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Hold map in one spot

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For my commute, I would always zoom the map out a bit and move the map to display the freeways far ahead of my current location, so I can plan my route based on the traffic. Now when I move the map, it automatically zooms back to my current location. Is there any way to restore the ability to make the map view stay where I put it?

Very frustrating this has changed as I subscribed to the premium connectivity to see traffic where I am going to be, not where I am at currently. I am not using nav when doing this, I know where I am going, I just want to see the traffic at a different location and have the map stay where I put it. Thanks for any possible solutions, I fear this functionality has been lost.
I have a 2015 Model S and it's the same - constant zoom-back. I 100% never want that to happen. If I wanted it to auto-pan/zoom again, I would press the view mode selector again. It used to work this way.
Now I have to just keep nudging the map every few seconds. I, also, would really like to know if there's a way to stop the auto-pan/zoom.
I, also, would really like to know if there's a way to stop the auto-pan/zoom.

Keep making pressure on the screen using a finger (yourself or your passenger) to avoid the screen to resize to the defaulf display.

I often do this when I am driving near my destination, while driving at slow speed, to avoid making a wrong turn.

Note: I remember that someone designed a type of "clothes peg" to keep pressure on the screen for this purpose.
It doesn't work that way today. End of story.

However, I have to ask: how often do you think the traffic data changes by any significant amount? Are you expecting the traffic to change significantly up ahead on your route? Plus, the laggy nature of live traffic anyway would seem to limit the usefulness of this kind of dynamic re-routing. The live traffic is "live", but not that live. It's good at detecting longer lasting jams and slowdowns, but I imagine the instances that it would instantly show a sudden slowdown on the route ahead (for reasonable length commutes) in time for you to do much about it.

That said, I do understand your need. Is your commute to the same location every day? If so, set your work location in the car. The car will automatically route you to work, alleviating you from having to specifically navigate there (if your schedule is not regular, you only need to swipe down on the Navigate bar to navigate to work when you are currently at home), and vice versa for home. That way you can at least monitor the arrival time for any significant changes and then look ahead to see what the problem may be (and the car may even suggest an alternate route).

I don't find the Tesla nav to be the best for traffic aware routing anyway, but it's not bad. I usually fire up Waze to get a better recommendation of routing anyway.
For my commute, I would always zoom the map out a bit and move the map to display the freeways far ahead of my current location, so I can plan my route based on the traffic. Now when I move the map, it automatically zooms back to my current location. Is there any way to restore the ability to make the map view stay where I put it?

Very frustrating this has changed as I subscribed to the premium connectivity to see traffic where I am going to be, not where I am at currently. I am not using nav when doing this, I know where I am going, I just want to see the traffic at a different location and have the map stay where I put it. Thanks for any possible solutions, I fear this functionality has been lost.

So as long as you don't need to stay zoomed in to your current area, you can just zoom out enough to see what you need to see. That is what I do but it IS tricky. I keep North Up on my display and when you zoom in or out you need to make sure that the North Up icon doesn't grey out like it does when you swipe on the map. Takes some practice though.

I agree though, I would like to shift the view a bit and have it stick...though I think my issue would be fixed if Tesla wouldn't re-route in violation of my "if faster" setting! I have it set for re-rout only if new route is more than 10 minutes faster and it still re-routs to a route either the same or like 1 minute faster...unfortunately this "faster" route will probably be 20 minutes slower by the time I get there because of an accident.
It doesn't work that way today. End of story.

However, I have to ask: how often do you think the traffic data changes by any significant amount? Are you expecting the traffic to change significantly up ahead on your route? Plus, the laggy nature of live traffic anyway would seem to limit the usefulness of this kind of dynamic re-routing. The live traffic is "live", but not that live. It's good at detecting longer lasting jams and slowdowns, but I imagine the instances that it would instantly show a sudden slowdown on the route ahead (for reasonable length commutes) in time for you to do much about it.

That said, I do understand your need. Is your commute to the same location every day? If so, set your work location in the car. The car will automatically route you to work, alleviating you from having to specifically navigate there (if your schedule is not regular, you only need to swipe down on the Navigate bar to navigate to work when you are currently at home), and vice versa for home. That way you can at least monitor the arrival time for any significant changes and then look ahead to see what the problem may be (and the car may even suggest an alternate route).

I don't find the Tesla nav to be the best for traffic aware routing anyway, but it's not bad. I usually fire up Waze to get a better recommendation of routing anyway.
It worked that way yesterday, and I used that feature all the time. It really sucks that they change things like that, and for no particular reason. When I'm looking for a route I want to see the traffic because in NYC it is always just bad. If I want it to go back you could press the button to have it recenter. This change is completely uncalled for and takes away a useful feature. They really need to stop changing things like this.

And really, do you use navigate to get to work? On the same route every day? I only use navigate to get somewhere when I'm in an unfamiliar place. To me at least that excludes all of New York City. On long distance trips I use it to plan charging stops, and frequently ignore it then too. Even when I use it sometimes I just turn it off once I get the gist of where I'm going. I just find it annoying, even with the voice off.

So as long as you don't need to stay zoomed in to your current area, you can just zoom out enough to see what you need to see. That is what I do but it IS tricky. I keep North Up on my display and when you zoom in or out you need to make sure that the North Up icon doesn't grey out like it does when you swipe on the map. Takes some practice though.

