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Delivery / Service Issues (panel gaps, delivery delays / issues / Service problems etc)

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Very confused about my situation. I picked up my M3 two weeks ago, a demo car with 900 miles on it, sold as “new”. I took delivery, the person told me I can contact service within 24 hours to have any issues dealt with on the car. When I got home I noticed a number of minor body alignment issues (mainly the hood), but also a massive gash on one of the rear wheels and tires. I setup a service appointment straight away, and now it’s about a week until the appointment date and suddenly I got an estimate saying it’ll be about $1200 to fix everything… huh?! It was sold as a new car, surely they can’t put a huge gash in the wheel and charge me for the repair??
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Sorry, but there is no "obviously" here in this case. If that car picture was in a private enclosed garage, and you told them you drove straight home and parked in the garage and havent gone anywhere, maybe that might be a slight bit different.

You are parked in a public garage, and noticed that "a few days after delivery" there is no reason at all tesla should be covering that specific thing. Dents can be caused without scratches quite easily, and could have been done by anyone (even you), from teslas position.

There is no way for you to prove that it was there on delivery, and because you park in a public garage the likelyhood is, it actually wasnt there, at least from their standpoint. If it bothers you, you will need to take it somewhere and get it fixed on your dime (or your insurance dime).

Nothing wrong with asking tesla to cover it, but its obvious its your expectation that they cover it, and they have no obligation to do so. They do a lot of things wrong, in this area, but one reason I feel they do that is because they get a lot of stuff like this thrown at them. Pretty easy to get super jaded when a ton of the "isses" brought to you are things the customer thinks is your issue that arent.

That makes it so when something actually is a thing you should cover, you may miss it because of being jaded about all the other stuff.
Luckily they are going to fix it under warranty
Hey Everyone!

I’m excited to be apart of this community. Ever since I test drove the model 3, I was hooked! I received my home delivery yesterday (3/20/22) on Sunday. Surprisingly it wasn’t on a trailer or car transport. To my surprise it was driven by an employee with Tesla. He appeared to be very young but such an amazing job. Yet, I was surprised and wished I’d picked up.

The home delivery was rushed and I only had 5 minutes to look around and was instructed to accept delivery. The car had 19 miles but came with a lot of tree debris. Being a brand new 50K plus car is assumes it be shiny. Along inspection he mentioned I have a week to refuse, etc. although nothing seems off besides the trunk has a few cracks. So, I ask other Tesla owners is it due to the times and production of the model 3 / a lot of reservations, is that the quality and service of Tesla diminishing?

What is your suggestion with these cracks?

Haven’t taken much photos yet. Want to do a proper wash. But did install a level 2 charger 🙂


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Oh, duh, yah that's obvious now. That sucks man. I've been trying to think what I would do in your scenario. I get where you're coming from with it being a $50k brand new car... this is the most I've ever spent on a car. You could reject it and hope the next car that comes up doesn't have any issues as bad or worse than this, but I dunno what your chances are of that. Unfortunately, this isn't completely unexpected from Tesla QC, though I don't know how common these cracks are.

If I'm trying to think of a reason to keep it, the perspective I might try to take is - you'd spend an order of magnitude more on a house (hello fellow Portlander), all else being perfect, would you reject it if the house's backdoor (or garage door) had an equivalent issue?

I'd say first - submit a service request for it to be fixed, presumably no harm in doing that even if you end up rejecting the car, but get it on the record ASAP at least. Then draw up a pro/con list of keep vs. reject (including things like how disappointed you'd be having to wait another month+ for another vehicle, or how much you'd second guess the car if you accepted it), weight them according to importance/severity and see which wins out.

Best of luck,
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Oh, duh, yah that's obvious now. That sucks man. I've been trying to think what I would do in your scenario. I get where you're coming from with it being a $50k brand new car... this is the most I've ever spent on a car. You could reject it and hope the next car that comes up doesn't have any issues as bad or worse than this, but I dunno what your chances are of that. Unfortunately, this isn't completely unexpected from Tesla QC, though I don't know how common these cracks are.

