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Ken/Kent/Kerry Beauchrt/Beuchert/Beuchrt/Biker/Rider/Krider

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Some of the places that those names have posted ask for a location and they usually put some city in mid-western Flordia. (Different cities for different posts). Other postings showed up on Topix that tries to match a city to your IP address, and I saw a lot of Florida, Maryland and Virginia there...

There were also some Kent postings talking about local issues in Washington D.C. area and Florida.

Some examples:

Amazon.com: Profile for Kent Beuchert
Kent Beuchert's profile
Nickname: thebike
McLean, VA
FACT: Chevy Volt’s Generator to Start When Battery Power Drops to 50% | GM-VOLT : Chevy Volt Electric Car Site
kent beuchert Says:

Last time I looked at DOE stats, the national average electric rate was 8.5 cents, which is what I pay in Florida, and my friend pays in Virginia
2007 ? Year of the electric car | COSMOS magazine
Kent Beuchert
Tampa, FL
Wind turbine taxes won't generate a lot of new revenue for coun... - Topix
Study backs plug-in hybrids - Topix
Washington DC bubble? - BusinessWeek
From 2005:

Having lived in Wash DC area all my life...
Worldchanging: That ZENN Moment
TC Gray: "I live in a Florida retirement community...We all use golf carts..."
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And pro nuclear over here:

New Study on Staggering Cost of Nuclear Energy, Staggeringly Pessimistic The Foundry

Kent beuchert Tampa, FL writes:
...alternative energies such as wind, solar, etc. are uncontrollable, unreliable, unpredictable and unable to meet peak demand...

And a response from you know who:
Thomas Gray South Carolina, writes:
I think a point to make here is, the oil suppliers want nothing to do with electric cars, the cap and trade folks want nothing to do with clean energy.
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The guy (or people using the alias) really gets around and has a strong opinion on many things:

The Liberty Papers Blog Archive Supreme Court Takes Middle School Strip Search Case
Could someone explain the prohibition of either Advil or ibuprofen in schools? What!?!?! Comment by kent beuchert — January 18, 2009

The Liberty Papers Blog Archive Microsoft Attacked By EU For Same Practices That Apple/Linux Use
"...the issue whether a company has a right to pre-install a browser, but whether a company that controls over 90% of the OS market has a right to leveragethat monopolistic position to establish a browser monopoly as well. Actually, the alternative browsers are doing pretty good - Google and others have obtained together more than a 50% share of the browser market, so there really is no case to be made against Microsoft at this point. Five years ago, yes. But not now. Hopefully this newly arisen situation will not give rise to non-standard browser capabilities, but the needs of the internet itself sort of makes that unlikely. Comment by kent beuchert — January 18, 2009
Sheesh - now I remember why I stopped trying to search for Beuchert posts...

Here he turns a discussion about Eliot Spitzer into another rant on EVs:
The Liberty Papers Blog Archive Eliot Spitzer on Transformation and Stimulation
It’s hard to know where to start in correcting all the fiction that flows out of Spitzer’s mouth. WWII did NOT end the Depression, which was longer and depper than that in any other country, thanks to the idiocies of the New deal (which, among other things, established monopolies in order to keep prices HIGH(!!!!!!). Those New Deal brainless boobs thought that “overproduction” had caused the Great Depresssion. The Depression ended
in late 1946. No additional jobs were added during WWII - those millions of unemployed men and women simply exchanged unemploment for a uniform.
The obstacle to electric cars has NOTHING to do with a lack of infrastruture. Perhaps Spitzer is unaware that the infrastructure for electric devices has existed for 100 years now.
It’s called the electric utility grid.
Electricity from the home is plenty enough to enable a gigantic reduction in oil demand for transportation - cars could eliminate over 90%
with a mere 40 mile range Chevy Volt. The real obstacle to PRACTICAL and competitive electric cars is the battery. Until a cheap, fast charging
one shows up, extended range gasoline motors will be required to provide lots of electric driving, but still allow trips. But that technology is not really yet competitivbe price-wise and therefore will be somewhat limited to upper income folks.
See what happens when you let a lawyer and politician provide opinions about technology?
Comment by kent beuchert — January 7, 2009
As usual, makes one inflammatory post then leaves - no debating... Drops a turd and walks away.

