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Yeah, in my experience, android updates lag behind apple updates.
I can't speak to Android but as an iOS developer I know when you release an app update and choose to phase release over 7 days, users always have the option to manually go to the app store and update immediately. Also, updates on the iOS App Store are usually available immediately as soon as the developer clicks "release". Maybe this isn't the case for the Google Play Store.
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I can't speak to Android but as an iOS developer I know when you release an app update and choose to phase release over 7 days, users always have the option to manually go to the app store and update immediately. Also, updates on the iOS App Store are usually available immediately as soon as the developer clicks "release". Maybe this isn't the case for the Google Play Store.

Well, I am going to the google play store and clicking "check for updates" and it is telling me all my apps are up to date. I am guessing the android version is not released yet.
Thanks, all. What and how is safety score measured?
It's explained in:

Including the formula as well:

Predicted Collision Frequency (PCF) = 0.682854x1.014495Forward Collision Warning per 1,000 Miles
x1.127294Hard Braking
x1.019630Aggresive Turning
x1.001444Unsafe Following Time
x1.317958Forced Autopilot Disengagement
Won't be surprised if Musk hasn't seen that / decided on that either.

My assumption is that in 7 days they'll release it to ~500-5000 people who have it over some threshold, maybe 95 or 99. Choose semi-randomly from that population and monitor for 3-7 days. If/when data looks good, release to next 5k-50k population, and keep adding people as the data keeps improving.
The fact that the button screen mentions we are enrolled in a queue makes me think that people won't be automatically added in 7 days. Rather, we will get added when our "number" comes up. That's usually how queues work.
For what it's worth, here's been my experience today so far:

  1. last night, midnight-ish: "ooooh THE APP NOW HAS CHARGING CURRENT SETTING AAHHH we've been asking for that for years, omg give me please" and I search "Tesla" in the app store, where "Open" transforms into "Update" right after seeing it. (tip: iOS lets you manually check for/receive updates if you go to the app's page in the store, but will only auto-update in its own merry time. Android doesn't even let you grab the update until it deems you worthy by batches or whatever.)
  2. last night, 3am: "bleh, it's rolling out, i'll just leave the car in Sentry so it'll stay awake and download when it's available"
  3. last night, 3:40am, about 20min after I go to sleep: "Update available"
  4. me, this morning at 10am: "~grog~ OOH UPDATE AVAILABLE, INSTALL NOW", *smashes install button in app* ... *deactivates Sentry via Security page*
  5. the app: "preparing update..."
  6. my car, 10:10am when I go to check on it: "Update available, do you want to install it? 🙃"
  7. me, smashing the "install now" and double tapping the countdown: "YES TEN MINUTES AGO"
  8. update completed, see the beta butan, opt in
  9. want to play music but no sound is playing in the car, voice command not working either (microphone initializing), now some 5 minutes after boot. I unstick it by pressing the brake (where's the boong, boong, boong?) and then flicking the blinker (no sound). It comes back a few seconds after that, and now music works again. I swear, using your blinkers fixes everything.
  10. I check the app for the "safety score" page (on my iPhone 8+). nothing.
  11. ??? I swipe closed the app. Open it again. Still nothing.
  12. Later, I go for a drive. La dee da, go get some lunch, come back, park, open the charge port to turn off the car & close it again.
  13. I sit in the car and eat lunch and watch YouTube.
  14. I check the app in the phone. Still no Safety Scoreᴮᵉᵗᵃ.
  15. I swipe the app closed again, and reopen it.
  16. AHH Safety Scoreᴮᵉᵗᵃ IS THERE
  • update car, receev butan
  • drive (more than 0.1 miles) and turn off car (it'll probably only send stats when the drive is completed by turning the car off).
  • swipe closed and reopen the app if you don't have the page available already. after it's been made available, it probably doesn't need to be swipe-reloaded to show new data.
So how does the car know if it’s me driving vs my wife to asses the safety factors? Are the metrics tied to the separate profiles?

i don’t use FSD around town, only on the highways (which doesn’t occur daily), so curious to see how that plays out in the calculation.
So how does the car know if it’s me driving vs my wife to asses the safety factors? Are the metrics tied to the separate profiles?

i don’t use FSD around town, only on the highways (which doesn’t occur daily), so curious to see how that plays out in the calculation.
Driver profiles.
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The fact that the button screen mentions we are enrolled in a queue makes me think that people won't be automatically added in 7 days. Rather, we will get added when our "number" comes up. That's usually how queues work.
Welcome to three hours ago. I’m pretty confident this is how it’s going to work. Not that everyone who did this dance today in 7 days will just get wham bam FSD slam.
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So how does the car know if it’s me driving vs my wife to asses the safety factors? Are the metrics tied to the separate profiles?

i don’t use FSD around town, only on the highways (which doesn’t occur daily), so curious to see how that plays out in the calculation.

It's fun to compare among the spouses but the chance to get FSD beta is based on the performance of the VIN no matter how many profiles you have.
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