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Emergency Lane Departure - False Positives

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Another problem encountered today: road works where they paint yellow lines to indicate valid temporary lanes and you must ignore the white lines. AutoSteer was actually doing just that.

When the yellow lines went back to the original lanes (to the right) at the end of the road works I disabled autosteer (smelling a rat), emergency lane departure avoidance jerked me back to the left in an attempt to avoid crossing the voided solid white line, attempting a crossing of a solid yellow line in the process...
I am on this software release but I can't even find the specific setting called 'Emergency Lane Departure Assist', I see lane departure warning still but that is it.
Lane Departure Avoidance and Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance are NOT yet enabled in 2019.06.2 on S/X cars like your P100D, ONLY on Model 3s with this version. You don't have to worry about it yet. But it's been announced that it will be rolled out to Models S and X in future releases. It will be a great feature when they get it smoothed out. In the next release, they should at the very least have a way to have it DISabled by default instead of enabled by default.
Faster charging and TPMS calibration are already in firmware 2019.12.x. The only thing from 2019.16 that I'd really like to have is the Sentry mode icon (one-tap activation).
I jumped 8.6.1 to 16.2, this seems to have been at least moderately common scenario.

Bringing up another issue with “just don’t update if you don’t want it” proposed further up the thread. Even if there is a specific version you somehow know ahead of time you don’t want, there doesn’t seem to be any feasible way to determine the version number prior to accepting & going through with the install.
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Came back to review this thread to see whether a bunch of people are super annoyed with a feature they have to turn off on every drive...was not disappointed.

Yet, the rollout continues...up to 41.9% on Stats. Probably will be corrective action after the long holiday weekend. In the meantime, hang on to those steering wheels!
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Dear Tesla
I prefer my nannies to be optional, but thanks for trying :)

Although I have to say, our CRV has the same kind of thing and its constantly going off for seemingly no reason. Just used the my Tesla being better.

FWIW I did actually send an email to Tesla regarding the behavior of some of the user-selectable preferences. My argument is that we own the cars, we have the right to have a permanent preference setting so our cars can be predictable each day. Turns out you can not even disable WiFi beyond the next time the car starts (I can change passwords etc but..). I believe is a temporary indication at startup could be a reasonable compromise for some of the 'nanny' features ..

I am curious what will be the reply to my email.

I wonder if track-mode disables the nannies..
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I believe is a temporary indication at startup could be a reasonable compromise for some of the 'nanny' features ..
"Start up" being whenever I take it out of Park? I wouldn't find this much of a compromise. Still constantly to turn it off, even if you don't have to drill as deep.

It all has the stench of Windows Vista, these false positive alarms are just teaching me to ignore the car's alarms. :/
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"Start up" being whenever I take it out of Park? I wouldn't find this much of a compromise. Still constantly to turn it off, even if you don't have to drill as deep.

It all has the stench of Windows Vista, these false positive alarms are just teaching me to ignore the car's alarms. :/

Yes I would prefer it treat me as an adult; I set it off and it remains so.. but given having to go find all the things I want to turn off every day vs them deciding I need to be reminded of my 'digressions" - I'd take the annoying reminder.
Yes I would prefer it treat me as an adult; I set it off and it remains so.. but given having to go find all the things I want to turn off every day vs them deciding I need to be reminded of my 'digressions" - I'd take the annoying reminder.
I reject that choice. :p I don’t see how it is a “good compromise”? I don’t get what the benefit is for Tesla in either of them to start with. What’s the point?

