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PSA for folks getting a new solar install - ask for a map of your panel/optimizer layout

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With Solaredge support, I got the physical layout on my account without going thru all the BS 'installer' account
Was your system installed by Tesla or a subcontractor? Mine was a Tesla install. I was told by support at solaredge that only the installer can put in the physical layout, which is consistent with what others have said. Perhaps your installer actually entered the physical layout. I just have the single stripe, random order logical layout view.
Was your system installed by Tesla or a subcontractor? Mine was a Tesla install. I was told by support at solaredge that only the installer can put in the physical layout, which is consistent with what others have said. Perhaps your installer actually entered the physical layout. I just have the single stripe, random order logical layout view.

Mine was installed by Tesla. My rep was nice I think :)

My situation was similar to mnsweeps. My install was by Tesla (8.16 kW + 2 PW). I contacted Solaredge, and uploaded a photo of the grid that had the serial numbers and also the map of the physical layout. The support person (without me asking) went ahead and matched the layout on the grid. When I contacted him back to get him to match the physical layout, he then said that it has to be done by Tesla. The current one is okay for me.


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My situation was similar to mnsweeps. My install was by Tesla (8.16 kW + 2 PW). I contacted Solaredge, and uploaded a photo of the grid that had the serial numbers and also the map of the physical layout. The support person (without me asking) went ahead and matched the layout on the grid. When I contacted him back to get him to match the physical layout, he then said that it has to be done by Tesla. The current one is okay for me.



sorry I think I missed..If he did not match the physical layout, how did he end up putting the physical layout on your account? You saying the serial numbers on your accounts physical layout doesn't match what Tesla actually installed on roof?
sorry I think I missed..If he did not match the physical layout, how did he end up putting the physical layout on your account? You saying the serial numbers on your accounts physical layout doesn't match what Tesla actually installed on roof?

Hi mnsweeps,

Sorry, I know I was not clear. I think that the Solaredge support tech saw only the grid that Tesla gave me, and did not notice the physical layout that I had updated.




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I don't get why Tesla doesn't provide the custom layout. Do they do it at their end or maybe they don't see a point in customizing everyones layout at the installer end?

We did ask for access to our Solar Edge account through the SE app just to view, so only have the linear layout. My husband asked at the time of install for the layout but was told they don't do that so he dropped it. We have 11 panels on our SE facing roof and 13 panels on our SW facing roof. He finally connected to the app last night for the first time (have had PTO since end of October so not a pressing issue for him). Without the customized layout and help from Tesla or SE, he figures at least he can check the app on a totally sunny day as the sun comes up and when it's strongest in the afternoon and see which panels are getting more of the direct sun so at least dividing it into two groups. He has identified one outlier panel that is producing 14% less than the others so he's curious which roof it's on. Don't know what Tesla considers out of range.

Been rainy and overcast this whole weekend and may even deplete our 3 PWs at some point depending on the weather this week. Grid electricity for the house it is then. I do remember a few years ago where it rained every day one month. We need the rain but hope that won't be the norm for winter in the future.
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I don’t think Tesla uses a map internally and they just barely support the solar edge app as it is. I’m sure they don’t want to have someone spend their time doing the physical layouts.

You can map out your panels yourself, although it’s a pain to do. I did it by sticking my phone under the panels to take pictures of the serial number stickers on all the optimizers.
After lots of faff, I finally managed to get SolarEdge monitoring for my newly replaced inverter. Here's my round-about solution for not having a proper layout.

Step 1. Record serial numbers, production data, and string position in spreadsheet tab 1:

Screenshot from 2021-01-11 14-06-17.png

Step 2. Create small visual of layout, with string positions labeled in tab 2:

Screenshot from 2021-01-11 14-06-39.png

Step 3. Vlookup tab 1 data into tab 3, using the layout and keys from tab 2; apply conditional formatting as desired:

Screenshot from 2021-01-11 14-06-54.png
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I've got a SolarEdge installation, and I asked the non-Tesla installer to be sure this was enabled. It was no extra charge to do it. You can see your friends and neighbors (if they have allowed it) here. Simply type a city name into the search field.


Here's mine:
https://monitoringpublic.solaredge.com/solaredge-web/p/site/public?name=Amarillo Sleepy Hollow&locale=en_US#/dashboard

View attachment 584949

That's amazing this sort of data is public. Thanks for sharing!
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I don’t think Tesla uses a map internally and they just barely support the solar edge app as it is. I’m sure they don’t want to have someone spend their time doing the physical layouts.

You can map out your panels yourself, although it’s a pain to do. I did it by sticking my phone under the panels to take pictures of the serial number stickers on all the optimizers.

