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How does an owner contact Tesla Management?

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After reading the blogs on TMC Model X forum, I don't know if I just got lucky with my used 2016 MX I bought after waiting and looking at the website for about a year, or if the number of unfortunate incidents is disproportionately high in this forum as compared to all Tesla MX owners. Maybe a little of both. I am disappointed by the fact that Tesla owners are being treated poorly by TSCs as I'm reading almost every day, and it makes me feel just a tad guilty and mostly lucky that I have not experienced 99% of this issues I read about. Maybe buying a used car that had been "tested" by the previous owner for 47K miles was not a bad idea in hind sight. I am still very happy with my purchase after 7 months and 6K miles (53K on the car).
Tesla's sales won't suffer until there are competitive EV alternatives. They know they have a monopoly on the EV market for another couple of years so for now there is no incentive to improve service. I think once the major auto makers catch up, Tesla will be forced to improve their service or get left behind.
Tesla's sales won't suffer until there are competitive EV alternatives. They know they have a monopoly on the EV market for another couple of years so for now there is no incentive to improve service. I think once the major auto makers catch up, Tesla will be forced to improve their service or get left behind.

Tesla's overwhelming advantage right now is the proprietary supercharger network. Tesla has the only all-electric car in the world that a person can use to travel long distances in a reasonable amount of time. I see that advantage staying in place at least another 5-10 years. Until there's another brand of car that an owner can use to travel (fast charging en route), I don't see Tesla improving or changing anything other than their new car lines. They are already profitable. Improving service would cut the profit margin and, apparently in Tesla's estimation, wouldn't increase sales enough to overcome the cost of increasing service quality.

The good news is that there are SCs out there that already do good work and honor the warranty. Too bad all SCs do not.
@Kurt'sX out of curiosity what is your question about the annual service that you can't get answered?

I received a standard answer to a question of coverage, "sorry its expired" which was given to me via Text message. I asked again and it took a week to get another text response, which was "sorry its expired" - without an explanation. I decided to drive to a service center so I could speak to a supervisor face to face. The Associate Service Manager said since my question on my phones Tesla app. had gone to a different service center, I had to speak to them. She would not provide me a contact for her boss, or anyone above her level, and when asked, stated she couldnt give me a business card cuz "We are a green company and dont use them". Boy did I get the brush off.....

Having time on my hands, I then drove to the service center where I had sent the inquiry, and met another Associate Service Manager, and I asked my original question. He looked at the computer and advised "It says its expired", but if I wanted to ask about it, Id have to talk to THE Associate Service Manager who responded to my original question. Unfortunately, that Associate Service Manager wasnt in the office, but they would have him call me.

When I asked to speak to THE SERVICE MANAGER, I was told Id have to ask the Associate for that information. Did I just fall into a giant computer loop? Boy, aggravation doesnt begin to express my feelings.
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I received a standard answer to a question of coverage, "sorry its expired" which was given to me via Text message. I asked again and it took a week to get another text response, which was "sorry its expired" - without an explanation.

So, again, what was your question? Is it related to this post: Extended Service Plan Issues

If so, it seems like someone else answered the question for you about how those prepaid services expire and are forfeited:

In keeping with what @Tam said, the agreement I had clearly defined limitations in mileage and time for each of the services, starting from the date you took possession of the car. The agreement could be bought within the first year or 12,500 miles, but service times and mileage were measured from your acquisition of the car. The service intervals were 12 months or 12,500 miles, whichever came first.

“Notwithstanding the date this Agreement is purchased or becomes effective, annual service inspections must be performed within 1,000 miles (1,600 km) or 30 days of the specified annual service inspection intervals for Your selected Plan. Any annual service inspections not completed within such time will be forfeited and no annual service inspections will be added as a replacement for any such excluded annual service inspections.”

Did your agreement have different terms?
I received a standard answer to a question of coverage, "sorry its expired" which was given to me via Text message. I asked again and it took a week to get another text response, which was "sorry its expired" - without an explanation. I decided to drive to a service center so I could speak to a supervisor face to face. The Associate Service Manager said since my question on my phones Tesla app. had gone to a different service center, I had to speak to them. She would not provide me a contact for her boss, or anyone above her level, and when asked, stated she couldnt give me a business card cuz "We are a green company and dont use them". Boy did I get the brush off.....

