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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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Gulagu.net is allegedly a Russian anti-corruption and anti-torture and human rights organization and website, but I'm not familiar with that site. This is allegedly according to gulagu.net:

Generals Surovikin (Spelling?) and Alekseev were involved in Prigozhin's coup attempt yesterday, and the coup had been planned for more than eight months. The plan was to take Gerasimov (and probably(?) also Shoigu, although he is not named in the article). The statement Surovikin made against Wagner was due to him being arrested as an accomplice, so he was forced to make that statement. Several entire units, specifically the 2nd and 15th GRU Spetsnaz brigades had also joined Wagner et. al. Other units received explicit orders from Surovikin and Deputy Defense Minister Alekseev not to resist. At least fifteen preliminary investigations into treason have so far been opened, and Gulagu believes that these 'traitors' will be liquidated or imprisoned before the end of the year. According to Gulagu they were not covered by any amnesty.

A comment about this (not mine, but seems plausible):

Something very 'radical' must have happened to cause Prigozhin to back off from eight months of planning and what looked like so far a successful operation, especially when you consider that GRU Spetsnaz joined with two brigades (where the deputy head of the GRU sat beside Prigozhin in that film from Rostov-on-Don).

There is speculation online that FSB or FSO got to Prigozhin's daughter somehow, prompting Prigozhin to back down. The daughter is allegedly supposed to be in Dubai, but that may (of course) not prevent FSB/FSO. Or Prig got some other 'good offer'...

If the information at Gulagu.net is correct, then this was a very well-planned and sharp coup attempt, which also explains why the Russian elite fled(?) in their jets, and the Russian Dictator trying to bomb the highway ahead of the Wagner column. Prigozhin, Alekseev and Surovikin may not survive 'that long' or end up behind bars.
My daughter was keen to take a summer internship in rural Turkey a few years ago. She was not worried about being targeted for being a Jew because she is secular and atheist. I impressed upon her the reality that it does not matter one whit how she views herself, it is how others label and target.

Anti-semitism is an ideology for extreme right (and some left) political groups. Don't look for logic or reason

Outside of ultra-religious Jews, I have never encountered any shunning of kids from mixed religion marriages by mainstream Judaism. If anything, they are encouraged to embrace Judaism and 'convert.' It rarely happens, I think for two reasons: one is that the woman in a marriage tends to set the religious tone and the Jewish man tends to be some variety of a-religious; and second, catholics and orthodox use institutional influence to strongly encourage that the kids be raised in the mother's religion. In my extended family in the USA there is a marriage between a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. The woman demanded the kids be raised as Catholics as a pre-condition of marriage. It is a common story in this country. I don't know for sure, but I would not be at all surprised if similar dictates occur in Russia.

I think it is pretty typical that the man does not really care, while the woman cares a lot
I guess my marriage (and I) are atypical then:). I’m fine with that. Marriage is always about compromise. I see religion choice in a mixed marriage as just that. I will say, that post marriage, my wife developed a much greater appreciation for antisemetic undercurrents. My personal view is that extremes of any religion, politics, governing approach, or anything that has a people element to it, creates the environment for marginalizing human values and prejudice. Russia is but one example. Back on topic..
Gulagu.net is allegedly a Russian anti-corruption and anti-torture and human rights organization and website, but I'm not familiar with that site. This is allegedly according to gulagu.net:

Generals Surovikin (Spelling?) and Alekseev were involved in Prigozhin's coup attempt yesterday, and the coup had been planned for more than eight months. The plan was to take Gerasimov (and probably(?) also Shoigu, although he is not named in the article). The statement Surovikin made against Wagner was due to him being arrested as an accomplice, so he was forced to make that statement. Several entire units, specifically the 2nd and 15th GRU Spetsnaz brigades had also joined Wagner et. al. Other units received explicit orders from Surovikin and Deputy Defense Minister Alekseev not to resist. At least fifteen preliminary investigations into treason have so far been opened, and Gulagu believes that these 'traitors' will be liquidated or imprisoned before the end of the year. According to Gulagu they were not covered by any amnesty.

A comment about this (not mine, but seems plausible):

Something very 'radical' must have happened to cause Prigozhin to back off from eight months of planning and what looked like so far a successful operation, especially when you consider that GRU Spetsnaz joined with two brigades (where the deputy head of the GRU sat beside Prigozhin in that film from Rostov-on-Don).

