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Current Delivery Times

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Today I got my first real October range. Like many others here, I've had two random Saturdays in the vague "October" club with no date range specified, and they always go back to a real September range quickly after. But today, I'm October 5-25 (which is exactly one month longer than my very first EDD of September 5-25).

Hoping many of you guys get VINs in the EOQ push and that mine comes early in Q4!
I think there are a lot of people who are huge Elon and/or Tesla fans and because of that, and the virtually zero barrier to entry to order a Tesla, will do so on impulse without really thinking "can I afford this?" or "can I get out of my current car lease?" or whatever. As an example, my wife just ordered a BMW X3M to be built to her specs. We didn't need to put any money down to do this, but did have to go to the dealer and sit with someone. That physical interaction is what separates the impulse buyer from the legit buyer. Without the need to actually talk to someone, the barrier for Tesla is (was) just $100. Via an app. From one's sofa. 24/7.

I'm not suggesting people are trolling Tesla with the orders, but rather placing them on a wish to own a Tesla over the ability to own a Tesla. I would not be at all surprised to learn that something like 60% of all orders end up as deliveries though.
That's the piece we don't know. Now, IMO for the cybertruck there's clearly a HUGE percentage of very, very, very soft orders; no idea what it is for Model Y. But as much as anything I think they're looking forward to a possible tax credit and the Austin models flowing into the stream. The number of canceled orders, deliveries rejects for silliness, orders put on hold, will become monumental if all of a sudden it looks like there might be a tax credit in two months. Same as if Tesla decides to start blending in 4680s from Austin, etc. You think it's bad now? Just wait.

A 100% 'deposit' simply isn't enough to force folks into any sort of commitment to their order. Right now that lack of commitment doesn't matter too much, but even now we see folks making double orders, etc, with what to me is relatively nominal incentive. What happens if you're taking delivery next week and the Senate is scheduled to vote on another tax credit next month? Or Tesla announces starting on 1 Jan all Model P's will be made with 4680s from Texas? We all know what will happen.

Personally I sort of wish they'd raised it to $1,000, and charged $250 to put an order on hold and another $250 to bring it off. That would put some stability and predictability in the system. Then at the same time they should announce a $250 rebate for every week over the original schedule THEY are for deliveries.

Then both sides are committed to their original deal and will be serious before entering into it, and, do their very best to meet it after agreed. And if you don't get a hepa filter or tax rebate you didn't originally bargain for, well, tough. And if Tesla has to rebate $2,000 for late fees for supplier shortages or prioritizing Ps, well, tough for Tesla.
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If your car price is X then your final price with order is X+100 and then you pay 100 during order so it shows as you already paid it. But note that 100 isn't coming off X making it finally X-100 during delivery.
It's funny - I never noticed but they call it a fee in one spot and a deposit down below that. It has to be either one or the other - it can't be both 😁

I agree with @Hangover - they add the $100 (now $250) to the price of the car, then take it right off since you pay it when ordering to secure your vehicle.

It's interesting how many of us didn't correctly interpret what that $100 actually is until this price change and we're really only trying to understand it now that it's higher. That's perfect insight to the $100 being insignificant in the context of a $60k purchase and thus not much of an incentive to really stick with your intended order.

As a consumer, I like it. From the business perspective, it's problematic.
I've been watching for inventory cars for so long, but honestly if one that matched my exact spec popped up right now I would probably skip it. I constantly battle with thinking the moment I snag an inventory car, I'll get my VIN on the other one. And the price difference since I ordered is $2,500 more at least and I hate to pay out that much extra for the exact car I already locked in a price for...I'm so conflicted.

Tesla - just give me my VIN so I don't have to have ridiculous conversations like this with myself any more.