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Impact of February 28 Announcement on Current 100D Owners

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I'm estimating the current value of our 2017 S 100D and 2018 X 100D combined lost around $25K this week - about 2/3 of what it would cost to buy a new $35K Model 3!
Bob, the impact of prices outside the US is even more savage, you are lucky you only lost a combined $25K.
A new Model X P100D has dropped $85,000 AUD, that is about $60,000 USD, about what you might expect to lose over 4 years of ownership, not 1 month in some cases. Several factors come in to play with that final price reduction figure being so high outside the USA but that is where it ends up, not much different over in Europe and that is why in one foul swoop Tesla has guaranteed outside of the USA they have just lost many, many customers for life over this very dodgy price massacre.
And to offer discounted FSD might be a nice thought, but essentially they are still asking you to buy something that may never work! Which when some are paying off loans now worth more than what a brand new car would cost isn't fair, not one bit fair but I'm betting nobody at Tesla thought about international market impact.
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Traded in my P85D for S100D (using the old naming scheme) on Tuesday 2/19, 9 days before this change. The web site says I can get FSD for $3K. Not sure how I feel about this whole situation. But also not going to get upset about it.
No batt or trim badges


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Perhaps a naive question, but given the price drop, will my lease provider be willing to negotiate the buyout value with me at the end of the lease. My residual value I believe is approx 60k, but the car will be worth well less than that amount in 2 years from now.
My guess is that most of the high end (P100D) cars were bought on a lease. They're somewhat protected due to the GMFV clauses...

Still, my P100D is less than two years old... it's a bit of a kick in the teeth when you wake up and overnight Tesla has dropped the price of your car by £40,000. In fact, if I bought it today it'd be 40k cheaper, and technically a better car - mine is HW2.0 not HW2.5 and lacks the now-included premium sound package and cold weather package etc.

Although we do expect this kind of thing with a high-tech product -- that's one helluva leap.

Only a year to go... Who knows what'll have happened by this time next year.
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And EAP / FSD is going to be a complete freaking fiasco now, I won't be shocked if those that got EAP already will get the FSD package for free so they don't need to manage it.

I don't see this happening. It would royally pi$$ off the folks who bought FSD. It's just an option flag somewhere in the config. They're walking the line right now in making it a lot cheaper for existing owners.
This is part of Tesla ownership. Happens all the time. I’m on my second MS and I could recount numerous examples like those mentioned in posts above. I’m thrilled by the announcement even though my September 100D would be cheaper and more full featured if bought today. Cost of progress. Tesla rules!

Yep. There were a bunch of owners crying holy-hell when the P85D came out. And the refresh. And the 100. And.... so-on.
I don't see this happening. It would royally pi$$ off the folks who bought FSD. It's just an option flag somewhere in the config. They're walking the line right now in making it a lot cheaper for existing owners.

Yeah - the best thing they could do really is just refund everyone that bought EAP or FSD, and then you can start again and buy the one you want. They didn't deliver FSD as advertised, and barely got there with EAP. Perhaps best to wipe the slate clean.
The early production Model S vehicles didn't have any badging. Tesla added badging in early 2013.

So we're going to back to what Tesla was doing originally with the Model S, or at least for now - this is clearly something they can add back, with minimal cost.

Or an aftermarket opportunity for someone to start selling badging, for those who want to advertise how much they spent on their cars...
The early production Model S vehicles didn't have any badging. Tesla added badging in early 2013.

So we're going to back to what Tesla was doing originally with the Model S, or at least for now - this is clearly something they can add back, with minimal cost.

Or an aftermarket opportunity for someone to start selling badging, for those who want to advertise how much they spent on their cars...

My MX was shipped (new) without badging. At the time, apparently they installed badging at the SC. For my case, they forgot to put it on, and I told them it wasn’t necessary to install. I heard of another case where they put a 90D on a P90DL and the owner was quite upset. Badging means a lot to some folks.

I liked the clean look; therefore, I had them take off my MS badging before delivery. It was listed as badge delete on my delivery sheet.

Of note... I have been asked if my MS was a M3 on multiple occasions, including by a Tesla owner.
Perhaps a naive question, but given the price drop, will my lease provider be willing to negotiate the buyout value with me at the end of the lease. My residual value I believe is approx 60k, but the car will be worth well less than that amount in 2 years from now.

Great point, our P100D mX has like a $110k residual, AT THE END OF 2020!

Also --- now would be the PERFECT time to lease an inventory 100D. $22k-$24k off and they can't change the residuals or sticker price...We're looking at over $600/mo off the leases of inventory cars. Some mX P100D inventory cars now have $37k discounts...That's almost $1,000/mo off.
Tesla's pricing of the S/X has been high (especially after AP2 was added in late 2016). For a new technology product, it's been surprising Tesla has maintained a $105-115K price point for years for fully configured non-performance S/X models, and did that only by continuing to add new functionality - increasing functionality at about the same price. This time, they've (finally) lowered the price point for their vehicles, while frustrating for current owners - this is something Tesla has long needed to do.

They are entering a new stage in their business - with the phaseout of the US tax credits and the imminent introduction of competing long range EVs. They needed to bring the S/X pricing down - and by going to only online sales and with the increased efficiencies (especially using in-house motor and battery production), they will make it easier for them to compete with both ICEs and new EVs. The other manufacturers will have a difficult time producing EVs that can compete with Tesla on price, performance, range and features - and could force them to sell their vehicles at a loss, just to compete with Tesla.

Are we disappointed we lost $25K in current value in our S/X vehicles overnight - yes. But from a business perspective, this was the right thing for Tesla to do - and should position them better for long term success.