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Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

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Finally picked up the MXP last night, after they kept pushing back the pick up time (1pm, 4pm, 7pm) then got the "text" at 10PM. They switched VIN in the last moment as the original VIN was still in the QC but they need to meet EOQ.

Got to the Fremont factory (via Uber) and there were dozens of employees still cleaning and wiping down cars at 11pm. Didn't see many customers picking up at this time. Brought my flash light and checked off as many items as I could from the checklist. The car looked great, no egregious problems I could find. Both interior and exterior looked well put together (no dangling panels or exposed wires). Most irritating aspect was that the car was only 60% charged, had to go to a supercharger and spend a few bucks ($9) to get it to 90%. Will spend more time inspecting the vehicle in the sunlight today, I was told I had 24 hours or 100 miles (whichever comes first) to report any issues.

Here are some photos.





Steering wheel has an odd "S" like imprint on the airbag. Not sure if I should report that.


This forum has been very helpful as I was lurking on it for a few weeks before pulling the trigger, thank you all. Honestly, i was surprised i was able to pick-up the vehicle in a month's time - was not expecting this. Now I have to figure out which car to get rid of! :)
Steering wheel has an odd "S" like imprint on the airbag. Not sure if I should report that.
Referred to as the "worm" here. Many, many people have the same thing. It is the seam where the cover separates when the airbags deploy. It is very hit or miss whether Tesla will replace it, but it seems like they are trending more towards not fixing this any more.
According to the others, yes it would appear so, very un-Tesla but whatever.
So what transpired with your delivery?
Thanks for the check up. It's been a whirlwind since picking up this (still don't know what is the best word to describe this other than a super rocket computer) on June 29th. My original EDD was the 28th at 5:00pm at the Fremont factory. The car was pretty much very clean on the outside. There was a sea of Tesla's with a school of employees cleaning and wiping Teslas all around me. I brought my BIL with me as he is the attention to detail one and he also picked up a Model YP a few months ago and experienced all the headaches of bringing in the car to get issues addressed like uneven panels and bad paint job. His advice to me is paint is the hardest to correct as it involves a lot of moving parts and your car most likely will come back with new issues.

Day 1: Looked for the number spot where the car would be amongst what like like a million of other Teslas. I noticed that 2 spaces down was a another white LR. I started inspecting my car while waiting for my BIL to arrive. Lets just say parking was chaotic where it took me at least 10 minutes to know where I could park without risking getting a ticket. I saw my BIL after giving him directions on the phone and had to go and guide him a little as well. We both walked back to what I thought was my car. I saw some new issues that I didnt' see earlier and I started getting discouraged if I would be accepting this car. Just to make sure I double checked the space number. It wasn't my car. HAHA. So went back to the correct car and issues we found on the other car thankfully did not exist on mine. Now comes the bad experience. They refused to let me inspect the inside without accepting first claiming "company policy". I even insisted on speaking in a manager, which they firmly stated the manager will say the same thing that it is company policy and no exceptions and the car went through several thorough inspections before releasing the vehicle. I rebutted that I have already found some issues with the trimmings and some weird unwipable substance on the rear/plastic fender. So they said they will call a tech to come out and accompany me with the exterior inspection and address the issues I have already found, which also including a missing cover for the weld-nut. But overall, I must admit the car had no alignment issues with the panels. Maybe some wider than I like gaps but they said they were within specs and gave the whole speak about using a ruler to measure...blah blah. So "tech" came out. I swear she looked like she barely graduated HS. She made note of the uneven trimmings and with the fender she tried to make an excuse that it was the dried sticky part of the tape that was removed from protecting the car before delivery (mind you the car did not do any traveling since I picked it up from it's birthplace). She tried wiping it off with a cloth and some solution and claimed that it was coming off. It DID NOT come off. I knew all of them has access to all the cars so I tried to reason with her about letting me inside to inspect the vehicle, but she wouldn't budge. After showing her all the initial issues, she said she will take it to the back to get them addressed. WHICH MEANS she will be unlocking the door. I took that chance to ask her if I can look in side real quick. It was IMMACULATE inside. Super clean with the welcome new car scent. In less than 2 minutes she announced that she needs to bring to the back to have us wait near the showroom. We waited for another 15 minutes or in the hot sun and I finally went in the showroom to inquire about the status. They didn't seem like they knew what was going on at first. After talking on the phone they said it will take at least an hour, it was already 6:30pm and they closed at 8pm and I did not plan on staying longer than closing and this is BEFORE even looking inside. I said that I will just reschedule for the next day. They tried to take the change to offer me home delivery and I said I am not prepared for home delivery. So I left with no car....

