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Hyperloop - impact on TSLA?

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Wow. That's impressive even by Elon standards, clearly a great deal of thought and work put into it. Would be amazing to see it actually constructed. I'm seeing potential to involve Tesla battery packs and Solar City installing solar panels, not sure how else TSLA might benefit?

Well (from what I've read so far) each vehicle has an on board battery (not that big and only a small number of pods). Plus they talk about a system to store energy (batteries+air tanks) for night/bad weather in order to make the system self sufficient at all times. I doubt it would have any major impact on Tesla though... unless tesla decides to actually build the whole thing, which I would definitely rule out.

I guess this would mainly impact Solar City investors.

Edit: oh and I forgot about the linear accelerators! Those could presumably be built by Tesla.
Well (from what I've read so far) each vehicle has an on board battery (not that big and only a small number of pods). Plus they talk about a system to store energy (batteries+air tanks) for night/bad weather in order to make the system self sufficient at all times. I doubt it would have any major impact on Tesla though... unless tesla decides to actually build the whole thing, which I would definitely rule out.

I guess this would mainly impact Solar City investors.

Edit: oh and I forgot about the linear accelerators! Those could presumably be built by Tesla.

Tesla could design and manufacture the pods and propulsion system, with government/private construction companies support to fund and construct the actual tubes themselves, this could get built. Tesla is not in a position to acquire the land rights, and is not in the construction business, that part would have to to be done by the government, I don't think there is a private company big enough to take that on, besides, being built over/next to I5, that's already a government public right of way, they would have to have buy in and be involved.
Tesla could design and manufacture the pods and propulsion system, with government/private construction companies support to fund and construct the actual tubes themselves, this could get built. Tesla is not in a position to acquire the land rights, and is not in the construction business, that part would have to to be done by the government, I don't think there is a private company big enough to take that on, besides, being built over/next to I5, that's already a government public right of way, they would have to have buy in and be involved.

Yeah but there's a reason the Hyperloop paper was published both on Tesla's and SpaceX's site. It requires the competences of both companies combined. There's quite a bit more of aerodynamics involved with this than what Tesla is used to deal with. It sounds like it is much closer to building electric rockets/planes than electric cars.
Anyone going to put up a chart showing how much traffic to Teslamotors.com increased due to the Hyperloop blog post? This announcement basically just earned the attention of a ton of people and directed them to Tesla's website.
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Yeah but there's a reason the Hyperloop paper was published both on Tesla's and SpaceX's site. It requires the competences of both companies combined. There's quite a bit more of aerodynamics involved with this than what Tesla is used to deal with. It sounds like it is much closer to building electric rockets/planes than electric cars.

Sure, so perhaps they could do a joint venture, where SpaceX is contracted for the capsule design/fabrication, and Tesla for the propulsion system design/fabrication. If no one else picks up on the idea, that's how it will most likely be done, some day...
Sure, so perhaps they could do a joint venture, where SpaceX is contracted for the capsule design/fabrication, and Tesla for the propulsion system design/fabrication. If no one else picks up on the idea, that's how it will most likely be done, some day...

Definitely. It sounds like something of the sort already happened during the design phase.... so I wouldn't be surprised.

But, to bring this back to a stock discussion, I guess this might impact the stock a little bit tomorrow....it could be an interesting future opportunity and a lot of free press will certainly come out of it. Nothing major though.... not as long as there isn't a firm commitment to build this thing (or at least some rumors).

Looks exciting to me, and the capsules can be designed to hold 3 full sized automobiles. If it somehow could be regulated for only EV's would be a nice incentive to own a Tesla!

Only EVs can be left ON during the trip! It's self regulating!
Only EVs can be left ON during the trip! It's self regulating!

Go a step further...on-board super chargers, your Model S would be fully charged after the 30 minute trip

On topic, I'll be interested to see what this does with the stock tomorrow and what analysts have to say about it. It definitely comes off as a far-fetched idea that would be more fitting in a trip to Gotham, but its compelling all the same.

I expect that there will be a few articles bashing the feasibility (whether attempting to hurt TSLA or not). As far as I see it, though, this isn't meant to be a final proposal for the state of California. It is simply a pretty heavily thought out idea with plenty of blanks to fill in.