Tricky is not what you want while you're driving,
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And really, do you use navigate to get to work? On the same route every day? I only use navigate to get somewhere when I'm in an unfamiliar place. To me at least that excludes all of New York City. On long distance trips I use it to plan charging stops, and frequently ignore it then too. Even when I use it sometimes I just turn it off once I get the gist of where I'm going. I just find it annoying, even with the voice off.
Well, our office closed, so I'm now WFH, so no, not using it to navigate to work! But yes, even when I was driving into the office (which was a pretty short commute already), I would tend to use it just so I could get a good arrival time estimate (which was scarily accurate). I do use navigation on a trip I take 2-3 times a week for the same reason it sounds like you do: there are 2-3 ways to get to my destination, and sometimes one of those routes is quite a bit faster than the other (due to rush hour traffic, accidents, etc.) So I always fire up navigation (although I use Waze rather than the car because it actually lets me compare the top 3 routes easily), pick my route based on what it recommends, and then commit to it. I don't actively monitor things en route.
Well, our office closed, so I'm now WFH, so no, not using it to navigate to work! But yes, even when I was driving into the office (which was a pretty short commute already), I would tend to use it just so I could get a good arrival time estimate (which was scarily accurate). I do use navigation on a trip I take 2-3 times a week for the same reason it sounds like you do: there are 2-3 ways to get to my destination, and sometimes one of those routes is quite a bit faster than the other (due to rush hour traffic, accidents, etc.) So I always fire up navigation (although I use Waze rather than the car because it actually lets me compare the top 3 routes easily), pick my route based on what it recommends, and then commit to it. I don't actively monitor things en route.
In NYC I just assume it is always rush hour and everything will be slow. Usually the only question is whether to stay on the highway with the traffic or just take the streets, and the navigation doesn't work well with the streets because it can't predict traffic lights or double parked cars. All it takes is two idiot UPS/FEDEX/USPS/Amazon delivery drivers to double park opposite each other here and you have a traffic jam.
And really, do you use navigate to get to work? On the same route every day? I only use navigate to get somewhere when I'm in an unfamiliar place. To me at least that excludes all of New York City. On long distance trips I use it to plan charging stops, and frequently ignore it then too. Even when I use it sometimes I just turn it off once I get the gist of where I'm going. I just find it annoying, even with the voice off.

Yes, I use it every day. There are a number of times that it has saved me since it routed around a traffic problem. Of course I initially resist, wondering why it is being stupid, then I see the problem and apologize for calling it stupid. I've been using GPSs for nav nearly every day for more than 20 years, long before Tesla.

And then FSD doesn't work unless it is navigating.

So if you don't want the tools that can help, don't complain that they can't help.
Yes, I use it every day. There are a number of times that it has saved me since it routed around a traffic problem. Of course I initially resist, wondering why it is being stupid, then I see the problem and apologize for calling it stupid. I've been using GPSs for nav nearly every day for more than 20 years, long before Tesla.

And then FSD doesn't work unless it is navigating.

So if you don't want the tools that can help, don't complain that they can't help.

I wonder why my car is being stupid with navigation every day but I still use navigate to work and home because it gets me to look at the traffic map to figure things out myself. 99% of the time on my way home, Tesla is going to try and make the trip harder because "live" traffic data doesn't tell the whole story.

And it still violates the my reroute if x minutes faster setting which is very annoying.
Latest software fixed it. About time.


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I wonder why my car is being stupid with navigation every day but I still use navigate to work and home because it gets me to look at the traffic map to figure things out myself. 99% of the time on my way home, Tesla is going to try and make the trip harder because "live" traffic data doesn't tell the whole story.

And it still violates the my reroute if x minutes faster setting which is very annoying.
Fixed. With latest update
For my commute, I would always zoom the map out a bit and move the map to display the freeways far ahead of my current location, so I can plan my route based on the traffic. Now when I move the map, it automatically zooms back to my current location. Is there any way to restore the ability to make the map view stay where I put it?

Very frustrating this has changed as I subscribed to the premium connectivity to see traffic where I am going to be, not where I am at currently. I am not using nav when doing this, I know where I am going, I just want to see the traffic at a different location and have the map stay where I put it. Thanks for any possible solutions, I fear this functionality has been lost.
A recent update really messed up the Nav. It no longer does what I want it to do like before. The updates to the Nav seems to get worst and worst. It now zooms in to turn-by-turn for every navigation i put in, even though I want the whole trip view. Very annoying.
A recent update really messed up the Nav. It no longer does what I want it to do like before. The updates to the Nav seems to get worst and worst. It now zooms in to turn-by-turn for every navigation i put in, even though I want the whole trip view. Very annoying.
I think you can control it with a button on the screen. I had the same problem but my wife fixed it from the passenger seat, and I think it is selectable.

But, the reason I came back to this thread is that it still re-centers after you move it even on the latest update. It seems to allow a little longer, but I don't want it to re-center if I'm looking at something like the overall traffic picture in NYC.

But this seems to be a case of "if it ain't broke don't fix it".
I think you can control it with a button on the screen. I had the same problem but my wife fixed it from the passenger seat, and I think it is selectable.

But, the reason I came back to this thread is that it still re-centers after you move it even on the latest update. It seems to allow a little longer, but I don't want it to re-center if I'm looking at something like the overall traffic picture in NYC.

But this seems to be a case of "if it ain't broke don't fix it".
Yea, I think that if one of the screen options is set, and you change map, then it won't reset. I don't know which one it is, I just know that recently it happened to me and I had to hit the selector to get it back to following.
The dynamic zooming is really annoying. It practically makes navigation useless for me. I'm considering cancelling the premier connectivity all together and just use my phone for navigation moving forward. It's amazing how Tesla gave us a huge screen and somehow make it useless at the same time.
How many times do you need to hit the fresh air/recirculate button to toggle the mode? In all my previous cars, just once. Somehow Tesla can make it so complicated that you have to press the button multiple times. Otherwise, it's consider user error. Go figure.