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Elon & Twitter

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He enjoys being a troll and doesn't care about the consequences because he's the richest man on the planet. He's also influenced by some really terrible people.

This is typical for Asperger's and others on the spectrum. Literally they don't have that "internal filter" that gives people pause to think "I wonder how someone might take this if I said it?"

My friend that worked at Tesla and spent a lot of time daily with Elon said he was always like this. Zero filter. I'm amazed he does as well as he does on financial conference calls.

Those of us that are older and remember Steve Jobs remember that he was very much like this too. Didn't care about what you thought, or how what he said was going to affect you. He was going to speak his mind RAW, unfiltered.

This is the double-edged sword that is Elon. It's what makes him so great at pushing forward solutions that most people think are not possible, and doing them. But it also means he's going to grate on you, a lot.
This is typical for Asperger's and others on the spectrum. Literally they don't have that "internal filter" that gives people pause to think "I wonder how someone might take this if I said it?"

My friend that worked at Tesla and spent a lot of time daily with Elon said he was always like this. Zero filter. I'm amazed he does as well as he does on financial conference calls.

Those of us that are older and remember Steve Jobs remember that he was very much like this too. Didn't care about what you thought, or how what he said was going to affect you. He was going to speak his mind RAW, unfiltered.

This is the double-edged sword that is Elon. It's what makes him so great at pushing forward solutions that most people think are not possible, and doing them. But it also means he's going to grate on you, a lot.

Water always finds its level.
This is typical for Asperger's and others on the spectrum. Literally they don't have that "internal filter" that gives people pause to think "I wonder how someone might take this if I said it?"
Funny thing is he's spoken about his inability to pick up on social cues and how it created problems with interactions as a child. Apparently he's forgotten that weakness. He's really the last person who should be trying to run a social media company. He's bad enough just using it.
You have a very literal definition of force. If TiKTok were blocked in the US then it would be dumb for them not to sell the US operations to an American company.

Forced means you don't have a choice but to do the thing.

They can not be forced to sell the company by the US government.

They might CHOOSE to sell just the US part, or they might not, based on the US governments actions.

Given this is a discussion of laws and regulations related to social media, accurate terms are kind of important.

Also relevance- which your entire point lacks since Elon is a US citizen and Twitter is a US based company that keeps its data in the US.

American citizens can be national security threats. There could be evidence of Elon’s plans to help Russia and China influence public opinion (e.g. “self determination” for occupied parts of Ukraine but not for Taiwan until China invades). Crazier things have happened.

Yes.... your recent posts on this topic for example :)
Forced means you don't have a choice but to do the thing.

They can not be forced to sell the company by the US government.

They might CHOOSE to sell just the US part, or they might not, based on the US governments actions.

Given this is a discussion of laws and regulations related to social media, accurate terms are kind of important.

Also relevance- which your entire point lacks since Elon is a US citizen and Twitter is a US based company that keeps its data in the US.

Yes.... your recent posts on this topic for example :)
Then I suppose the government can never force a company to do anything as they always have the choice to cease existing. Let's go with coerce.

Here's the relevant law: 50 U.S. Code § 4565 - Authority to review certain mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers
Elon is a US citizen so at first glance it would appear not to apply (though it could rule out some of the other owners but Elon would still be on the hook for that money). Not sure if Elon has other citizenship or whether that would make him a "foreign person."
But then there's this, the law applies to "Any other transaction, transfer, agreement, or arrangement, the structure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of this section, subject to regulations prescribed by the Committee."
That would seem to allow the President to block a purchase by an agent of a foreign government.

If this were to occur would Elon fight it? Would Twitter fight it? It would be a case that could actually go on for years!
A true deus ex machina to get Elon out of buying Twitter.
Of course what he actually tweeted was "Deus X Machina" which was probably a reference to X.com or something unrelated to the transaction.

Still need that tinfoil hat emoji...
Then I suppose the government can never force a company to do anything as they always have the choice to cease existing. Let's go with coerce.

No, they can ABSOLUTELY force us companies to do things including sell off parts of themselves. See AT&T as the poster child for that.

They can't do force a foreign company to sell themselves or part of themselves though.

