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Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

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News yesterday is that the entire 500+ person word-wide SC team has been let go. That is alarming. Why would Elon sack the execs and all the employees of this important part of Tesla's business? Could Tesla be selling the SC network off to a third party? Opinions? Other theories?

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Unfortunately, no "established" news corporation can be trusted these days as journalism existing at will of sponsors is increasingly synonymous with prostitution. No, Musk or Gates or Buffett, are even less trustable.
There is usually a difference between "established" news and news from far left/right leaning sites in that sources are usually provided by "established" news which can be verified. Far left/right leaning sites often just source another far left/right site making the actual source (if any) very hard or impossible to find.

"Established" news do sometimes use anonymous sources which can be unreliable because it could just be some politician trying to slant and misinform. The Reuters Tesla story has multiple anonymous sources which I think is better, but still not the same as an identified source.

So far as Elon goes, if he wants his version to go out he could simply accept an interview with a news source and be quoted. Or, he can rant on his own platform which I consider less reliable since I prefer to hear both sides, or at least some potentially tough questions being asked.
I was given a tour of Bloomberg in NYC about 2010 and none of the offices had doors, they said for transparency, and that unnamed sources were never allowed.
there's a difference between not publishing the source vs. not knowing who the source is...

Reuters sounds like they know who are the sources but they keep them anonymous so they don't get fired from Tesla...
Around the age that I discovered the truth about Santa Claus, I also realized that "truth" is not an absolute. People will misrepresent facts to suit their purposes, and even those striving for impartiality are colored by their own biases and experiences.

The First Amendment is working as intended. It is up to the consumer to weigh the credibility of each news source.
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So what has Reuters been caught lying about in the past? History is the best judge of who to trust. It was a big thing when they said the Model 2 was canceled, everyone went nuts. Have Reuters been proven wrong? To soon to tell but they had been no movement on a factory other than canceled meetings. No prototypes shown. If someone was lying about me I would do my best to show proof it wasn't true . Not just say it on twitter and expect people to believe it.
If I was one of the Tesla Supercharger Employees that got laid off and then Tesla said we will hire you back I don't think I could trust them to not do it again.
I agree. But it can work both ways.

If that happened to me, I wouldn't want to come back to that situation. But one might come back because they need the money to support their family and can't find a decent job quickly enough. Or, there might be a big stock option exercise date coming in a couple of months which they missed out on due getting laid off so unpredictably. In those cases, I doubt they'll feel like they owe Tesla two weeks notice once they leave.
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Suuuuuper useful for some management styles to know that everyone working for your is scared of losing their job and thus will not offer any pushback to what you request no matter how insane. What better way to find these people than to fire everyone, wait two weeks, and then offer the job back?
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So what has Reuters been caught lying about in the past? History is the best judge of who to trust. It was a big thing when they said the Model 2 was canceled, everyone went nuts. Have Reuters been proven wrong? To soon to tell but they had been no movement on a factory other than canceled meetings. No prototypes shown. If someone was lying about me I would do my best to show proof it wasn't true . Not just say it on twitter and expect people to believe it.
You may or may not agree, but I think Elon's pushback against Reuters specifically is on a couple of articles Tesla claim is misleading:

The other one I remember was this one about a team to suppress range complaints. After looking into it, it was extremely misleading. The team talked about is basically the team that filters out people making service requests complaining about range due to not understanding how range varies based on driving consumption, which saves service center from having to deal with cars that had no real issue.

Also it quotes an unnamed source that claims Tesla rigged the range display to show an optimistic range number and show a more realistic number when battery drops below 50%. But here on TMC we have actual users that have done extensive analysis of how the rated range display works and that characterization doesn't match how it actually works. Basic gist is that it uses EPA rated consumption, estimated usable capacity, and modified to account for the bottom buffer that is intended to save people from being stranded; 50% doesn't come in anywhere. That rated range number was intended to be a substitute for capacity display (which is why you can swap between it and percentage), with it lowering as battery ages. It wasn't intended to be a projection of real world range.

The article also fails to mention the Energy screen and the "Projected Range" at all, which is the method to get the real world range and monitor how current consumption compares with rated consumption. This is something not only mentioned in the manual, but even a moderately informed owner would know. That energy screen has existed since the Model S in 2012, so there is no excuse that this is a new change. Whatever "expert" they hired to talk about Tesla's system is fairly ignorant of even well known long running features.

