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Random Model S sightings

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Black S drive up right behind me this AM on Rt. 1 in Greenwich. Thumbs up were exchanged.

I'm not sure if this counts as me sighting someone else or someone else sighting me. No picture, but:

I was getting out of my car and a guy in a car paused by my parking spot said "Nice car" with an odd grin. I said, "Oh, thanks!" and grinned. As I walked towards the credit union, I noticed him driving around the row of cars and turning towards an exit, and realized I'm an oblivious moron--he was driving a Model S, too! I waved--not sure if he saw me in his rear-view mirror or not.

I think I win oblivious owner of the year or something. . . . ;-)
I saw a Dark Color (Black) Model S going East on Madison Ave. Cresskill NJ at about 11:45 AM on Sunday the 30th. I blew the horn at you from a SUV going West near the Cresskill fire dept. I had something else on my mind or I would have opened the window and gave you thumbs up.
Today on my way to a job interview a multi coat red caught up with me. My first time seeing a model S in person!!!
it was awesome, I tried keeping up with him but he got away from me( probably thought I was a creep after seeing me stumble for my phone, lol)