This isn’t like Slip Start, which is a feature you don’t regularly want off. Slip Start is a great example of a feature you turn off only on special occasions but don’t want to leave off. This isn’t.
I upgraded to 2019.16.2 on my Model 3 AWD (with FSD) last week.
Both LDA and ELDA have been super annoying at best and likely dangerous. I've never had (E)LDA go off in a positive way for me.
On our twisty New England single-lane, secondary roads, I often cheat away from the center line and towards the shoulder. This is far safer on narrow roads where it's not unusual for oncoming traffic to cross the center line.
Because of this I've always been annoyed that AP tries to keep the car centered in the lane rather further away from the onrushing traffic. But ELDA has amped up this annoyance and I believe made driving more dangerous.
It's gone off 10+ times for me, frightening me and jerking the steering wheel over towards the centerline. This has even happened when the shoulder is fairly wide and there are no dangers to the right of the car.
I'm now starting to disable ELDA before every drive.
I upgraded to 2019.16.2 on my Model 3 AWD (with FSD) last week.
Both LDA and ELDA have been super annoying at best and likely dangerous. I've never had (E)LDA go off in a positive way for me.
On our twisty New England single-lane, secondary roads, I often cheat away from the center line and towards the shoulder. This is far safer on narrow roads where it's not unusual for oncoming traffic to cross the center line.
Because of this I've always been annoyed that AP tries to keep the car centered in the lane rather further away from the onrushing traffic. But ELDA has amped up this annoyance and I believe made driving more dangerous.
It's gone off 10+ times for me, frightening me and jerking the steering wheel over towards the centerline. This has even happened when the shoulder is fairly wide and there are no dangers to the right of the car.
I'm now starting to disable ELDA before every drive.

Nice first post but what are LDA and ELDA?
What’s the point?

Well it's my car .. Why is it ok I can not disable a feature? (Doing it at every start is super annoying and not at all user friendly).

It goes to choice - I don't want all of those features and regardless of what anyone thinks of that opinion or those features, it is my right.

Specifically in this case, features are being added after the purchase of the vehicle w/o giving me the option to refuse them. Teslas are rare in that they can change quite substantially after purchase and sometimes this is a plus, but that evaluation should be the choice of the owner, in this case me.

I do realize I probably can disable things permanently by blocking the forward cameras but that's stupid and takes away any features I might wish to keep.

Really it comes down to personal choice and it annoys me that I'm being told (in effect) what is best for me.
Well it's my car .. Why is it ok I can not disable a feature? (Doing it at every start is super annoying and not at all user friendly).

It goes to choice - I don't want all of those features and regardless of what anyone thinks of that opinion or those features, it is my right.

Specifically in this case, features are being added after the purchase of the vehicle w/o giving me the option to refuse them. Teslas are rare in that they can change quite substantially after purchase and sometimes this is a plus, but that evaluation should be the choice of the owner, in this case me.

I do realize I probably can disable things permanently by blocking the forward cameras but that's stupid and takes away any features I might wish to keep.

Really it comes down to personal choice and it annoys me that I'm being told (in effect) what is best for me.
You probably should not edit out the tag to show where the quote came from. If you want to reply to just part of the post you can select the text, and a little pop-up comes up where you can click 'Reply'. That will include the name of the poster your quoting. It helps keep things straight to have at least one of those in your post, even if you have a separate block quote of the same post further on in your reply post.

Also, you wildly took my sentence out of context. :/ My question was for Tesla, why they are requiring per use disabling. It was not a question for you.
Well it's my car .. Why is it ok I can not disable a feature? (Doing it at every start is super annoying and not at all user friendly).
This Tesla issue is on a different level to the example I'm about to give. In many ICE cars they have the engine stop/start function where it shuts the engine off once you are idle for a few seconds and then automatically restarts when you let the foot off the brake. It is super annoying but it is a way the OEM's try to reduce emissions and fuel consumption.
In some vehicles there is a physical button to turn it off, in others it might be in a menu in the infotainment system and finally some vehicles this cannot be disabled at all. So the idea of an intrusive option being ultimately controlled by the OEM isn't new, problem is the example I gave is just an annoyance you have to deal with, this new Emergency Lane thing is outright dangerous from what people are saying and should have from day one been 'opt in' and remember your last setting.
Everyone with this option really needs to make some noise about this to Tesla and have them change it to opt in and make the setting stick.
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