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Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

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A gas line during th 1973 Oil Embargo. BTW, 86¢ per gallon in 1973 works out to $5.66 today in real dollars.
If you feel that strongly, perhaps you should write off the $100 and buy an EV from another manufacturer. (Good luck with that). All I know is after 15 months of hoping, complaining and bitching, it did arrive and is sitting in front of my house right now.
My preference for an EV manufacturer is based on it's technological advantages.
My feelings towards their business practice is another thing.
I'm not sure why the need to conflate those 2 together.
BTW, I did no complaining or bitching and I still have nothing IN front of my house.

Usually, the wrong timing is chosen if there is a good timing at all and this is really a terrible time to be a Tesla evangelist.
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Look, I have my X. Ordered 2/5/21, delivered 5/7/22. It was worth the wait. Seeing all the frustration, I almost feel guilty, but not really. ;)

When things go wrong, humans typically want someone to blame. IT'S YOUR DAMNED FAULT, PUTZ! Usually, the wrong target is chosen if there is an actual target at all.

1. If I was still in you guys' shoes, I'd believe the parts shortage line. Why? Because China does 27% of the world's manufacturing now. FoxConn is gigantic, for example. Shanghai has been shut down tight for weeks, including Tesla Shanghai due to China's Zero COVID policy. The government has literally welded peoples' front doors shut so they can't get out of their apartments. In the 1990s, as I've said before, our oh so wise CEO's moved tons of their manufacturing to China to take advantage of low wages. Labor accounts for ~12% of the cost of a new vehicle. That's what these guys go after every time. Autos, steel, seats, hoses of all kinds, electronics, it was all outsourced. That worked out for 'em for 20 years. Then the communist party of China grew nervous. They started to fear the billionaires their form of capitalism created. Notice how prominent Chinese have been disappearing the past several years. Like all centrally planned economies do, CCP made several gigantic mistakes running from real estate to consumer investing, to taking on too much debt. It's all crashing around their ears right now. As for Tesla getting the parts they must purchase from the world's factory, well the Chinese made another boo boo, in their hubris they went for homemade COVID vaccines that don't work well at all. The government also went for 100% lockdowns anywhere COVID cropped up. So, now we have supply chains issues across the board. ICE car manufacturers are experiencing the same issues.

2. New buyers are flocking to EVs thanks to sky high gas prices. This is a good thing, but it's overwhelming manufacturing capacity that's only now starting to move at a fast walk. Tesla is miles ahead in turning out EVs, but all that's accomplished is to attract more and more orders. Gas prices are high because that lousy sociopath Putin decided to invade Ukraine. He didn't get the 4 day war he planned and is in a mess. One piece of that mess is other countries have stopped buying Russian oil as a means to force the Russians to the negotiating table for real. That move, however, removed several of the 9 million barrels of oil, and natural gas on top of that, Russia used to export daily. The world's daily oil supply balanced on a knife edge all along. Outfits like OPEC want to keep prices ups, always have, always will. The U.S. is the world's largest oil producer @ 12 million barrels a day. Much production was shut down when COVID struck. Remember the news stories about overflowing storage tanks with gasoline dirt cheap? Well, now we're out and about and production hasn't caught up as quickly as needed. Bottom line: This oil fiasco is driving more people to EVs at a faster pace than predicted. That means a whole lot of waiting in line for a Tesla 'cause Ford, Mercedes, GM, Kia et al have no idea how to mass produce EVs profitably as Tesla does.

3. Look for food prices to skyrocket next. Ukraine produces gazillions of baskets of wheat. We don't need it, but Europe and Asia do. You can't plant crops when Russian planes are dropping bombs on you. This is going to cause much hunger, even starvation in many parts of the world.

4. Tesla sucks at leveling with customers on what is going down and why. No argument from me on that point. OTOH, you kinda already know what's happening if you follow world events at all. Your SA, Musk, anyone at Tesla is not responsible for parts not arriving because Chinese factories are shut down. POTUS is not responsible for gasoline prices. The U.S. didn't invade Ukraine and start mass murdering people, Putin did. We Americans like to blame our Presidents when things go wrong. But not POTUS ever has had the power to set the price for a barrel of oil that eventually shows up at the gas pump in Peoria. There is some evidence of price gouging by the oil companies. Yes, they do this, always have. See the OPEC embargo in 1973-74 punishing the US for resupplying Israel with arms in the 1973 war. Hours waits at gas stations, ridiculous pricing, public panic. Been there, done that more than once.

5. This is just a guess on my part, but I still think Tesla has been shocked at the number of MX orders that have rolled in. Not sure about this, but it looks like X orders outnumber S orders, which is not typically the case. With all this expansion, IMO Tesla should open another line with one churning out the S and the other the X.

THE VILLAINS HERE: Putin, COVID, dumb corporate CEOs, legacy OEMs with their heads up their butts, the CCP and the usual suspects in the oil industry.

If you're interested in finding out more on what's going down, I suggest you check out the work of Tony Seba at RethinkX. Really makes you think. (He predicted the EV revolution way back in 2005 and it's going down right on schedule).

