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Market politics

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Earlier today @Papafox posted the following:
"I never shared a feeling that the tariff war was going to be resolved quickly or without significant pain. The theft of intellectual property and imposition of substantial tariffs by China would ultimately lead to a greatly diminished United States and a world-dominating China. The party in China was not going to give in without a fight. For the United States, the stakes are high, and if Trump doesn't secure a decent agreement and he loses the election, it's my hope the Democrat in power finishes the job without caving in. "

China has been stealing U.S. intellectual property and imposing tariffs to advantage themselves over trading partners for the past twenty years. I'd like to understand better the reasons something this significant was not addressed in sufficiently firm ways by the Obama administration and the Bush administration before that. I expect that like most failures to properly manage national level policies, it ultimately traces back to corporate lobbying and bribery of U.S. politicians. I'd be very interested to hear a more specific history and analysis of how China/U.S. trade situation was allowed to worsen over this period before a serious attempt to confront them was made.
Okay. So there is fear of a recession at least from the other part of the stage (Shakespeare ~ life's a stage). And, an election forthcoming (Nov 2020). The democratic poles are leveling out, and anyone of them could beat JC 2.0. If I am not mistaken another mega-rich Republican is wanting to challenge JC 2.0. JC 2.0 is thinking it is time to bring the whip back out. If you remember or me for that matter; JC 2.0 stirred up the base in the event he lost the first election ~ yes? No? See, got ya, there was some tense fear there as the numbers rolled in on election night. If not the fear of election results; the fear of what was to come once the results were known.

Two market days ago we suffered a major blow to the market as JC 2.0 lashed out at China for crimes of the past. Congress opted out of their responsibility to manage tariffs a long time ago; therefore the President is unchecked in waging war (economically). Thom Hartman for a long time has professed the need to re-look tariffs, and I agree tariffs have been neglected by congress and pushed ignorance away from tariffs by businesses as jobs of all kinds were shipped overseas. Thom even wrote a book predicting a mega crash which would devastate our lives and force change economically for the better. I know, I bought a copy adding to his retirement fund:eek: However, he missed the mark!

If JC 2.0 has nothing to lose, and I mean nothing, what is to stop him from crashing the whole damn thing with the Tariff Wars. I am not saying it isn't about time someone took the bull by the horns Tariff wise; we have as a country sat on our lard butts and watched jobs and companies disappear since the late seventies. FYI ~ lard butts are not lean mean fighting machines ~ I do not care what the doctor says.

All just a thought to ponder ~

Is this political enough;)
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Having sold one home earlier this year, our plan had been to purchase another around now for one more winter hideaway.


We’re going to keep sitting on that pot of cash (and this time, I am not parking it in TSLA), and we’re going to bide our time to see if [that particular region’s] overheated real estate market slumps along with the rest of the economy in what I see as an inescapable tumble. Thanks, 45.
Next constitutional amendment.

People running for political office (judges & dog catchers included) at the community thru federal level, must with their application for office specifically approve the total release of the last seven years of individual and corporate tax returns. No sign, no run. Corporate returns are required if an individual was/is on a board of directors or within the top 25% of management of a company, business or corporation (includes religions/charitable). Write in candidates must comply in writing within twenty-four hours of being elected or defeated. A through scrubbing of the tax filings must be completed and published by the United States Internal Revenue Service within seven days of a candidates filing. Any false statements by the candidate must be corrected within seven working days. Any unpaid taxes must be paid in full including a 25% failure to pay surcharge within three months prior to the election. Any false statement unpaid taxes incur a 50% failure to pay surcharge within three months prior to the election. Write-in candidates must comply with unpaid taxes or false statement unpaid taxes two weeks before being sworn into office. The same rules apply to people being appointed to fill vacated positions/offices. The same rules apply to political appointees up and to include the Supreme Court Judges. Failure to comply; cannot be legally sworn into office. FYI ~ Required for each re-election run also.

Over the cliff NOTES:
The only people opposed to this are criminals or cowards afraid of being caught.
If nothing else, just like the mobs, just make bad behavior harder to be bad.
Next constitutional amendment.

