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M3P Tyre Issues

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I’m hoping someone here might be able to give me some advice. I have a M3P with the 20” Uberturbine wheels and when cleaning the vehicle a few weeks ago I noticed a very slight bulge in one of the front tyres and thought to myself that’s odd and must get that looked at. When cleaning the car last week I noticed a bigger bulge on the other front tyre.

I am well aware these are usually caused by kerbs/potholes and general poor roads however this car certainly hasn’t met a kerb and to my knowledge hasn’t gone down what I would consider a pothole big enough to cause damage.

Now the car has just been into Tesla and the surface of the rims have zero damage, not even a kerb scuff. The SC claims they have looked at the wheels on their balancing machine and although they are not out of balance, that do seem to be warped. Interesting not warped enough to need a replacement wheel but are blaming the tyre bulge on damage to the wheel.

I have driven 100,000’s miles in some vehicles with lower profile tyres than these and never had this sort of an issue. It’s made worse by the fact that both front tyres have a bulge and not sure about anyone else, but I have not seen many pot holes in the middle of the road.

Has anyone got experience of the same issues or have I just been incredibly unlucky?


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I'm running Michelin PS4S's on my M3P and last year had small bulges in both n/s tyres. I do remember going over a hole though. There is no wheel damage, just the tyres. I replaced both tyres as I didn't trust them to not blow out - although in reality there was probably only a tiny chance of that.

The M3P is a bugger when going over even small depressions in the road, it can sound like a rock has hit the wheel on even slight undulations.
Had one of those, almost identical. You need a new tyre.
Be careful too, if you continue to use a known defective tyre and something goes wrong you’ll could be liable and you’ve just put the evidence that you knew on a public website :eek:
Had one of those, almost identical. You need a new tyre.
Be careful too, if you continue to use a known defective tyre and something goes wrong you’ll could be liable and you’ve just put the evidence that you knew on a public website :eek:
Self-evidently needs a new tyre. And the wheel being straightened? I wonder what Pirelli would say if you sent them a pic?
No issue in replacing the tyre and the car isn’t being used until the replacements are fitted. My issue is with it happening in the first place. If Tesla are unable to sort my next port of call will be Pirelli.

What’s interesting is the SC are not recommending any remedy to the wheel as they stated there is nothing wrong with it although previously telling me it’s warped. They also said they would be providing me a video but to no surprise I’m yet to receive it.

I know for a fact I have not been over a pot hole that I would consider could cause this sort of damage. Totally understand the tyres are low profile but having owned supercars in the past, I’m not sure these tyres are any more low profile.

It also annoys me that the SC sent me a text message stating they would investigate the tyres to determine if there is a defect yet they didn’t even remove the tyre from the rim. Not sure what kind of an inspection that can be.

Again I’m more concerned about it happening in the first place, particularly as it’s both front tyres not one and they happened at different times. Do I put another two new tyres on for it to happen again…?
This is just classic pothole damage, the tyre pinches against the rim and bulges like that. It’s not a defect and you won’t get far with pirelli or Tesla, just suck it up, UK roads are the worst
It doesn't even need to be a pothole - the expansion strips on dual carriageways/motorway joining points can be bad too. There is one as I join the M11 from the A406, I need to keep to the left lane as the right lane joint is raised and it feels like the cars has been struck by a cannonball. The suspension really doesn't help, it's not compliant at all.
It’s just a tyre that’s got damaged in your custody. It didn’t arrive to you like that.
Could happen on any car and regularly does.
Get it swapped - move on - and enjoy an amazing car that’s fun to drive.
I think your kind of missing the point. It’s not one tyre it’s two, on different sides of the car. Completely understand things can happen but two tyres in 4k miles seems odd to me and maybe just a coincidence but it doesn’t feel that way. It’s also the first two tyre bulges I have ever had having had over 30 different cars and driven hundreds of thousands of miles.

Feels like a deeper issue and having had a car which has already needed a new battery pack is not the experience I had hoped or expected.

I remember reading similar threads to this about the M3P wheels/tyres being so sensitive to pothole damage when I had an order pending on a P. One of the reasons I switched to an LR with AB and have had no issues.
This is my fear and I’m not sure a Ferrari 458 has bigger profile tyres on the front than a Tesla M3P yet this is the only car I have experienced issues with. As I mentioned above, two tyres on opposite sides of the car in such a short mileage/timeframe just doesn’t sit well.
I think your kind of missing the point. It’s not one tyre it’s two, on different sides of the car. Completely understand things can happen but two tyres in 4k miles seems odd to me and maybe just a coincidence but it doesn’t feel that way. It’s also the first two tyre bulges I have ever had having had over 30 different cars and driven hundreds of thousands of miles.

Feels like a deeper issue and having had a car which has already needed a new battery pack is not the experience I had hoped or expected.

This is my fear and I’m not sure a Ferrari 458 has bigger profile tyres on the front than a Tesla M3P yet this is the only car I have experienced issues with. As I mentioned above, two tyres on opposite sides of the car in such a short mileage/timeframe just doesn’t sit well.
Heavy car + Fast car + Big alloy + Skinny tyre + British roads

Can't do anything about the first or last, but you can opt for a wheel and tyre combo that helps mitigate against this kind of thing.

The fact that both fronts have gone together is likely to only further reinforce that this was road damage not a defect.

That said, when you get the tyres changed, ask the tyre shop to inspect the inside of the alloy, and have a look yourself and see if there is something in there. Worst case this will give you some contentment that it's just bad luck and not something fundamental or dangerous, best case there might be something obvious which you can use with Pirelli / Tesla.

This never used to be such a widespread issue because manufacturers never used to sell so many cars with huge alloys.
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Heavy car + Fast car + Big alloy + Skinny tyre + British roads

Can't do anything about the first or last, but you can opt for a wheel and tyre combo that helps mitigate against this kind of thing.

The fact that both fronts have gone together is likely to only further reinforce that this was road damage not a defect.

That said, when you get the tyres changed, ask the tyre shop to inspect the inside of the alloy, and have a look yourself and see if there is something in there. Worst case this will give you some contentment that it's just bad luck and not something fundamental or dangerous, best case there might be something obvious which you can use with Pirelli / Tesla.

This never used to be such a widespread issue because manufacturers never used to sell so many cars with huge alloys.
Damage was noticed at different time so would suggest it is not the same incident if that is the cause.

I do think it makes sense to move to Michelin P4S. Telsa SC have offered the P4 but not the S. Has anyone got experience with either the P4 or P4’s and guidance on which I should opt for? As I am having changed two it makes sense to go with the Michelins