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Firmware 1.20.0

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I am new posting to this forum, but I have found it to be a very informative source of information for my Powerwall 2 journey.

I was updated to 1.20.0 July 2nd. I have my Powerwall 2 configured to run on my local WiFi. I know that in order to access the Wizard that you now have to use https://<local IP of Powerwall>. I also have configured my PVOUTPUT.org site to pull data from the Powerwall API and changed the integration service to use https as well. Here's my site: ZSolarPowerwall 7.560kW | Live Output.

This was all working well until last night at 6:30pm. I am unable to access the Wizard interface and my PVOUTPUT service stopped pulling data. I connected to the Powerwall's onboard WiFi in order to connect to the Wizard - no luck. I tried powering off the Powerwall and resetting the Gateway to see if there was a problem - no luck.

So, I called Tesla support. After several go arounds with them here's what I was told:
1. The Wizard interface is meant for installers only.
2. The functionality of the API is not supported for my usage. They said that some owners were "abusing the interface", tough they did not state that I had.
3. My system is running fine and sending Tesla data via my WiFi.
4. Last night they disabled the Wizard and API access on my Powerwall (remote command, not via firmware update).
5. They are working on a new web interface for owners to configure their systems.
6. They offered no insights to API access.
7. Timeline for the new web interface two weeks to a month.

So, this is a real bummer. Seems that if I want to get PVOUTPUT going I have to buy my own Neurio and have it installed.

I would appreciate any insights.
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Wow, that sucks. I still have web access to mine, and I am probably one of the owners who is "abusing the interface" ... if by abuse they mean pulling data once a second and stuffing it into a time-series database. Having that data, by the way, made it easy to prove one of my inverters was faulty on a couple of occasions. I've not connected mine to PVOUTPUT.
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I think by "abusing," they probably mean something like what I'm doing - automating switching modes for demand reduction with OhmConnect. It's unfortunately their attitude that they are the only ones who should control the Powerwalls and are very unreceptive to customers trying to use their products in ways that they don't expect (yet).

I can't imagine that even they would consider accessing the read-only interface that doesn't require authentication "abuse."

I'm disappointed with their attitude, but am hopeful that they really will follow through with having a more functional web interface. That'll provide the ability to do more effective automation.
When they found out I was accessing my installer page with their credentials, they immediately disabled it back in December. Their stand is that nothing in that interface is for owners, only for technicians.

Let's hope that whatever this new interface is, it will be as good for us owners.
The same thing happened to me.

In terms of API access, it looks like they've switched from http to https. Certificate verification becomes an issue, but most software allows you to choose to allow insecure connections. For instance, if you used to use:

curl -s http://192.168...

now use:

curl -sk https://192.168...

That should allow you to get any logging up and running again.

The problem I haven't resolved yet is that I can no longer login using the API in order to change settings. This wouldn't be so bad, but I just tried to change my settings (switching 10% reserve to 25%), as we're having a heatwave and I wanted to increase my reserve in case of a power outage. But for whatever reason, the app no longer seems to be pushing changes to the powerwall for me. After an hour or so of waiting, I tried using the command line API, and had authentication problems, then tried the wizard and also the same. It seems I can change the password, based on entering the last 5 of the serial number, but it doesn't accept the password when I try to log in (as customer or installer), nor does it accept the old serial number based login. Very frustrating.

If anyone finds a solution, please let me know!
Okay, this is very strange. We had a local 'critical peak pricing' demand response event today, from 2pm to 6pm, and the moment it ended (within 10s of seconds) at 6pm I regained control of the settings on my phone app, and the powerwall started recharging from solar. It may be a coincidence, as this was also exactly the time at which I hit my original reserve, but it was quite remarkable to see it happen. A graph of my power draw is attached. Note that 2pm is also when I hit peak rates, and so the sudden shift to delivering power back to the grid was expected behavior. The glitch at 5:38 pm was me turning the Powerwall off and on again using the button.

On the plus side, my powerwall and HVAC seem to have just survived a heat wave that was within a degree of so of the hottest ever locally. We've been at 43-44 C (around 110 F) for most of the afternoon.


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Are you setting force_sm_off to true on the login? Firmware 1.17.0 and later will return a login failure if the Powerwall is not in standby unless you explicitly force the sitemaster off.

Sitemaster is off for sure:

curl -sk -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"username":"'"${username}"'", "password":"'"${serialno}"'", "force_sm_off":false}' https://${ip_addr}/api/login/Basic
Sitemaster is off for sure:

curl -sk -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"username":"'"${username}"'", "password":"'"${serialno}"'", "force_sm_off":false}' https://${ip_addr}/api/login/Basic

Are you sure that's what you're sending? "force_sm_off":true is the setting to force the sitemaster off on login (equivalent to checking "Force Launch Wizard" on the Web UI). That was the fix I made to get my script working again. When I had it the way you do in your example, I kept getting login errors if the Powerwall was charging or discharging.

Edit: I want to add I'm still on 1.17.2. The errors appeared when I was upgraded from 1.15.1
korinel and cwied:
I'm no expert here, it seems that you both have your own applications and that you use shell scripts to access the API. My question is given what you've stated above, shouldn't I still be able to access the Wizard and the API directly from a web browser using https. e.g. This is not working for me regardless of the browser. The browser clearly makes a connection, but it times out. My issue is that appear to have shut off any access to the API and Wizard. Can you provide me with some simple scripts to run from my raspberrpi to check it out?
Thank you.
korinel and cwied:
My question is given what you've stated above, shouldn't I still be able to access the Wizard and the API directly from a web browser using https. e.g. This is not working for me regardless of the browser.

You say https, but your URL says http. Are you definitely using https to connect? The other question is if you are sure of the IP address you're using to connect to the Gateway. Did you get this from the client table on your router?

Note that the Gateway can't present a certificate that is valid for all IP addresses, so you would need to get around the certificate validation to see any data in the browser.