On my install last week I asked them for the map. They call it the 'sticker sheet' (not sure if everyone at Tesla calls it that, but that's what they call it in New England). They just needed to take a picture of the end result but they usually throw it away since nobody asks for it. I took a picture and saved the hardcopy.
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On my install last week I asked them for the map. They call it the 'sticker sheet' (not sure if everyone at Tesla calls it that, but that's what they call it in New England). They just needed to take a picture of the end result but they usually throw it away since nobody asks for it. I took a picture and saved the hardcopy.

As someone above said, the codes on that sticker sheet are called "data matrix." If you put that term into the App store, you can find convenient applications to read the bar codes. My picture of the sticker sheet was too blurry to read the full serial numbers, but a data matrix scanner was able to decipher them.
I’m so frustrated, I have the layout with the serial numbers and strings all figured out.

I reached out to SolarEdge and they said:
Unfortunately the installing company would have to update this information. You will need to contact your installer for them to create a physical layout for your monitoring site.

I reached out to Tesla and they said:
Unfortunately layout access/modifying is not something we do or provide access for others to do. We will not be able to process that sort of request at all- we only provide access to the portal & that’s all. We highly recommend that you do not make any changes to your inverter settings. In doing so, your warranty may be voided.

I have several panels that are underproducing, and it would be great to see the panels in a logical format as opposed to one random line. Does anyone have a phone number or contact that I can connect with to resolve this issue?
I’m so frustrated, I have the layout with the serial numbers and strings all figured out.

I reached out to SolarEdge and they said:
Unfortunately the installing company would have to update this information. You will need to contact your installer for them to create a physical layout for your monitoring site.

I reached out to Tesla and they said:
Unfortunately layout access/modifying is not something we do or provide access for others to do. We will not be able to process that sort of request at all- we only provide access to the portal & that’s all. We highly recommend that you do not make any changes to your inverter settings. In doing so, your warranty may be voided.

I have several panels that are underproducing, and it would be great to see the panels in a logical format as opposed to one random line. Does anyone have a phone number or contact that I can connect with to resolve this issue?
Who did actual installation? I would call the person who managed local crew. I had to email my project manager few times as few panels were assigned not correctly and it was changed every times. Note it took me few attempts as i was getting know system, snow helped too. So whoever is setting up an solaredge account for you is able to make changes any time.
Good luck
Who did actual installation? I would call the person who managed local crew. I had to email my project manager few times as few panels were assigned not correctly and it was changed every times. Note it took me few attempts as i was getting know system, snow helped too. So whoever is setting up an solaredge account for you is able to make changes any time.
Good luck

Tesla did the install. I have the cell phone number saved from one of the lead crew workers and will try them tomorrow.

I tried my Tesla Solar Advisor, Energy Customer Support Specialist that gave me my SolarEdge account, and a Project Specialist.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
I made a spreadsheet by click one by one ..

My columns are as under

Invertor No
Invertor Model
Invertor Serial
Solar Panel Manu
Solar Panel Model
Panel Number
Optimizer Serial


So Tesla came out for some maintenance work, replace scratched panels on install, I asked for the sticker sheet and layout marking sheet. They checked on the phone and sent me some images.

After checking with my inventory sheet, that I made from the Logical layout on SolarEdge site, I was able to get a Layout made in JPG.

I have now sent this to SolarEdge with a request to put into the system - I will also try speaking to someone. If anyone has an idea please let me know, as I think they have to go in as Admin and drag the panels to what I showed them

Will they do it, I am not sure


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Oor SunPower dealer just completed our 15kW DC (34 x 440W new SunPower A-series commercial panels) on our office building in Orange, CA 92867 on Friday... and configured our SolarEdge 14.4kW inverter monitoring to show each of our panel's physical location.

Here's our public portal to our 15kW DC SunPower / SolarEdge solar system: SolarEdge

Yes I noticed the 4 panels on the right (East) side of our array have significantly less output today on a completely cloudless day at 11:17 AM (zero shading). I emailed our SunPower contractor this morning to investigate and resolve this.

Hoping to get our PTO from SCE so we can start NEM in ~ 2 weeks (commercial takes longer for SCE to review than residential).

PTO = "Permit To Operate" = ability to "sell" power to our utility supplier

SCE = Southern California Edison = our electrical utility

NEM = Net Energy Metering = ability to get kW / billing credits for our oversupply that can be used to offset our kW / billing usage​

Here's our SunPower contractor:

Skip Young | General Manager
SunPower by SunSolar
4085 E. La Palma Suite B,
Anaheim CA 92807​





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