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Production/Delivery Status

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They have mentioned that they may offer air freight as an option for owners who wish to pay the extra for the expense. I forget how much more you would have to pay, $7000?

Who is Tesla's "Sean" in California? What "track" does the car get shaken down at?

Currently, they do take the cars to Moffet field to test each car after installing the drive train. I too hope they end up adding a track to the new San Jose facility.
They have mentioned that they may offer air freight as an option for owners who wish to pay the extra for the expense. I forget how much more you would have to pay, $7000?

They haven't announced a price, just an intent to offer that option. At the Seattle-area owners meeting in September, they made an off-the-cuff estimate of between $3,500 and $7,000, but that wasn't a commitment. Hopefully they will announce details soon as I expect the first gliders beyond the Signature 100 will roll off the line in Hethel some time this month.
I just found Adam Beguelin's blog, apparently the owner of Signature 100 #97. He makes this claim:

BTW, last week they delivered 17 Roadsters, two over the target of 15. They have now delivered around 50 or so of the Signature 100.​

Zak said they had delivered about 50 cars total as of Nov. 4, so about 27 cars in two weeks. That's a pretty good rate!
Yeah, I'm #48. Was supposed to get it last week -- everything's in it, but they had some fit and finish corrections (door alignment etc) so I've been on the edge of my seat for a whole week waiting for the call. Had blocked off a few hours today but no call yet so I guess that's out... hopefully tomorrow because then I go out of town for a while!
Yeah, I'm #48. Was supposed to get it last week -- everything's in it, but they had some fit and finish corrections (door alignment etc) so I've been on the edge of my seat for a whole week waiting for the call. Had blocked off a few hours today but no call yet so I guess that's out... hopefully tomorrow because then I go out of town for a while!

Josh have you driven a 1.5 since your VP 10 drive?
There are two major things that I have been thinking about with the boats.
1.How many gliders can fit on one boat?
2.How many boats do they have?

Not sure if you were insinuating that they use their own boats, but I would assume:

#1: Plenty of commercial cargo ships go across the Atlantic so capacity should be plentiful.
#2: They would just fill up standard shipping containers with gliders and pay a shipping company to send them on their way.

I bet they could send as many as they need without limitation.
I would hope that Tesla already has some gliders on a cargo ship by now... set to arrive about the time they finish with Sig#100. (I believe I read a while ago that Roadster #110 had entered the Hethel production line.) I think originally the plan was to ship them directly to the west coast by sea via the Panama Canal. But now that fuel prices are lower, it may make more sense to ship to the east coast and move them via train or truck cross country.
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Haven't driven one. Rode around the test track at Hethel with the Tesla driver though.

Can't wait to feel some real acceleration -- it was good on the test but didn't rival my porsche with the Tesla stuck in 2nd!!

Confirmed: pickup scheduled for tomorrow...

Awesome news and we are envious. Hope to see you driving around.

I'll bet you are suprised by 1.5 tranny. Please do gives us your take.


I believe Josh is the friend of SuperCarnitas-Rich who I quote from an 11/15 post.

"Same here! Just above Broadway in (lower) Upper Rockridge. An old buddy (with whom I documented an earlier test drive; his Twilight Blue car is a few production numbers ahead of me) also lives in the area, so it sounds like we'll have plenty of these cars whirring about."
Tesla Motors - hear