If I'm trying to think of a reason to keep it, the perspective I might try to take is - you'd spend an order of magnitude more on a house (hello fellow Portlander), all else being perfect, would you reject it if the house's backdoor (or garage door) had an equivalent issue?

I'd say first - submit a service request for it to be fixed, presumably no harm in doing that even if you end up rejecting the car, but get it on the record ASAP at least. Then draw up a pro/con list of keep vs. reject (including things like how disappointed you'd be having to wait another month+ for another vehicle, or how much you'd second guess the car if you accepted it), weight them according to importance/severity and see which wins out.

Best of luck,
can you still reject the car as all the paper work has signed and took the delivery?
It's my understanding that you have "some time" after taking delivery to decide if the car doesn't meet your expectations and return it. Something like 1 week / 100 miles or something, but this may vary by SC, rep, or mood.
Thanks. I read in here differently thou. if you already have signed all the paper and took the delivery, unless that is buy-back, based on what I read, i do not believe you can reject the delivery. However, within 100 miles, if you see any issues and stuff, they said you should open a service ticket to document that and they will fix them.
Thanks. I read in here differently thou. if you already have signed all the paper and took the delivery, unless that is buy-back, based on what I read, i do not believe you can reject the delivery. However, within 100 miles, if you see any issues and stuff, they said you should open a service ticket to document that and they will fix them.

Ah, could be. I'm definitely not an authority on it. So then I think the remaining options if it's "really bad" are - try to get them to fix it, take them to arbitration, or Lemon Law it if they won't?
My excitement and extreme happiness of owning a brand new Tesla 2022 M3LR ended suddenly at 500 miles when the display stopped showing surrounding cars. Autopilot stopped functioning at the same time, and my Tesla has become my stress ever since. I don’t know if there is any causation, but this problem manifested in the morning after the update to version 2022.3.101.1 in early March.

I live in a small city in upper Midwest, where Tesla is still as rare as Ferrari, and most people are very skeptical about the electric cars. As a die-hard clean energy enthusiast, I bought a Tesla to show my coworkers, friends and neighbors this is the greatest thing since slice of bread, nothing to be afraid of, and the closest thing since the gold rush that will make everybody rich. Several people listened to me, and 100 people were lined up to ride with me for their first Tesla experience, and I was supposed to show off the autopilot and FSD while giving them the excitement of race-car like acceleration.

The first week went well. I provided a dozen of my friends a ride to places, some of them were considering EV conversion, some were open-minded and two doubters. I was able to make the doubters agree that the ride was exceptional, and autopilot was impressive. I was on a good path to turn more people to the believers.

Then this happened. I had to use a half day vacation to drive my car to the nearest service center which is 140 miles away. The famous Tesla Remote Service was not available in my town.

The Service Tech confirmed this is an issue that needs to be fixed, but a support from Tesla engineers was necessary to diagnose the cause and define a solution. I was sent back home with a loaner Tesla Y LR, and now, a few days after my visit, I was told it would take 10 days to fix the issue.

Ever since this issue, the remaining 50 appointments I had for a ride experience were cancelled with my friends saying no longer interested in Tesla or any EVs. This was despite I have the loaner Tesla Y. A few who were considering the EV conversion informed me the community is not ready for EVs yet. All of my doubter friends were using this incident to tell everybody why Teslas and EVs were bad for our community. I have completely lost my power to influence others on my EV revolution.

The service center has been great. They kept me up to date regularly, and showed an understanding I need to take a day of vacation to just visit, and helped me keep the loaner for the extended duration. This is a bright spot, but this story is not strong enough to erase the negativeness of the major quality issue at just 500 miles.

I am picking up my car next week, but I have been busy playing the damage control this week.

Did anybody experience similar display issue? If so, what was the cause and what was the fix? What did you do to minimize the bad taste on Tesla and EVs among your friends? I would like to hear your story if you went through something like this.
Hey Everyone!

I’m excited to be apart of this community. Ever since I test drove the model 3, I was hooked! I received my home delivery yesterday (3/20/22) on Sunday. Surprisingly it wasn’t on a trailer or car transport. To my surprise it was driven by an employee with Tesla. He appeared to be very young but such an amazing job. Yet, I was surprised and wished I’d picked up.

