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Elon & Twitter

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That is not his dream. X.com is. Though he is a proponent for protecting free speech within the bounds of the law. This would be better than how Twitter has done things up to now.

You really don't have any idea about his decades-old plan for X.com, do you? Twitter, as it is today, is completely inconsequential. It is a stepping stone of existing users that will cut years off the execution of a bigger plan.

Despite this, what functional and security improvements he makes to Twitter are bound to be worlds better than what it is now. If the current Twitter functions are all you are concerned about this should ease your mind on the matter.

Regardless of any emotion folks are experiencing over this acquisition it is likely more complex of an undertaking than you seem see it as.
I don’t give two bits about his plans for X. I care about his plans on fixing the numerous issues at Tesla. I absolutely loath all social media platforms and the vain, unhappy people that inhabit them.

Twitter was a cesspool, is a cesspool, and will be a bigger cesspool with all the right wing looneys shouting themselves hoarse, lying and spreading anti democratic crap.

If you think that’s just peachy, I have an idea why. All the more power to you.
I don’t give two bits about his plans for X. I care about his plans on fixing the numerous issues at Tesla.
Huh? What issues are there with Tesla? We're producing the maximum amount of EVs raw material availability will allow at maximum margin. What else is there?

You don't like social media, just lead with that.
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Huh? What issues are there with Tesla? We're producing the maximum amount of EVs raw material availability will allow at maximum margin. What else is there?

You don't like social media, just lead with that

Let us start with simple : auto wipers and headlights don’t work properly.

We can go from there, to build quality that should embarrass a cheap Chinese car maker, and service quality that would embarrass Comcast.

Demand is right now high (though that is being tempered, if you follow the stock news closely), but only because the competition is not great. Long run, Tesla is quite vulnerable to competition.

Buying Twitter will only make matters worse, especially if Elon continues to be CEO of Twitter. Even if he does not, his attention will be divided, and Tesla will suffer as a result.
I hear they don't even test the brakes before selling the cars!! :rolleyes:

Quit trolling or you're getting reported to our vicious mod team.
My my. The people purporting to support a more pro-’free speech’ Twitter are all atwitter about a few criticisms of Tesla. Imagine that! 😏

Stop whitewashing everything, and stop pouncing on everyone raising legitimate issues at Tesla.

You are doing Tesla no favors.
Do not even try and pretend Tesla doesn't have QC and service issues. Also I'm pretty sure a non mod threatening someone with moderation is against TOS.
If I bother you so much, I suggest you temper your reading of my posts. Just like Tesla's demand is being tempered. If you follow the stock news closely.......:rolleyes:

Trolling has been ramping like crazy the last month. Just trying to tamp it down a bit.
Elon is good at monetizing a project...even when it’s not his objective

Matt Levine recently had a great bit on that regarding why folks were seemingly rushing to invest in the leaked text messages-

Matt Levine said:
You might think that Twitter would make more money under Elon Musk, if he were trying not to make money, than it does under current management, which is trying to make money. “Elon Musk makes more money when he’s not trying to make money than most other people will make when they try their hardest to make money” is just obviously empirically true, so it is not crazy to apply it here.

He also cited one of my favorite quotes about twitter - "a clown car that fell into a gold mine."
Saying something negative about Tesla is not necessarily trolling

I have also given Tesla and Elon props when merited.

There is a saying - ‘the seeds of a company’s failure are sown in times of prosperity’.

Tesla, I feel is at certain risk of that happening. I will go for another EV next year or after, because of issues I have noticed, and I am long time Tesla customer, and still hold TSLA shares. I do want to see Tesla succeed, and become the number one carmaker in the world. Not just be content with where they are today.

Nevermind all that, how dare I have the chutzpah to criticize Tesla, I must be a troll. 😑
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Let us start with simple : auto wipers and headlights don’t work properly.

We can go from there, to build quality that should embarrass a cheap Chinese car maker, and service quality that would embarrass Comcast.

Demand is right now high (though that is being tempered, if you follow the stock news closely), but only because the competition is not great. Long run, Tesla is quite vulnerable to competition.

Buying Twitter will only make matters worse, especially if Elon continues to be CEO of Twitter. Even if he does not, his attention will be divided, and Tesla will suffer as a result.
Oh you again.

Wipers and headlights work fine. I would know since I actually drive the car every day.

Build quality is fine. After 60k miles and 3 years I have had service come to my house to replace a cabin filter, tail light harness and one light. Other than tires that is it. By far the least amount of maintenance that I have ever experienced after owning cars from GM, Audi, BMW, Nissan and Hyundai.

Yes I agree in the long run it is unlikely that Tesla is the largest automaker for the next 10,000 years
Oh you again.

Wipers and headlights work fine. I would know since I actually drive the car every day.

Build quality is fine. After 60k miles and 3 years I have had service come to my house to replace a cabin filter, tail light harness and one light. Other than tires that is it. By far the least amount of maintenance that I have ever experienced after owning cars from GM, Audi, BMW, Nissan and Hyundai.

Yes I agree in the long run it is unlikely that Tesla is the largest automaker for the next 10,000 years
Oh, you drive your car ‘every single day’? That must be it, I just don’t drive my car _every single day_ that’s causing the wipers to wipe furiously _in my garage_.

I had avoided this thread, because of people like you, who think their experience is the only one that counts, and whitewash everything bad about Tesla.

Carry on. It’s people like you who are sustaining Tesla, after all.
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