People running for political office (judges & dog catchers included) at the community thru federal level, must with their application for office specifically approve the total release of the last seven years of individual and corporate tax returns. No sign, no run. Corporate returns are required if an individual was/is on a board of directors or within the top 25% of management of a company, business or corporation (includes religions/charitable). Write in candidates must comply in writing within twenty-four hours of being elected or defeated. A through scrubbing of the tax filings must be completed and published by the United States Internal Revenue Service within seven days of a candidates filing. Any false statements by the candidate must be corrected within seven working days. Any unpaid taxes must be paid in full including a 25% failure to pay surcharge within three months prior to the election. Any false statement unpaid taxes incur a 50% failure to pay surcharge within three months prior to the election. Write-in candidates must comply with unpaid taxes or false statement unpaid taxes two weeks before being sworn into office. The same rules apply to people being appointed to fill vacated positions/offices. The same rules apply to political appointees up and to include the Supreme Court Judges. Failure to comply; cannot be legally sworn into office. FYI ~ Required for each re-election run also.

Over the cliff NOTES:
The only people opposed to this are criminals or cowards afraid of being caught.
If nothing else, just like the mobs, just make bad behavior harder to be bad.

Disagreement is welcome. Better solution is better. No solution/improvement well look where we are. . .
You mentioned prayers, not me.
Yes, and for full disclosure, I am probably the last surviving US Army Officer ~ I am not a confederate officer. In 1970, I was picked like Rudolph, as an E-3/E-4 to not only run the Protestant service, but deliver the sermon which I wrote.

I ENLISTED during the Vietnam War/police action. That is why I cannot run for office.

I am a Socialist too. I pay my taxes, in fact my entire military retirement is used to pay our (wife & I) taxes. While I was in the enlisted service, as a private to sergeant, the government paid me a monthly income, provided me meals, provided me health coverage, and when not in the field (fart sack), a cot and sheets. Even the clown that paid his doctor to avoid the Vietnam DRAFT is a socialist.

As a young officer I was taught to set and enforce standards. Without standards, well, there are no standards.

I became an officer around the time the courts ruled a potential criminal had to be read his/her rights. Bottom line, only those that had fear of not complying hated the ruling.

If you want a note from mom or the doctor, then you get the guy that paid the doctor to cowardly avoid the Vietnam draft.

I may attempt to transcribe my sermon from back in the seventies, just afraid the cassette tape might not hold up. If I am successful, are you interested in a copy?
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What's next? A letter of approval by your kindergarten teacher? Where do you draw the line?

There will NEVER be a constitutional amendment like what you propose. This garbage isn't even CLOSE to the intentions of the founding fathers.
Actually that would be good in a way.”
“Child has learned to be kind, sharing, helpful, picks up and puts away toys, generally responsible”
“Child has tendency to bully, needs more socialization and loving”
"bkp_duke, post: 3964286, member: 48255
There will NEVER be a constitutional amendment like what you propose. This garbage isn't even CLOSE to the intentions of the founding fathers.
(1) The more the current Constitution is trampled upon, the less certain your “NEVER” becomes.
(2) As for the second statement, any validity it has depends, alas, on the Founders’ intentions to enable cheats, liars, cowards and other unworthies to become our leaders. I think I reliably can say their intentions were otherwise. “Strict Constitutionalism” (which you did not mention, fortunately) is a moronic and unforgivable sophistry; however, it is appropriate to apply of-the-era tools to maintain the Zeitgeist of Founders’ intentions. Dragon Watch’s proposal is just such a tool.
Hre's something interesting about co-signers of loans to the Orange from Deutsch Bank.

Lawrence O'Donnell: Source says Russian oligarchs co-signed Trump's Deutsche Bank loans

The plot, if any, is clarifying.

I saw Lawrence O'Donnell last night. I think bank records proving Donny is financially anchored to the Russians will shift public opinion, at least of his softer support.

Next constitutional amendment.

People running for political office (judges & dog catchers included) at the community thru federal level, must with their application for office specifically approve the total release of the last seven years of individual and corporate tax returns. No sign, no run. Corporate returns are required if an individual was/is on a board of directors or within the top 25% of management of a company, business or corporation (includes religions/charitable). Write in candidates must comply in writing within twenty-four hours of being elected or defeated. A through scrubbing of the tax filings must be completed and published by the United States Internal Revenue Service within seven days of a candidates filing. Any false statements by the candidate must be corrected within seven working days. Any unpaid taxes must be paid in full including a 25% failure to pay surcharge within three months prior to the election. Any false statement unpaid taxes incur a 50% failure to pay surcharge within three months prior to the election. Write-in candidates must comply with unpaid taxes or false statement unpaid taxes two weeks before being sworn into office. The same rules apply to people being appointed to fill vacated positions/offices. The same rules apply to political appointees up and to include the Supreme Court Judges. Failure to comply; cannot be legally sworn into office. FYI ~ Required for each re-election run also.