There is speculation online that FSB or FSO got to Prigozhin's daughter somehow, prompting Prigozhin to back down. The daughter is allegedly supposed to be in Dubai, but that may (of course) not prevent FSB/FSO. Or Prig got some other 'good offer'...

If the information at Gulagu.net is correct, then this was a very well-planned and sharp coup attempt, which also explains why the Russian elite fled(?) in their jets, and the Russian Dictator trying to bomb the highway ahead of the Wagner column. Prigozhin, Alekseev and Surovikin may not survive 'that long' or end up behind bars.
I keep expecting to see Surovikin taking Gerasimovs job. So far we have not seen any recently. maybe they all get whacked. Irony being that Surovikin is maybe the best general they have
I keep expecting to see Surovikin taking Gerasimovs job. So far we have not seen any recently. maybe they all get whacked. Irony being that Surovikin is maybe the best general they have

The disappointment around here is palpable that Russia has not erupted in mass civil war, but it has not been a bad week:

Surovikin and accomplices are toast, and that includes a fair slice of the GRU. Should be fun watching FSB and GRU have at it
Prig is toast;
25k Wagnerites are headless
10k Chechnya clowns are camped out on a road somewhere
Last edited:
They are outside of Russia and from all the lunacy we have seen from Russia why would you not at least think of the possibility that they would be treated like every other thing item that the Russian military can steal and sell? Basically I'm asking if the security will be the same as when this crap was in Russia.Yes they aren't washing machines but these people are truly nuts as we've seen of late.

It wasn't all that long ago (30 years?) when the USSR broke up and everyone was all of a sudden fearful of having nukes in Ukraine under the control of a non-Soviet administration and military.

As I said above, I have not seen any evidence that Russian tactical nuclear weapons are outside normal Russian nuclear controls. The fact that no tactical weapons have shown up in the hands of rogue actors up to now I think is a good sign that they are under the same controls as the strategic weapons.

If you have some evidence that these weapons are not under the same controls, please post a link to the information.

The issue is to do with maintaining the safery margin required to get an assured nuclear fusion reaction, rather than a "fizzle". All stages of the process have tolerances, and as the device becomes smaller so the likelihood of cumulative tolerance stack-ups being on the low side becomes more probable. With a larger device one simply makes everything slightly bigger and/or increase the number of redundant things so as to minimise the probability of a fizzle. As the device gets physically smaller the design constraints prevent brute-force assuredness solutions. The most obvious single issue is to do with the decay rate of the tritium boosters, hence needing to pull a tactical weapon fairly frequently (say, every five years) as opposed to pulling a strategic weapon (say) every fifteen years for maintenance. The main task during maintenance is to regas with the right amount of tritium. Tritium has a relatively short half life so when one gets down to the micro-scale nuclear suitcase demolition devices and shell-sized devices, then for sure a safe shelf life of as little as a year might be fair.

The easiest way to get dial-a-yield devices is to choke the amount of tritium involved in the early stages of the nuclear reaction process. That can turn a large strategic weapon into a smaller bang, but it doesn't get round the issue that it is still a large form-factor that is carried on a device that (in the recipent's eyes) still looks like a strategic strike inbound. But I digress.

It is not just the tritium, but the tritium is the main thing. Other nuclear materials also decay and get checked during maintenance. So too do the conventional explosives in the system which also have safe life spans. Etc.

As the nuclear material decays it will also cause damage to the material within the bomb too. Modern electronics are very sensitive to radiation and need to be hardened to work in high radiation environments. Hardening electronics is expensive and a specialist area of industry.

I work for a company that makes equipment to test integrated circuits as part of QA processes. The bulk of their customers are testing new consumer grade devices, but the owner of the company was telling me about one customer who was testing parts to go on satellites. A device that you costs a few cents for the commercial grade version costs $1500 for the radiation hardened version. It was cheaper for them to find where the problems were on these devices and repair them rather than throw them away and make new ones.

The electronics on bombs are bombarded with radiation constantly. At minimum they need to be taken out and tested fairly frequently to ensure they still work. Tritium is still hydrogen and hydrogen leaks out of any vessel making metal brittle as it does. The tritium chambers need to be inspected regularly too.