That's a substantive difference- and why there's no parallel to twitter here at all (besides the fact it BEING foreign was the ENTIRE CAUSE of the national security concerns- so ALSO irrelevant to the twitter deal)

Here's the relevant law: 50 U.S. Code § 4565 - Authority to review certain mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers
Elon is a US citizen so at first glance it would appear not to apply


But then there's this, the law applies to "Any other transaction, transfer, agreement, or arrangement, the structure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of this section, subject to regulations prescribed by the Committee."
That would seem to allow the President to block a purchase by an agent of a foreign government.

Can you cite the specific law you think could be applied to anything Elon has done that would qualify him as a foreign agent?

"Saying stuff for free that a foreign government might agree with' does not qualify FYI.

All the recent high profile DOJ cases on this were stuff like "This white house related person secretly took millions in cash personally to advocate foreign government positions to the president" and whatnot.

Do you have some info on Elon we're not aware of here?

Still need that tinfoil hat emoji...

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Then I suppose the government can never force a company to do anything as they always have the choice to cease existing. Let's go with coerce.

Here's the relevant law: 50 U.S. Code § 4565 - Authority to review certain mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers
Elon is a US citizen so at first glance it would appear not to apply (though it could rule out some of the other owners but Elon would still be on the hook for that money). Not sure if Elon has other citizenship or whether that would make him a "foreign person."
But then there's this, the law applies to "Any other transaction, transfer, agreement, or arrangement, the structure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of this section, subject to regulations prescribed by the Committee."
That would seem to allow the President to block a purchase by an agent of a foreign government.

If this were to occur would Elon fight it? Would Twitter fight it? It would be a case that could actually go on for years!
A true deus ex machina to get Elon out of buying Twitter.
Of course what he actually tweeted was "Deus X Machina" which was probably a reference to X.com or something unrelated to the transaction.

Still need that tinfoil hat emoji...

The government can block investment or sale if national security interests are at stake. At my startup - our tech is sought after by China, a lot. We were in discussions 1.5 years back about whether a large Chinese entity with $200M in funding would want to buy us. They were on an aggressive buying spree around the world.

They were very interested, but our corporate lawyers flat out said the US govt would never allow it. This is even though our product did not fall into any of the export control items on the list. The best they said would allowed, would be an investment under 10%.

Ultimately I decided not to sell my company to China, nor the product in China. Even though we filed a patent in both US and China (US patent will be granted in 2 months) we aren’t even pursuing the Chinese patent anymore.
The environment is very restrictive if you are dealing with China.
No, they can ABSOLUTELY force us companies to do things including sell off parts of themselves. See AT&T as the poster child for that.
AT&T could have just closed up shop though. They had a choice.

That's a substantive difference- and why there's no parallel to twitter here at all (besides the fact it BEING foreign was the ENTIRE CAUSE of the national security concerns- so ALSO irrelevant to the twitter deal)
The relevance is that the law gives the President has very broad authority to block acquisitions of US companies.

Do you have some info on Elon we're not aware of here?
I thought I made it clear that I do not have evidence that Elon is a foreign agent. I do not possess the ability to monitor Elon's communications with foreign governments. Elon appears to want people to believe that he's controlled by Russia and China which when I put on my tinfoil hat seems like a ploy to get out of the Twitter deal. :p

I acknowledge that this is probably my overactive imagination and disappointment about the case not going to trial. Elon will own Twitter in a couple weeks and all will be right with the world.
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Funny thing is he's spoken about his inability to pick up on social cues and how it created problems with interactions as a child. Apparently he's forgotten that weakness. He's really the last person who should be trying to run a social media company. He's bad enough just using it.
It explains why he gets bent out of shape about Biden giving GM and Ford attaboys and photo opps and giving Tesla wins in the legislative and executive action department. Yeah we know Tesla leads by a massive amount. Elon wants that pat on the back even when it is politically detrimental to the mission.
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So the problem Musk sees any social media platform is that

1. It caters to developer's political and social bias
2. It caters to the advertisement industry

He wants to make twitter more useful and then start a subscription base in which the people doing the tweeting is no longer chained to one bias vs another as it breaks away from the current ad base model.

Just imagine having a legitimate gun debate on FOX news if the NRA plus every gun maker didn't syphon them money everyday. So yes, there will be crazies as there are crazies everywhere. However with a platform paid for by individuals, it's more guaranteed that there's no bias censoring which creates echo chambers as these echo chambers can be monitized.
If Twitter allows things that violate the policies of Google and Apple it will be removed from those stores. That happened to Parler.
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