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Range on 2016 75 RWD?

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Hi Group,
I'm seriously looking at purchasing a used 2016 75 RWD with 64304 km (39956 miles) on the clock. The dealer charged it up last night to 100% using their wall charger and it shows a range of 356 km (221 miles). Attached is the screenshot the dealer sent me this morning. It looks like the last supercharging was done in late October.

Based on Tesla's range info for a new 2016 75 RWD (401 km /249 miles), that's about an 11% degradation. I've seen 2016 75Ds for sale with equivalent mileage showing a range of 373 km (231 miles), and that's not a full charge, so I'm somewhat concerned.

Does that sound correct for a car at it's point in life?

In case anyone asks, I'm leaning towards the RWD car vs. the 75D as it's a western car and thus has not experienced the "joy" of salty winter streets that the east is known for.

This will be our first full BEV, and she'll be a daily driver, living outside year round (I don't have a garage) here in the Great White North. We go from +35° C (95° F) in the summer to -35° C (-31° F) in the winter. She'll be plugged in each night, especially during the winter!

Appreciate any pointers you can provide.


Tesla Charge.png


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Maybe it’s just me but that slider doesn’t look like it’s set all the way to 100%. Hard to tell.

That said, my 2016 S75 is at the same 100% rated range, about 220. That said, I have 115,000 miles. Although the car degraded heavily in the first ~50k miles, and hardly at all since then. It’s been at ~220 miles for well over a year now.
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My 2016 refresh 75 RWD with 36k miles was purchased new 12/2016 and currently is rated at 228 fully charged. I seldom ever Supercharge or charge over 90%, for what that is worth. Unfortunately it is hard to say how a used car was treated in terms of charging, but 221 doesn’t seem way off the norm.

As for the 75d’s you have seen “without full charge” showing range of 231, I don’t know how to interpret that comment. But I would think if they are currently showing 231 that would be close to a full charge. Hard to tell without more specifics.
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As for other “pointers”, with cold weather extremes as you’re describing, you should be prepared to have the car’s effective range practically cut in half - two rated miles for every one mile of propulsion when it’s really cold.

Charging to 90% daily, that’s an effective worst case range of about a hundred miles. Is that enough for your use case?
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Thanks guys & gals. That makes me feel less worried. I'll get the dealer to make sure that slider is at 100%. It looked off to me as well.

ucmndd: No worries on the winter range cut. We rarely travel anywhere during winter. The only extensive winter travelling we've ever done has been over the border to Fargo, ND (356 km house to hotel) for a Christmas concert and some shopping. That's right on the edge of this cars supposed range.

Once the Grand Forks or Pembina, ND superchargers get installed, that won't be an issue.

azred: here's the screen grab of the 75D showing 373 km (231 miles) and it looks to be at 75-80%?

My 2016 refresh 75 RWD with 36k miles was purchased new 12/2016 and currently is rated at 228 fully charged. I seldom ever Supercharge or charge over 90%, for what that is worth. Unfortunately it is hard to say how a used car was treated in terms of charging, but 221 doesn’t seem way off the norm.

As for the 75d’s you have seen “without full charge” showing range of 231, I don’t know how to interpret that comment. But I would think if they are currently showing 231 that would be close to a full charge. Hard to tell without more specifics.

My '16 S75 had a range of 235 at 40k miles. At 45k it was 230 and at 50k it was 225. Now 223 at 63k.

Agreed. 17’ S75D 57K 100% is 229/230 miles

Roughly 11% loss depending on if you think the 259 S75D rating was accurate. I never have seen that number even nearly new.