The US defense budget allocates $10 billion a year to nuclear weapon maintenance. I think the schedule has someone look over each bomb every three years or something like that. Russia's military budget in 2021 was $66 billion USD (several trillion rubles). Russia gets more bang for their ruble than the US does for its dollar, but we also know that a huge chunk of the Russian military budget is stolen too.

It's obvious that Russia is not maintaining their nuclear arsenal to the levels of the US weapons. They may have some that would work, but I would expect a high percentage to fizzle if used.

I've not seen anything to suggest that in reality the Russian nuclear devices on Belarus soil are not fully in control of only Russian forces. If indeed there are any actually on Belarus soil at all - as opposed to there being the relevant bunkers/pads/etc in situ.

Yes, there is no proof they are there. It might all be a PR stunt.

It all makes sense to me. Prigozhin had avoided criticizing Putin directly. I was very interested in seeing what Putin's reaction would be. I felt there was a chance that Putin would side with Prigozhin and use this as an opportunity to make the MoD the scapegoat for everything that went wrong with the special military operation.

It makes sense that Prigozhin's abrupt about-face was due to Putin's speech. I don't see any other reason for it.

The video below makes the case that the Wagner coup signals the end of the current Russian government. I don't totally buy it, yet. I would certainly not rule it out. ISTM this coup attempt (or whatever) was a big deal. I'd be surprised if there were not significant repercussions.

Prigozhin's rebellion planted a seed in the consciousness of the average Russian that rebellion is possible. Something considered unfathomable a few days ago. That could spell the eventual end of Putin's regime.

It's clear that quite a few people in Rostov are not happy with Putin's rule returning and were quite happy with Wagner being there.

@wdolson and @unk45 I appreciate the informative if sad perspectives on the situation of Jewish peoples in Russia. How damn sad.

I'm no expert on Judaism. I did have a friend who was a Jewish Russian born in Crimea in the 1980s and her family moved to Israel in the 90s. I've lost track of her in the last decade, but she was quite an interesting person. She had the most amazing talent with languages I've ever seen.

I learned a fair bit about Russian Jews from her. I've also done reading over the years.

From what I've read, Prigozhin's father was Jewish, but it's unclear what his mother's religious background was.

Gulagu.net is allegedly a Russian anti-corruption and anti-torture and human rights organization and website, but I'm not familiar with that site. This is allegedly according to gulagu.net:

Generals Surovikin (Spelling?) and Alekseev were involved in Prigozhin's coup attempt yesterday, and the coup had been planned for more than eight months. The plan was to take Gerasimov (and probably(?) also Shoigu, although he is not named in the article). The statement Surovikin made against Wagner was due to him being arrested as an accomplice, so he was forced to make that statement. Several entire units, specifically the 2nd and 15th GRU Spetsnaz brigades had also joined Wagner et. al. Other units received explicit orders from Surovikin and Deputy Defense Minister Alekseev not to resist. At least fifteen preliminary investigations into treason have so far been opened, and Gulagu believes that these 'traitors' will be liquidated or imprisoned before the end of the year. According to Gulagu they were not covered by any amnesty.

A comment about this (not mine, but seems plausible):

Something very 'radical' must have happened to cause Prigozhin to back off from eight months of planning and what looked like so far a successful operation, especially when you consider that GRU Spetsnaz joined with two brigades (where the deputy head of the GRU sat beside Prigozhin in that film from Rostov-on-Don).

There is speculation online that FSB or FSO got to Prigozhin's daughter somehow, prompting Prigozhin to back down. The daughter is allegedly supposed to be in Dubai, but that may (of course) not prevent FSB/FSO. Or Prig got some other 'good offer'...

If the information at Gulagu.net is correct, then this was a very well-planned and sharp coup attempt, which also explains why the Russian elite fled(?) in their jets, and the Russian Dictator trying to bomb the highway ahead of the Wagner column. Prigozhin, Alekseev and Surovikin may not survive 'that long' or end up behind bars.

We may never know exactly what happened. Putin and his cronies will be working overtime to spin this however they can, but it will likely look hackneyed because the evidence we do have shows Putin's regime is very weak.

I keep expecting to see Surovikin taking Gerasimovs job. So far we have not seen any recently. maybe they all get whacked. Irony being that Surovikin is maybe the best general they have

Somebody posted a Tweet yesterday that Surovkin was getting promoted into Gerasimov's job. Maybe that was in error?