Basically the article was structured to make it seem like Tesla rigged the range numbers and had a team to hide that (something most of the media reported that way when they summarize the article), when the reality is different.
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So where/what do you consider a trusted news source?
none. I usually read several osint-type channels on the same topic and, if interested, follow their leads. The Reuters article in question has anonymous sources only and even states that the M-T meeting was the one-on-one meeting, so nobody, other than M or T, can know for sure. However, that didn't make their editors to pause before placing the story to the very front page.
Don’t worry, Tesla’s PR department will clear this right up.

Natural abores a vacuum

First, I have happily owned a Model S for over 4 years and have had Tesla Solar and Powerwalls since 2017. I am not anti-Tesla but I am also not a Elon fanboy .

This was big news and you don’t think people are going to write about it. Does anything they wrote sound impossible? You don’t think there was a meeting. So don’t think the manager would have pushed back on firing the people that created the greatest charging system around(BTW: the main reason I bought a Tesla). You really don’t believe, given his previous behavior, that Elon would not fire everyone after having a tantrum from someone standing up to him. Could Reuters do a better job, certainly but reporting on Tesla is tough to do. As far as the range story, it is not like there are any mentions on this forum about Teslas not getting close to the EPA range. It’s not like the German cars do any better….



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I usually read several osint-type channels on the same topic and, if interested, follow their leads.
But your "exec and auditor" "friend" for sure knows what is going on here, and we're all dopes for believing the email Elon sent, which must be fake.

Care to share any of your "Open Source Intelligence Channels" on how people can get news on Tesla that can be trusted instead of just telling everyone to ignore everything?
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But your "exec and auditor" "friend" for sure knows what is going on here, and we're all dopes for believing the email Elon sent, which must be fake.

Care to share any of your "Open Source Intelligence Channels" on how people can get news on Tesla that can be trusted instead of just telling everyone to ignore everything?
Nowhere have I said I have information on Tesla. I really don't understand why you keep attacking a strawman. I actually encourage not trust me.
Don’t worry, Tesla’s PR department will clear this right up.

Natural abores a vacuum

First, I have happily owned a Model S for over 4 years and have had Tesla Solar and Powerwalls since 2017. I am not anti-Tesla but I am also not a Elon fanboy .

This was big news and you don’t think people are going to write about it. Does anything they wrote sound impossible? You don’t think there was a meeting. So don’t think the manager would have pushed back on firing the people that created the greatest charging system around(BTW: the main reason I bought a Tesla). You really don’t believe, given his previous behavior, that Elon would not fire everyone after having a tantrum from someone standing up to him. Could Reuters do a better job, certainly but reporting on Tesla is tough to do. As far as the range story, it is not like there are any mentions on this forum about Teslas not getting close to the EPA range. It’s not like the German cars do any better….

Of course, Musk could do what Reuters asserted he did, and also he could do a million other things. Logic should tell us that if the manager has issue with an employee, the manager can fire that employee. After doing so, there is no point firing the entire team. But if we decline Musk the ability of logical actions, then, logically, we shall conclude that the success of Musk businesses is due to his illogical moves. Right?
Of course, Musk could do what Reuters asserted he did, and also he could do a million other things. Logic should tell us that if the manager has issue with an employee, the manager can fire that employee. After doing so, there is no point firing the entire team. But if we decline Musk the ability of logical actions, then, logically, we shall conclude that the success of Musk businesses is due to his illogical moves. Right?
Are you saying he is illogical all the time? Could he just be really good at coming up with a business idea, so good that it succeeds despite his actions. I am not saying he has been a bit nuts forever, just recently. He has been right quite often, so now he thinks any idea he has is great. Add to that him getting rid of anyone whom might say “Just hold on a second…”. and you have someone with no guardrails. Historically not great.
Moderator note: Moved a bunch of posts to Snippiness.

In addition, general posts about the credibility of news organizations, Elon's behavior, and things not related to the layoffs of the Supercharger team are pretty off-topic here. I'm starting to think this thread has outlived its usefulness but....

Please try to stay somewhere close to on-topic and avoid trolling or personal attacks.


Could Reuters do a better job, certainly but reporting on Tesla is tough to do.
They can't find an "expert" that have at least read the manual, even if they haven't played around with the UI in the actual car?
As far as the range story, it is not like there are any mentions on this forum about Teslas not getting close to the EPA range. It’s not like the German cars do any better….
That same list shows a German car that does worse too (the ID.4), so it doesn't really prove anything. The test is a steady state 70mph test which doesn't test the same thing the EPA tests, especially when comparing to combined range. A car can get better or worse at 70mph than EPA depending on how they optimize the car (with regen optimization likely making the biggest difference, given that plays a big role in the combined cycle vs steady state). Critically, no publication has demonstrated Teslas can't meet the EPA cycle when driven like the EPA cycle.
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