Arrived home (I live about 20 minutes away from the factory), and right when I parked, they called me and said the car was ready and asked if I am still in the area to come back and pick up the car. I said I was already home and they insisted again on home delivery. I had to strongly decline and that I will see them tomorrow at the same time.

Day 2: Pretty much same experience, cannot look in car, tech comes out to go over what was addressed and what still needs to be addressed. This is where my BIL needs full acknowledgement and credit. He pointed at an issue that need the door to be open to fully analyze what seems to be a weather strip out of place. We gave each other funny eye signs to communicate that we believe he is punching in this laptop to have the doors open. Lo and behold the tech unlocked the car. I wasted no time and opened all doors to test them out and my BIL took the job to distract the tech by asking detailed questions and showing other issues. HAHAH. Interior wise, nothing was out of place. Maybe some wrinkles near the belt buckle but I honestly don't mind. Majority of the issues were the exterior trimmings. The tech again said they would need to bring this in the back and it may not be able to be addressed by that day so I said I am ok with coming back the next day, so he said to reschedule with the SA at the showroom. Went back the showroom and relayed all the info with the SA. She did not look happy. It was confirmed later that she was not thrilled that the tech same we could come back the next day while they fix the issues. She had us wait at some tables making sure we were not near her while she lectures the tech. We saw her on the phone for a few minutes. Then we walked back to us asking us to show her the issues that we showed the tech. She kept telling us it's within specs and lots of this can be fixed through mobile service, guaranteed and we should take comfort in ACCEPTING the car. She also explained that the tech was a volunteer and should not have said that we could leave and come back the next day. She even brought up that cost of the car that we got a great deal because it's now at least $25K more. I responded with I waited 14 months! She didn't say anything and she strong emphasized that I have only two options. Either accept the car and schedule service to address that issues or reject this VIN and who know how the next one will be and how long it will take to get the next VIN. Even though I saw some issues, they were not serious enough for me to reject the car, so I FINALLY accepted.

The drive home on the freeway was fine with the yoke, only reached for the the missing turn signal stalks once. BIL helped set up profile before we left. The car is soooooo fast. All in all, I am ok with the yoke when driving it, but when using strong maneuvers to park the car in the garage, it definitely missed the wheel. Sorry for this looooooooooonnnng experience sharing. Should have just said, Tesla service was crap, but car is a dream come true!!
Finally picked up the MXP last night, after they kept pushing back the pick up time (1pm, 4pm, 7pm) then got the "text" at 10PM. They switched VIN in the last moment as the original VIN was still in the QC but they need to meet EOQ.

Got to the Fremont factory (via Uber) and there were dozens of employees still cleaning and wiping down cars at 11pm. Didn't see many customers picking up at this time. Brought my flash light and checked off as many items as I could from the checklist. The car looked great, no egregious problems I could find. Both interior and exterior looked well put together (no dangling panels or exposed wires). Most irritating aspect was that the car was only 60% charged, had to go to a supercharger and spend a few bucks ($9) to get it to 90%. Will spend more time inspecting the vehicle in the sunlight today, I was told I had 24 hours or 100 miles (whichever comes first) to report any issues.

Here are some photos.

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Steering wheel has an odd "S" like imprint on the airbag. Not sure if I should report that.

View attachment 823581

This forum has been very helpful as I was lurking on it for a few weeks before pulling the trigger, thank you all. Honestly, i was surprised i was able to pick-up the vehicle in a month's time - was not expecting this. Now I have to figure out which car to get rid of! :)
Congratulations and wow only a month wait. Luck you. Mine has a slight S as well but you can hardly notice it.
Did they let you inspect the interior before accepting?
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Congratulations and wow only a month wait. Luck you. Mine has a slight S as well but you can hardly notice it.
Did they let you inspect the interior before accepting?
Honestly, I didn't ask only because i made final payment already prior to picking up the car so figured I was already in too deep - but yes, they did give me the same spiel "you must accept delivery before we can let you in the car, only way you can open it is with the app." I just used my handy LED flashlight and inspected through the windows as much as I could then went back into the office to "accept delivery" then proceed to test the doors, frunk, trunk, and check for the charger, adapters, and tow hitch. All was good enough at that point.

They didn't clean the car well enough to my liking (i.e. no tire dressing, hand prints on windows, glue residual in some areas, etc.) so i had the cleaning staff take care of that stuff. They were cooperative.

Congrats on your MX and enjoy it in good health!
Honestly, I didn't ask only because i made final payment already prior to picking up the car so figured I was already in too deep - but yes, they did give me the same spiel "you must accept delivery before we can let you in the car, only way you can open it is with the app." I just used my handy LED flashlight and inspected through the windows as much as I could then went back into the office to "accept delivery" then proceed to test the doors, frunk, trunk, and check for the charger, adapters, and tow hitch. All was good enough at that point.