This does have echoes of the 1944 coup to take down Hitler. Rommel was implicated and offered to shoot himself rather than be arrested. Historians have found evidence that Rommel probably knew about the plot, but there is little evidence he had any participation in it.

The disappointment around here is palpable that Russia has not erupted in mass civil war, but it has not been a bad week:

Surovikin and accomplices are toast;
Prig is toast;
25k Wagnerites are headless
10k Chechnya clowns are camped out on a road somewhere

The result wasn't ideal, but you are right, some of Russia's best assets are off the board. Losing Wagner is going to be a blow for the effort in Ukraine.
Prig is toast;
25k Wagnerites are headless
10k Chechnya clowns are camped out on a road somewhere
Do we know this for sure?

25k Wagnerites and 10k Chechnya clowns

Are out of the fight in Ukraine for the foreseeable future, that is the most important thing.

IMO it is very hard to determine what is really going on and what strategies are in play.

Many western experts are sure Prig is a loser, I'm not so sure.

I'm also not sure where Prig is and if he has any of this troops with him.

It is more accurate to say Prig and Wagnerites are an internal Russian problem, which is probably solved, but may be a problem again in future...

Some players may simply be keen to keep their Pawns on the board. I'm, only saying this because the resolution of the coup, and the lack of fighting at times seems strangely like force preservation.
yes I think saying anyone is anywhere on the Russian side of things is impossible at this moment. Since this happened only 2 made statements- tapped. The real targets are not talking. Someone was on the plane. Was it just an EW plane? If not it was a command post and they don't have idiots in them. Big crews. Nobody talking about that. Prig is who knows where, Luke is who knows where, Putin is who knows where.
it has not been a bad week:

Surovikin and accomplices are toast, and that includes a fair slice of the GRU. Should be fun watching FSB and GRU have at it
Prig is toast;
25k Wagnerites are headless
10k Chechnya clowns are camped out on a road somewhere
And a lots Putins people and Russian military generally are spending all or substantial time and effort on something other than Ukraine.
Obama spreading disinformation about Crimea
Did you actually listen to what Obama said instead of rely on Russian misrepresentation of it?

And at the time he was very critical of Russia including directly to Lavarov.
If true this is a big deal


Shoigu is the patsy. If he really is as incompetent as posters here believe, then his arrest would be UKR's loss.
I'm a lot more interested in the purge of Prig co-conspirator leaders, and the apparent groundswell of anti-Putin sentiment in some of the Russian military divisions.

I'm still hoping they wipe each other out
Shoigu is the patsy. If he really is as incompetent as posters here believe, then his arrest would be UKR's loss.
Agreed. This is what Prigozhin wanted. The news is Putin seems to have gotten on board.

I'm a lot more interested in the purge of Prig co-conspirator leaders, and the apparent groundswell of anti-Putin sentiment in some of the Russian military divisions.
This is why news of the house arrest is a big deal. It means Prigozhin got one of the main things he wanted. This gives us a glimpse into what's going on between Putin and Prigozhin which is key understanding everything else going on in Russia.

Shoigu is the patsy. If he really is as incompetent as posters here believe, then his arrest would be UKR's loss.
I'm a lot more interested in the purge of Prig co-conspirator leaders, and the apparent groundswell of anti-Putin sentiment in some of the Russian military divisions.

I'm still hoping they wipe each other out
Shoigu was apparently very loyal, which at the time was valued more highly than competency.

The system in Russia reminds me of the intrigue in the era of hereditary monarchies in Europe.

Who can the King really trust, when many people want to be King?
I think there are two competing camps in the Russian militaries and power concentrations: one (Putin et al) are warmongers intent on conquest; the other (Prig et al) are warmongers who want a scorched earth approach. At all times these camps jockey for more power and seek to usurp each other if not murder outright.

The unsuccessful prosecution of the war (in Russian eyes, anyway) and the casualties has given voice and urgency to the Prig camp. I say Prig camp for convenience, but I do not really know if he is their king, rook, knight, or just a foul-mouthed pawn. It seems clear that the Prig camp is too powerful for Putin to wipe out with a signature, so he must jockey, scheme, divide, and murder with planning.

In a way, the civil war in Russia is in full swing, but somewhat hidden from view. I expect eruptions