The Liberty Papers Blog Archive GM’s Lutz Whines About Unfair Treatment
Statements about GM’s ability to make quality cars avoids the fact that GM has this 800 pound gorilla on its back called the UAW. Lutz didn’t put it there. In fact, Lutz has produced most of the best new models at GM. Where are the cars that a bright guy like you developed? Didn’t think so. So learn something about the auto business before you start slandering folks as great as maximum Bob. You have no ethics, Brad.
Comment by kent beuchert — January 13, 2009
The Liberty Papers Blog Archive Depends on What the Meaning of the Word “Torture” Is
Sorry, but providing one instance doesn’t even remotely come close to making the case that the Bush administration either knew of, or condoned torture. Any half-assed lawyer would rip your argument of blame to shreds. Are you now going to assume you can pin the blame on Bush for any crimes that any of the 3 million Federal employees have committed over the past 8 years?
There is ZERO difference between that and what you are claiming. This article shows why you should know something about the law (or even simple logic) before making such silly and brainless claims.
Comment by kent beuchert — January 15, 2009
Talk about FUD slinging:
Greentech Media: Green Light Blog Archive Stealthy Skyline Provides Name, Rank and Serial Number
kent beuchert January 15, 2009 at 11:02 AM I’m amused that so often article pumping unreliable technologies like solar PV concentrate on cost (as well they might, given PV’s exorbitantly expensive historical record) but they need to advance the technology, which they haven’t done. They really can’t do so until some high cpacity electrical storage devices a whole lot cheaper than those now available come on line. If EEStor fails, so does solar PV. Even with EEStor, PV (and wind and solar thermal) ALL are still only semi-dispatchble technologies - i.e. these technologies require normal daily inputs, and we all know thta even in the desert there are 30 cloudy days every year, and many winter days and days of partial clouds. Right now, only goofball capital-of-the-world California is going (or can go) for PV, and they gave no more money, thanks to generosities that far outstrip their meager ability to earn an income.
The Liberty Papers Blog Archive NSA Spied on US Journalists — And You!

I’m always amused by those who fret over privacy. Just exactly what are these people afraid of? What could the Feds possibly learn that they would even care about? Do people really believe that those overworked surveilance people have the slightest interest in what some yokel in Kansas is doing? Paranoia seems to almost a national disease in this country. No wonder we can’t compete in the world - we’re worried about meaningless crap and ignore what’s important.
Comment by kent beuchert — January 22, 2009 @ 1:03 pm
In response to the blog on gm-volt.com:

kent beuchert Says:
February 11th, 2009 at 3:32 pm
"Referring to tesla as an advanced technology company is quite
a stretch. Their technollogy uses obsolete li ion batteries and is exorbitantly overpriced and useless for anything other than around town driving. The sedan’s driving range is a pitfully short. What’s really beyond the vail is bragging about a 200 unit production run and having order for a few hundred more. the effect of the Tesla roadster on anything, be it gas avoidance or carbon avoidance, is
zero. Tom Hanks and his brainless girlfriend may talk the big talk, but their effect on the environment is about as close to zero as one can get. And Hanks had to spend almost $80,000 to build a mini-car
to get around town in. Not exactly leading the way forward. Pure electric cars are practically worthless. A rich man’s idea of environmentalism. it’s easy to be green when you have chauffers and unlimited funds and extra cars sitting in the garage to pick up the slack."

Sorry guys, not real savy on quotes and links.
He takes a dig at Tesla again here.

by theBike1945 February 18, 2009 1:18 PM PST
Sorry, but li ion batteries are not costly because of "precious metals" nor does the Volt battery pack cost $22,000 as of this time frame. Conventional 1st gen li ion (mass produced) batteries of the type used by toolmakers and brainless car makers like Tesla, would cost around $700 per kilowatthour, making a Volt battery pack using that technology cost around $11,000. BYD now has on the road a Volt type car (Corolla size and shape) with a 60 mile battery range (versus 40 for the Volt). It sells for under $22,000. Why not assign article duties to folks who actually know something about the subject matter?
This is old. Not sure how long he has been doing this.

Treehugger on WKTEC

The movie lied about everything concerning GM's EV1.
Their claim that "thousands" of eager customers were ignored by GM is a total fabrication - GM was only allowed to produce the car as an experimental vehicle for test purposes and was limited in the number it could put on the road (the car did not meet the NHTSB safety standards) and GM decided not to throw good money after bad by redesigning a car that so obviously had nothing going for it. The car cost a fortune
($54K)and could only be put into customer hands by leasing it at a large financial loss. GM had always hoped that someone would invent an advanced battery, but when that didn't happen, that ended GM's (and Honda's and Toyota's)hopes for an electric
car. Today there is still no battery available that could make an electric car practical. Who wants a car that you can't even drive out of the county, much less the state you live in? You would have to own two cars. And where are you going to get the car recharged after a long commute to the city?
The movie makes the hilariously insane claim that Honda and Toyota slavishly followed GM's lead and discontinued their own electric cars (as if they had no way of knowing whether their own cars were practical). I've never seen a movie (except Oliver Stone's
braindead JFK) that so completely destroyed reality
with a pack of lies that were notable mostly for being so
transparent and silly and
easily disproved. It's a sad commentary that there are young Americans naiive and gullible enough to believe this fantasy.
July 11, 2006 9:16 PM
Aw man! I got suckered in AGAIN! Didn't even notice his initial post at the top of the comment section. How DOES he get in there so fast? TEG was astute enough to notice that he likely just switched to QED after his first post. Dang - I hate it when I stoop to this idiot.

ElectricVehicleSite blog - Tesla Motors Club Forum

Anybody ever wonder why he doesn't drop by here? His special RADAR must be picking up THIS signal. What could be more attractive than a whole den filled with ripe EV optimism and reality?