The home delivery was rushed and I only had 5 minutes to look around and was instructed to accept delivery. The car had 19 miles but came with a lot of tree debris. Being a brand new 50K plus car is assumes it be shiny. Along inspection he mentioned I have a week to refuse, etc. although nothing seems off besides the trunk has a few cracks. So, I ask other Tesla owners is it due to the times and production of the model 3 / a lot of reservations, is that the quality and service of Tesla diminishing?

What is your suggestion with these cracks?

Haven’t taken much photos yet. Want to do a proper wash. But did install a level 2 charger 🙂
I can’t believe Tesla still has cars coming off the line with fit and finish issues like this. It’s just sad. I would think that would require a repaint. Don’t let them just touch it up.
New to the site and new M3 owner. Just took delivery of my model 3 two days ago. Other than experiencing 5 different delivery dates the ordering and delivery process was pretty easy. No major issues with internal & external inspection of the car with the exception of lack of weather stripping at left rear trunk. The underlying power strut is easily visualized thru this “gap”. This is not the case on the right side. Service says this is normal. Can anyone confirm this? Sorry if this question has already been asked.
No major issues with internal & external inspection of the car with the exception of lack of weather stripping at left rear trunk. The underlying power strut is easily visualized thru this “gap”. This is not the case on the right side. Service says this is normal. Can anyone confirm this?

It is normal.

The missing weather stripping is to make room for the power strut that opens and closes the trunk. Older models with out the power strut are not missing any weather stripping.
Promised myself that I would post here even if the car came perfect, which, for the most part, the car almost is. Been a lurker for a while on the forums, but just picked up my car over the weekend.

Ordered October of last year.

Luckily overall I think everything was almost perfect. A few minor things that I don't even think I would bother getting fixed, although I will post them here and see what the forum thinks. It's definitely not BMW/Honda/Toyota levels of fit/finish, but it's nothing drastically bad. Overall happy with the build after seeing some of the horror stories here.

  • The back drivers side door handle is a little recessed. That door is also harder to close than all the others. All the other doors the door closes normally, this one takes a little force.
  • The charge port door seems a little too low and is almost, if not definitely, touching the bottom part of the car, seems to work fine otherwise, concern is for the future. The door is flush with the area though.
  • The right side of the car where the trunk meets the trim is a little raised, not too concerned about this, nothing touching.
  • Where the trunk meets the glass seems a bit raised. Not sure if this is normal or not. Doesn't seem like an issue, but something I noticed. Not sure if that's just how it fits.

Would any of you make appointments for any of these? Can these all be done by mobile service? My concern is getting the car even worse if they have to start ripping apart everything. I'm fine with the issues I see as long as they are not functional problems. Is there any way to report these issues without actually scheduling a service appointment, just for the record?



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Work that minor - and yes, that’s minor - doesn’t need to be disclosed.
The only real difference between a Tesla and any other car is that the other guys have a dealership PDI process that Tesla doesn’t.

Stuff gets fixed all the time. Entire body panels get replaced and the car is sold as new without any disclosure. Totally normal.
It’s like sausage - if you enjoy it, you shouldn’t see it being made.
Dude, your crazy. NO manufacturer would let a car leave the factory like the ones in this picture...Only Tesla.
Dude, your crazy. NO manufacturer would let a car leave the factory like the ones in this picture...Only Tesla.
Happens all the time. Cars get damaged in transport, too.

Only difference is that other mfr’s have dealers at the other end, not end customers.

I’m not saying it’s right but cars roll in to every dealership banged up all. the. time. You just don’t know it because it gets fixed prior to delivery.
Only difference is that other mfr’s have dealers at the other end, not end customers.
I'm not piling on but the recessed door handle shown in the pictures above is unacceptable. I have no idea on how the handles are assembled, but its obvious that Tesla isn't spot checking the handles alignment during assembly. Not only did the car pass "QC" at the plant, it also passed the "QC" check at the delivery center.

I understand that the handle can fixed by a service center, but its not broken. It just wasn't assembled correctly at the plant and it sucks that new owners have to spend time and energy getting things fixed that should have been assembled / aligned at the plant to begin with.