turns up because we are doing small number of tests, schools and offices of the patient are closed for a few days for deep cleaning. It’s as if we have very few cases.

I can’t think of worse approach to a pandemic. Clearly everything is being done for PR/propaganda.
easiest way to get out of jury duty: tell them you understand and fully support jury nullification.

its your get-out-of-duty-free card.

hate that its that way. JN is a wise and basic principle of american justice, but those in power don't LIKE regular people being able to decide if a law is good or not. and yes, we have tons of laws that should be abolished.

but be careful, the voire dire asks you several times if you believe in JN, but never in those words.

you could be held in contempt if you piss off a judge, by hiding your understanding of JN, then following it, later.

Saudi Arabia and Russia picked a piss-poor time to get into a price war on oil. The world economy does not need another hard hit during a viral-induced economic downturn.

Dow futures tumble as Saudi-Russia oil price war adds to coronavirus stress

This chain of events reminds me of 2008. Everything that was tipping on a balance will fail.

The thinking of the higher up was probably something along the line of "well if things are *sugar* either way, might as well use this chance to dump ours."

Some corps might be able to weather the storm and make it through with all hands intact. Others will use this chance to cut staff to the bare essential even if they are flush with cash.II intend for my corp to be the former.

I originally thought this will be contained in 2 months and things blow over by summer. But I was assuming the gov will act more competent than the asian countries in the early stage. My assumption was wrong.

When this thing ends. Governments needs to swallow their pride and look at what Singapore, Vietnam and Taiwan did right.
Atlanta and Georgia Update .
4 more possible coronavirus cases as Ga. set to quarantine cruise passengers

There are a number of municipalities surrounding Atlanta with combined total in excess of 5 million souls, into which has been introduced the COVd-19 strain from Milan Italy presumably by conference attendees.

If the infection rate 'flares ' there is no way the area can be locked down as we have major Rail, Air and 3 Interstates ( I20, I75, I85 passing thru the core. I-95 on the East coast is linked to the 3 previously mentioned interstates by another interstate I-16.

Cruse ship passengers from Oakland CA are due into Dobbins AFB GA to the NE of where I live to be quarantined,,,, I hope the ground medical personnel are fully suited up this time.
The sister ship is off Ft Lauderdale trying to get permission to dock. Passengers will probably head out by Rail, Interstates and Air some via Atlanta once they get cleared.

For those with Teslas please be safe handling the Supercharger handles.
For those with Teslas please be safe handling the Supercharger handles.

I wonder if we'll see 'wipes' stations near the handles.

if someone has elon's ear on twitter, maybe we can suggest it?

I now carry alcohol wipes (zeiss eyeglass cleaners are a good source for that, at least until THEY get sold out) - and I plan to wipe down the handle before and after use.

would be nice if this was a trend.
Oh wow...

Trump just tweeted what essentially amounts to: "It's just a flu bro".

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You’re surprised? He’s hitched his wagon to the stock market and will say or do almost anything to try and calm investors in an election year. Unfortunately for him (and us), trying to downplay this now will only do more damage in the medium term if individuals heed his advice and don’t take proper precautions, resulting in greater spread that will further roil markets. As usual, he displays a distinct lack of critical thought.
Oh wow...

Trump just tweeted what essentially amounts to: "It's just a flu bro".

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

There are 2 possibilities.
1. He knows its worse than Flu but wants to pretend it is not because he is worried about stock market
2. He genuinely thinks this is all some kind of conspiracy to tank the market/economy and make him lose the election

A lot of us keep thinking it is (1) - but it is at least as likely to be (2). You can actually apply this to almost everything controversial Trump says.

Seems to me this is what Trump is trying to do.
- Limit testing severely
- # of infected cases and deaths attributed to COID19 will be very small
- Claim he managed the crisis perfectly

Not sure the strategy will work - as long as at least all the hospitalized patients are tested.

Ofcourse, as the infection spreads, the healthcare system will break down and even Trump fans can see how their the emperor is naked. Or may be they will invent new lies to explain what is happening.

Trump has not paid any price for lying yet. Why would he in the future / there is always a breaking point. Who knows.

ps : This happens in every authoritarian system. The dictator is invincible until suddenly he is not and everyone wonders why he didn't fall earlier.

pps : Wondering why Trump called Inslee a snake. Did they propose "don't test" strategy to him and he rejected it ? Trump calling Inslee a snake makes zero sense.
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As harsh as this may sound, I do really hope he gets it eventually.

Me too. I don't even feel smug about catching on early, Nor about being able to protect my positions early on. I just feel a sense of exhaustion and want this to go away.

I thought my ability to react properly was because I was able to go through the stages of grief really fast and just focus on execution, but if I look at myself objectively, I am probably in a state of shock from all the wrong moves that governments are making.
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