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Current Delivery Times

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My EDD went from October to no date to 9/16-9/30 this morning.

I think Tesla should just sell the MYs with surprise restocks or a random queue. I remember trying to get a PS5 from Walmart or staying up all night until 5 AM to get in on the Target restock. Took 3 weeks of obsession but was finally able to get one. Maybe even follow how Nike/Adidas releases sneakers. Tesla’s a software company so I’m sure they will be able to remedy the bots.
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This place is filled with some Q-level conspiracy theories to help people cope. I think the reality is probably closer to them just getting in hundreds of thousands of orders, and constantly making new decisions on how to prioritize based on a ton of variables (part shortages, distance, time, revenue, etc.). Not to mention, you probably have people every day/hour either cancelling or changing their orders, which then throws the whole queue out of whack.

Imagine trying to take a hundred thousand orders, with like...50+ different configurations(?), and then prioritizing that with all the production/logistical complications that go into manufacturing a car. The biggest mistake here is just that they have this stupid EDD range that was probably built for a time when they could be relatively accurate, but that time was probably 6-12 months ago.
the solution would be offering another "tier" of order... instead of $100, make it $1,000 or $5000 (downpayment money) and let the customer select their delivery date this way, Tesla could focus on orders that are serious instead of hundred of thousand of orders that might take delivery.
Holy smokes, you guys. There are more people in this one thread than all the people posting on the entire Tesla forum combined while I was waiting on my S.

For context: I ordered my S in August. EDD was October. Then November. Then December. In the mean time, Tesla announced the first autopilot and I ended up with one of the first cars with AP hardware ever produced while everyone who took delivery in September or October ended up with a car that was instantly obsolete. Took another 10 months after my December delivery for the software to be pushed.
Long wait is finally getting over…
Got the email from Tesla a min back for the final payment.

VIN assigned and 243 series.
EDD 8/15-8/21

Below are the details:

OD 5/27
Profile finished 5/28
MY5LR W&W 20” wheels no FSD no tow hitch.
Heck yes! Congratulations 🍾

This gives me sooo much hope! I have the same build just ordered a few days before you!
Holy smokes, you guys. There are more people in this one thread than all the people posting on the entire Tesla forum combined while I was waiting on my S.

For context: I ordered my S in August. EDD was October. Then November. Then December. In the mean time, Tesla announced the first autopilot and I ended up with one of the first cars with AP hardware ever produced while everyone who took delivery in September or October ended up with a car that was instantly obsolete. Took another 10 months after my December delivery for the software to be pushed.
You lost me at Model S. This is the Model Y (straight jacket with padded cell) Support Group.. haha JK The more the merrier!
the solution would be offering another "tier" of order... instead of $100, make it $1,000 or $5000 (downpayment money) and let the customer select their delivery date this way, Tesla could focus on orders that are serious instead of hundred of thousand of orders that might take delivery.
That's not a bad idea. Hell, I'd make the full first payment today if it came with some kind of guarantee for delivery. I'm assuming some of the issue, though, is that there's an optimal way to produce based on configurations (build 10 cars in a row with tow hitch, then 10 without, etc.) that would throw everything out of whack. It doesn't help that this is a community that would be both super passionate about their purchase, and probably tech-savvy enough to at least waste their days away browsing forums and reverse engineering all of Tesla's systems in order to find out when they can drive their fancy new computer. :)
Sorry, didn't mean to call out your comment specifically. I just generally find it funny that everybody is looking for some specific explanation (i.e. this week will have a ton of Blue deliveries) because we all desperately want these cars.

The primary issue here is they built their sales and delivery process with a model that is actually super innovative (treat it like any other e-commerce), but not at all designed to support a period with this massive spike in demand and chaos with production. I bet everything worked way better about a year ago.
I would say it's hope and a coping mechanism.
I would say 70% of the things people complain about in regards to Tesla could be solved if they had a PR department or just communicated with their customers better.
2018 to now is a massive difference. In 2018 I had a issue or question they had a corporate office and things could get escalated.
Now? Good luck calling the service center and having someone answer.
Great car no doubt. But one of the worst in regards to customer service/communication.
Every time someone orders an MYP an MYLR loses its wings... So thanks to all of you that are putting in 2 "orders" from all of us waiting for an LR...

(I kid, obviously) :)
haha Hey am sorry , but am with out wheels here and 1 Tahoe to share with wife and with two boys 9 and 6. I have to do anything i can to get the ball rolling in my favor 🤪
I would say it's hope and a coping mechanism.
I would say 70% of the things people complain about in regards to Tesla could be solved if they had a PR department or just communicated with their customers better.
2018 to now is a massive difference. In 2018 I had a issue or question they had a corporate office and things could get escalated.
Now? Good luck calling the service center and having someone answer.
Great car no doubt. But one of the worst in regards to customer service/communication.
Oh I 100% agree. They obviously built their business thinking everything could be solved with technology, which may ultimately be true one day, but as you start to have more mass market appeal and get past the early adopters, people are going to have MUCH different expectations.

Also I'm starting to believe your 20" wheel theory is correct and I am now fully onboard with this conspiracy to deny 19"-ers our rightful place on the road. DOWN WITH THE 20" ELITISTS!
It feels like maybe there is a shipment being loaded to head our way to Texas since so many of us have the same EDD range.
Yea, it definitely seems like it, and also makes sense, while slightly explaining the erratic EDDs. Its probably not in Tesla's best interest to ship one car at a time, as it gets produced, so they likely wait for a few to get produced for the destination, or en-route. I think seeing more people with similar dates is giving me atleast slightly more confidence that this EDD is going to stick, and we are going to see VINs being assigned soon. Last I spoke with an SA they mentioned that it'll typically take 10 days from VIN getting assigned, to the car getting delivered.
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You lost me at Model S. This is the Model Y (straight jacket with padded cell) Support Group.. haha JK The more the merrier!
Hahaha, sorry. I just converted my January 2020 Model Y reservation into an order the other day. Gonna trade in my first production Model 3. But this thread is giving me flashbacks of my "Delivery debacle of 2014" when it took 108 days to get my Model S. The prize was that autopilot was sort of invented in the mean time. So a major silver lining.

Guess I need to update my signature. Except - the damn Model Y will be white so I don't know what font color to use... ;)
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they still could, and it would make sense for them to make larger batches of the orders with the higher tier down payment since it seems like those are higher demand.
wasn't it when they announced the Model 3 they took downpayments of $5K for them? It seems like that weeded out those that were truly serious about getting them. Hell I'd put a larger downpayment down to get an earlier delivery, absolutely.
Has anyone recently taken delivery with 19" wheels?
I feel like Tesla priority is performance. Then LR with the wheel upgrade. Then they get to the rest of us when they are available.
Starting to think these 19" wheels are the issue.
Yup, there was a delivery of a 19" wheel Model Y less than two days ago. Current Delivery Times

@gisseLdesire, any words of encouragement? Or give us a "it'll be worth it"? Lol