Having time on my hands, I then drove to the service center where I had sent the inquiry, and met another Associate Service Manager, and I asked my original question. He looked at the computer and advised "It says its expired", but if I wanted to ask about it, Id have to talk to THE Associate Service Manager who responded to my original question. Unfortunately, that Associate Service Manager wasnt in the office, but they would have him call me.

When I asked to speak to THE SERVICE MANAGER, I was told Id have to ask the Associate for that information. Did I just fall into a giant computer loop? Boy, aggravation doesnt begin to express my feelings.

Why is "it is expired" not a sufficient answer? Are you interpreting the coverage differently? If so, you might want to change tack and go talk to a lawyer.
Does anyone know how to contact Tesla above the Service Center level??

Ive recently had a service inquiry over an upcoming annual service on my Model X. Ive reached out using the tesla app and over a period of a week, received back very brief unacceptable text responses on my phone. My service appointment is approaching in the next week and I wanted an answer, so I decided a face to face would result in better response and I drive 1 1/2 hours to a local service center and start asking questions. I attempt to speak directly with a service manager, but find them conveniently out of sight, and consequently end up relaying all my issues thru the service advisor sitting at the front desk. Very aggravating.

Eventually, noticing that I wasn't leaving, an Associate Service Manager comes out and tells me since I had made a service appointment at a different service center, I needed to contact them. I tried to get the answers I was seeking but hit a wall. My request for whom to contact above the service center level was refused, and was again advised to contact the original service center, since they had my appointment. Now keep in mind, my questions were related to annual service items, not any specific service center.

I wasn't satisfied and my questions were not answered so I proceeded to drive to the next service center where my appointment had been scheduled for next week. My only purpose was to talk to a Service Manager, but that hit the same wall as the first service center. I eventually sat down with an Associate Service Manager and asked my questions, but, surprise, surprise, was told that Id have to direct my questions to THE SPECIFIC Assistant Service Manager who took my initial service request, and he was unavailable unfortunately, but I was assured he would reach out prior to my appointment. I again inquired whom I could contact above the service center lever, and again met a block wall, being told I needed to get that information from the guy that was going to contact me.

Good news....Within minutes I received a text from THE Associate Service Manager. Bad News.....That message repeated the same original text message that started this inquiry!! I responded "I would like to speak to you, please call me at this #######." Unfortunately, its Friday afternoon, and I know I wont get anything until Monday or later. So, its 11 days of text messages and service center visits and Im right back at the original text message.

Who do you reach out to above the service center level for complaints? anybody know??

It's like dealing with OZ. You will never find out who is behind the curtain unless it is accidentally opened. One of many gripes I have with Tesla. They hide behind the keyboard. I can say that while I was having a terrible experience with my purchase I was able to get a hold of a manager in CA who was outstanding in assisting me resolve my issues. That being said it wasn't easy to get to that point but once I was able to get someone it resolved quickly. Good luck!
So, again, what was your question? Is it related to this post: Extended Service Plan Issues

If so, it seems like someone else answered the question for you about how those prepaid services expire and are forfeited:

Did your agreement have different terms?
No, you are correct and thats how my agreement read, and I did miss the mileage mark. Part of my aggravation comes from my getting a third year service when I had 49,700 miles on the odometer. Now the policy was still in effect, but I was at the 50K mileage mark and I think Tesla Service could have pointed out that my policy was going to expire in 300 miles and then suggest I get the last and more expensive 4th year service.

Tesla didnt mention it, I think intentionally, and Ive now forfeited the last $800 prepaid service. I then find reference to this behavior from a Tesla executive (RE: Extended Service Plan mentioned above) who says If a customer paid, the customer gets the service. Im not sure if I want to continue arguing or just let them pocket my $800, but Tesla has sure soured me on their idea of SERVICE.

Incidentally, Tesla has now cancelled this prepaid service plan and clearly states that their cars dont require annual maintenance, and not servicing has no effect on the vehicles warranty.
Is there a FAQ / wiki on how to file an arbitration ? I also have that roof trim falling apart problem on my MX.
What Tesla contact / address did u use to send the lawsuit / arbitration to ?
Thanks ahead for any tips and advice !

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