Given the shear size of the PDF it is going to create quite a buzz I expect, and that can't hurt TSLA going into Tuesday :)
I just saw this part from the Bloomberg interview:
"You just drive on, and the pod departs"


I thought it would be like a ferry, where you drive in, but then have to go sit down somewhere else for the journey. This seems to imply you can stay in your car.

That would be insanely cool - how do you solve the EV roadtrip problem? By taking the "road" out of the equation.
Sorry if I'm stepping on some toes here, but the Hyperloop discussion borders on hysteria. Nothing is going to come of this idea in the near term, and the concept is only marginally relevant to Tesla insofar as it affects the sentiment towards Elon Musk and his business sense. The Hyperloop presentation is just a very accomplished engineer (Elon Musk) making some radical thoughts about a possible future transportation technology. Tesla will not build this, neither will SpaceX. Anything else is just idle musing. I am extremely doubtful that the Hyperloop will ever get funded, but if it does, we are talking a 15-year timeframe on someone else's budget.

I've read the published document, and it's a quite interesting read which has some very innovative ideas: evacuated tunnel, compressors as drag reduction/propulsion devices, air bearings, battery-powered, distributed propulsion system. Ideas of this type should be considered by other engineering companies; it is reassuring to see that Musk has multiple kinds of these radical ideas. But if this becomes significantly relevant to Tesla's stock price, I am seriously worried about the hype levels we are at - and the level of hype is something to be worried about. If the market starts adding dollars to Tesla's share price in the expectation that Tesla will be a new mass transit provider in California, I will be really worried.

Would it be possible that we leave Hyperloop discussion in a different thread?
I agree with you a little, however:

Sentiment has been propelling this stock for a while now. The only thing that justifies the current share price is a belief that the company is forward thinking, and being led by a visionary CEO.

How is the hyperloop paper not further proof of that?

There's also the fact that it's free advertising for Tesla.
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Sorry if I'm stepping on some toes here, but the Hyperloop discussion borders on hysteria. Nothing is going to come of this idea in the near term, and the concept is only marginally relevant to Tesla insofar as it affects the sentiment towards Elon Musk and his business sense.

I agree and disagree.

Mostly I agree that Hyperloop seems to be getting people pretty excited and they might expect people to buy TSLA stock. The reality is that this probably won't be the case in the near-term. It appears TSLA involvement in a possible Hyperloop might be fairly small (ie., making capsules, motors, batteries... which is a tiny part of the total cost of Hyperloop). And Hyperloop appears to be still in the concept phase with execution a far while out, if ever.

So, I wouldn't count on Hyperloop boosting TSLA stock much near-term.

But I do think the Hyperloop paper does show something about Elon Musk and the serious engineering/creative chops he's got (as well as his teams at SpaceX and Tesla that collaborated on this). It shows that Elon can come up with a multi-billion business idea basically from scratch. This is a rare talent/gift/ability. It reminds me of Steve Jobs and the seemingly magical ability he had to come up with that "One More Thing". To me, this shows that Elon has got that "one more thing" x-factor as a CEO. And this is a boost to the his leadership at Tesla.

If Tesla ever gets stuck in a shrinking market, Elon can call upon his "One More Thing" chops (as demonstrated by the Hyperloop paper) and steer Tesla into new markets. So, what kind of extra valuation do you give a company that has given even more evidence of their CEO's ability to create innovative new products for massive new markets?

My personal assessment of Elon as a CEO with amazing product/market creation ability is one of the reasons why I decided to invest in TSLA and to hold for a long, long time. Especially since I find it rare to come across a CEO with the ability to create new markets with innovative products. Now with Hyperloop, I can see more people be drawn to TSLA because of Elon's leadership/creative abilities. But I personally don't think it will be an immediate flood of people and probably won't affect the stock price much, if at all, over the next weeks (but who knows?). But I can see it as an interesting factor going forward, over the next several months and years.

Basically, Hyperloop is more evidence Tesla has got a kick-ass CEO and how much that affects the stock price is up to debate... but shouldn't be disregarded altogether.

By the way, the main Hyperloop discussion thread is at: Hyperloop
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