Over the cliff NOTES:
The only people opposed to this are criminals or cowards afraid of being caught.
If nothing else, just like the mobs, just make bad behavior harder to be bad.

Personally I'm very private about my finances. There is nothing in there illegal or even eyebrow raising, but it would prevent me from ever considering running for office. We need to be concerned about the requirements of an office in proportion to the ability to do damage by that office. Dana Rohrbacher, who was long rumored to be a Russian agent was one member of Congress and had little power on his own. A state legislator or city counselor has even less ability to do damage. Someone who has fewer checks on their power, like the president, needs to be more thoroughly vetted.

What I would propose would be a law to back up the Emolument's Clause of the Constitution (nobody can nail Donny for it because Congress never passed any laws about it). It should read something along the lines that the president must structure their outside finances in some way that there can be no question of any financial conflicts of interest. If anything comes up in office, they are suspended from the presidency under the 25th amendment until there is an independent investigation into their finances and no probable cause for any conflicts found. If they are exonerated, they can return to office, if criminal activity is found, they must stand trial and can only return to office if found innocent.

The 25th amendment allows for Congress to pass any other criteria than the cabinet vote to remove the president. They should create a fitness committee that can be formed by either a court order, or by a Congressional committee. The fitness committee members can be ex-presidents, retired supreme court justices, and former AGs or Secretaries of State. Nobody on the committee can currently hold a government position. The committee has the power to require physical or psychological examinations with doctors of their choice with the option of publicly publishing the results. Examinations for serious mental illness that may impair the ability to conduct the office of president appropriately can ordered. They can also hire other examiners to examine other areas of the president if there are questions. With a 2/3 vote of the committee, the 25th amendment is invoked. The president is not allowed to return to office until any criminal investigations or trials are done and if removed for medical or psychological reasons, they cannot return to office until the same doctors who examined them clear it.

As for constitutional amendments, it may require a constitutional amendment to clarify that the president is not above the law and can be indicted in office. Anyone indicted of a felony in office, regardless of the position, is immediately suspended. If they are convicted, they are automatically removed. If charges are dropped or they are found innocent, they can return to office. This applies to all positions, including the courts.

Another would be to change the requirements to be president. To become president, a person must have a record of public service. I would propose something along these lines.

1) 4 years total public service at a certain level or higher. It can consist of a mix of things.
2) Qualifying service:
a) Hold elected office in a potion with a responsibility for at least as many people as the smallest congressional district in the country. Anyone holding an office more important than a mid-sized city mayor.
b) Holding flag rank in one of the US military services.
c) Holding a federal cabinet position vetted and approved by the Senate.

Another criteria should also be that someone holding the presidency must be able to pass and maintain the highest level of security clearance.

If we had the office requirement in 2016 Trump would have gotten nowhere because he would have made a dog's breakfast of any office he had held and he wouldn't have been the enigma he was. His mess of a presidency is making his re-election unlikely at this point (though the Democrats can't let up, they need a 1980 type win to bury this BS for good).

Constitutional amendments need to be written to be timeless. We have tax returns today and we might always have them, but they didn't exist for a long part of this country's history and maybe they won't exist again someday. We can't predict what will happen in the future. So specifying tax returns in any amendment is probably a non-starter, but I do think that requiring some form of financial transparency to hold high office is not a bad idea.
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(1) The more the current Constitution is trampled upon, the less certain your “NEVER” becomes.
(2) As for the second statement, any validity it has depends, alas, on the Founders’ intentions to enable cheats, liars, cowards and other unworthies to become our leaders. I think I reliably can say their intentions were otherwise. “Strict Constitutionalism” (which you did not mention, fortunately) is a moronic and unforgivable sophistry; however, it is appropriate to apply of-the-era tools to maintain the Zeitgeist of Founders’ intentions. Dragon Watch’s proposal is just such a tool.

Strict Constitutionalism, nuf said. :D
The best outcome and, for awhile, will be a broad based effort to educate and involve the public more in being informed. That is happening now and even if there is a thorough cleansing of the rot wrought by Trump is cleared away, the pubic will again return to complacency. If the correction is not swift and just, complacency will immediately return or worse.
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