They didn't clean the car well enough to my liking (i.e. no tire dressing, hand prints on windows, glue residual in some areas, etc.) so i had the cleaning staff take care of that stuff. They were cooperative.

Congrats on your MX and enjoy it in good health!
same for me. they were about to give away my car because my 3rd party lender didnt receive the required documentation they were supposed to provide, alas everything was sent in last minute so when i asked to see inside and there was some hesitancy, i just said F it and clicked accept. thankfully runs great, everything works, alignment and all looks good. just a tiny paint chip i saw on the rear maybe slightly bigger then a speck of dust.
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Luxury, size, comfort, and styling. Same reason the R1S with 400mi max pack should sell like crazy. The iX looks a bit goofy to me. It “looks like a EV” which usually is not a good thing. Teslas do not (imo). Give America a car that looks just like a current Yukon, X7, Escalade, or Range Rover but has a 400mi+ range and people will be ready to convert to EV.
Rivian (except for the mileage)
Seriously debating on switching to Plaid. My current EDD is December 2022 - March 2023. It's a little over a 20k bump. I don't need it, but I do want it :p. Maybe it gets me my car a little earlier than that, maybe it doesn't. People here have had some success doing this correct?
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If you ordered Lr at current price I'd go for plaid.
I agree but everyone’s financial situation is unique. To me one of the biggest things about the MXP is the performance. I know that I will get bored with 3.8 only because my current car (MYP) is a bit faster. Nothing realistically will beat the MXP performance anytime soon or for a better price. Someone ran 0-60 in 2.3 on a regular road. That is stupid. I test drove a plaid myself, can confirm the power is breathtaking. Most of us who have ordered the plaid don’t need it, we want it. If you are the type of person who will look at plaids and kick yourself for not doing it, definitely strongly consider it now. Almost certainly you will get your vehicle sooner. If there are tax implications (i.e. section 168/179) you pretty much have to go plaid at this point.

Some major exceptions:

-6-seat configuration isn’t what you want
-If a little more range would make a big difference to you (would have to go 20” if range is important)
-if you live on a tiny island with short roads and low speed limits
Anyone here have a delivery scheduled in the next 2-3 weeks?
I had a VIN originally scheduled for delivery on 6/29/22 & then moved to 6/30/22. When I called they said they were having issues getting my car delivered to my service location due to a lack of delivery trucks. It looks like they figured they would be unable to deliver it by the end of the quarter to me in time as my service delivery location is 2 1/2 hours away from the factory. This morning my VIN is gone and the delivery range moved to 7/1/22 - 7/7/22. It’s not hard to determine that my original VIN was probably given away to someone else closer so that they could make the end of quarter deadline. I’m glad I did not pay for the vehicle online in advance of delivery or I would have prepaid with no car to show for it! I’m old school! You show me the car, I inspect it, then I pay you!

Well, now I’m hoping I get a new VIN and the delivery range holds up! I know there are alot of us older original order dates still waiting further than me too! Hang in there! I may be getting close, but still no cigar!

My OOD is 7/2021 Model X LR black/black 20 inch
Has anyone heard anything about the airbag horn ever being enabled? After Elon said the hardware was in all the vehicles since November 2021 I haven’t heard anything else about it.

It’s my only complaint about the yoke - the horn as a button is too hard to find in a panic situation and too easy to hit when doing low speed turns.
Supposedly you can palm the cluster of buttons on the right side and it'll just engage the horn. But yes, I too am wondering when the "air-bag horn" will be enabled.
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Honestly, I didn't ask only because i made final payment already prior to picking up the car so figured I was already in too deep - but yes, they did give me the same spiel "you must accept delivery before we can let you in the car, only way you can open it is with the app." I just used my handy LED flashlight and inspected through the windows as much as I could then went back into the office to "accept delivery" then proceed to test the doors, frunk, trunk, and check for the charger, adapters, and tow hitch. All was good enough at that point.

They didn't clean the car well enough to my liking (i.e. no tire dressing, hand prints on windows, glue residual in some areas, etc.) so i had the cleaning staff take care of that stuff. They were cooperative.

Congrats on your MX and enjoy it in good health!
This whole “you can’t look in the car” thing is just hit and miss depending on where you accept delivery. I picked up in Atlanta and they gave me as much time as I wanted to inspect the car inside and out. My wife and I sat in the car before I accepted it and inspected the entire interior, operated all of the doors and windows, flipped through all of the menus on the main screen, etc.