As for the interminable wait for an X, all I can say is I waited 15 months and am glad I did. Patience grasshopper, all good things come to those who wait. Wise words delivered by David Carradine's master in the Kung Fu TV show way back when.
I ordered mine one year before you and still don’t have it. Way to rub it in! Seems like a lot of us are now bumped to Dec 22-April 23. Good thing I just got my Model Y. Any possibility there is some amount of Model X re-tooling going on to account for the delay? This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever experienced from a company.
My family is complete now.
Picked up today in Devon, PA 5 seater LR. The car is amazing. Process was smooth. No issues. Swivel screen.
Tiny miss alignments don’t bother me. You have to look for them to see it.
Turn signals - not an issue. Auto turn off for signal works great
Yoke is silly, but workable. On a very sharp turn almost twisted my wrist.
Very quiet. Could not find ANC, but don’t feel a need.
Audio quality is amazing.
Voice control is crap. I’m spoiled by Alexa.
UI needs a lot more work. Can’t find a way to customize Driver screen like I can in my MS 2020.
I may actually prefer older Portrait screen. Hopefully it will improve over time.
Taking it for tint next week. Not sure I’ll do anything else.
Overall - love it. Nothing compares.
I’ll be stopping by here from time to time, so any questions- shoot.


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My family is complete now.
Picked up today in Devon, PA 5 seater LR. The car is amazing. Process was smooth. No issues. Swivel screen.
Tiny miss alignments don’t bother me. You have to look for them to see it.
Turn signals - not an issue. Auto turn off for signal works great
Yoke is silly, but workable. On a very sharp turn almost twisted my wrist.
Very quiet. Could not find ANC, but don’t feel a need.
Audio quality is amazing.
Voice control is crap. I’m spoiled by Alexa.
UI needs a lot more work. Can’t find a way to customize Driver screen like I can in my MS 2020.
I may actually prefer older Portrait screen. Hopefully it will improve over time.
Taking it for tint next week. Not sure I’ll do anything else.
Overall - love it. Nothing compares.
I’ll be stopping by here from time to time, so any questions- shoot.
Happy to hear it went well at Devon. Hopefully I’ll be getting mine there one day. Happy for you!
Just a reminder for the sake of saying it.. EDDs mean nothing. Everyone who got deliveries in the past 8 weeks had "July" before they got their day-range and subsequent VIN. This is proof that anything other than a specific range of days is meaningless. A month EDD does not indicate a true estimated delivery date.

Looking at this glass-half-full, we had 19 deliveries in the past 7 days! Its shaping up to be an early EoQ push for the MX.


On that note.. update your data!!! :)
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Just a reminder for the sake of saying it.. EDDs mean nothing. Everyone who got deliveries in the past 8 weeks had "July" before they got their day-range and subsequent VIN. This is proof that anything other than a specific range of days is meaningless. A month EDD does not indicate a true estimated delivery date.

Looking at this glass-half-full, we had 19 deliveries in the past 7 days! Its shaping up to be an early EoQ push for the MX.

View attachment 806430

On that note.. update your data!!! :)
Exactly! Spot on
I went in yesterday and talked with the SA about options (before the big push back, by coincidence). He said he didn't have much more info than the app, except there was a plan to start production on my XLR first of August with delivery second or third week, but that's obviously not meaningful. That's essentially my orderversary.

He said he has seen a few rejections due to financial changes, etc., and I told him I'm completely flexible on configuration except firm on 6 seats. Plaid? Sure. Whatever. He said he keeps a "short list" of flexible folks to call in case of rejection before "releasing the car back to the ether" and mine would be the only X on that list.

But I fear the push back will make nobody reject anything that is actually offered for pickup. Sigh.
I ran into a someone who works at Tesla Fremont factory at a Chipotle today.

Here is what he said:
They recently pre refresh merged S and X assembly lines and the assembly line automation had some bugs which slowed them down. Lack of resources meant they had to borrow people working on 3 and Y assembly lines but that didn't work out as expected. Now they have a dedicated team working on S and X assembly line automation, these are some pretty smart people and the quality of cars in coming weeks will be top notch. The current ask for assembly to output is not feasible but they are doing as much as they can to crank out high quality vehicles. Expect Plaid to get preference over LR as the extra money helps with the hiring/maintaining automation on the assembly line.

I am in same boat as everyone with EDD Dec 2022 - April 2023. The guy sounded confident and may be there is a ray of hope.

Side Note: The guy was jacked, 20 inch bisceps easy. Looks like he does heavy lifts both on and off work ha.
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I went in yesterday and talked with the SA about options (before the big push back, by coincidence). He said he didn't have much more info than the app, except there was a plan to start production on my XLR first of August with delivery second or third week, but that's obviously not meaningful. That's essentially my orderversary.

He said he has seen a few rejections due to financial changes, etc., and I told him I'm completely flexible on configuration except firm on 6 seats. Plaid? Sure. Whatever. He said he keeps a "short list" of flexible folks to call in case of rejection before "releasing the car back to the ether" and mine would be the only X on that list.

But I fear the push back will make nobody reject anything that is actually offered for pickup. Sigh.
8 out of 10 rejections are probably financial issues. Tesla kept calling me for MXPs available with all the color options I didn't want because the buyer could afford it or "financial circumstances ".

Also those that have multiple on order only to cancel or whatnot are a major culprit with these messed up time lines.

They should have made is $2500 or higher deposit non refundable (unless it's OEM fault). That would have weeded out the tire beaters and those having multiple on order.

Same happened with Rivian.
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8 out of 10 rejections are probably financial issues. Tesla kept calling me for MXPs available with all the color options I didn't want because the buyer could afford it or "financial circumstances ".

Also those that have multiple on order only to cancel or whatnot are a major culprit with these messed up time lines.

They should have made is $2500 or higher deposit non refundable (unless it's OEM fault). That would have weeded out the tire beaters and those having multiple on order.

Same happened with Rivian.
that didn't stop Rivian from being sold out for months if not years...Same with Tesla
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