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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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A couple of days ago Ukraine’s ambassador to London was sacked as he had dared to soften Zelensky's rude response to UK defence secretary Wallace's complaint, that he felt treated as if he were an "Amazon" for weapons in Kyiv. That's the reality in Ukraine, no political opposition, no opposition media and an autocratic, thin skinned President.
The Brits kicked Churchill out of office right after WWII. No premium for him for being a successful wartime leader. Can you imagine the same happening in Ukraine? I can't, but perhaps I'm prejudiced. Anyway, as long as it doesn't happen to Zelensky, there should be no way into NATO for Ukraine.
As to armies being prepared to fight a major ground war in Europe, it's most certainly not the Brits. They may have a couple of crack units, but apart from that their army is massively diminished.
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Interesting to watch this footage, you'll see the russians retreating much more intelligently than in footage a few months ago. They jumped out of positions and immediately separated and moved coherently to a second position. That they were being watched and targeted in the new position had to be a possibility. They also didn't get hit moving. Anyway, orcs learning or maybe just not mobilized.
That is not a MANPAD hitting the Ka-52. It is something that I would say has a range of at least 50-miles judging by the size, and from above.


Interesting change of tempo being reported, but not sure it is genuine. Also I can't help noticing the actual front line remains much the same on most of the maps.


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Lead on nytimes.com

This article:
Russia-Ukraine War U.S. Says Main Thrust of Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Has Begun
Maybe it's time to close shop for all russian embassies around the world, due to Russia collapsing, eh? Seize assets as illegitimate, liquidate and support Ukraine.
Open new shops after the fenix rises.
While I share the sentiment, I am leery of actually acting on the sentiment. The precedent established must be really carefully set, because once country(s) of the world decide to take another country's stuff, it will be that much easier to do it again.
While I share the sentiment, I am leery of actually acting on the sentiment. The precedent established must be really carefully set, because once country(s) of the world decide to take another country's stuff, it will be that much easier to do it again.

This is the crux of the matter, Russia should be declared not-a-country for its actons. And yes, it should become a precedent for other similar countries, like North Korea for example. Or maybe the declaration of Russia as Terrorist State will accomplish the same.
A couple of days ago Ukraine’s ambassador to London was sacked as he had dared to soften Zelensky's rude response to UK defence secretary Wallace's complaint, that he felt treated as if he were an "Amazon" for weapons in Kyiv. That's the reality in Ukraine, no political opposition, no opposition media and an autocratic, thin skinned President

An ambassador is the spokesperson/advocate for the Government and is also a negotiator for the Government with other Governments. An ambassador is not a parliamentarian, a journalist or member of the opposition.

During WW 1 and WW2 there was press censorship in the US and many Western countries.

In the US there was press censorship during the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War too. The anti-war press from the Vietnam War forward is something new.

Putin is autocratic moving toward totalitarian not Zelensky.

I can very much envision free open and fair elections after the Russo-Ukrainian War in Ukraine.
Some interesting reads, no paywalls.

(I think I heard on BBC radio 4 this morning an interview with a Ukraine Leopard tankman. If I heard correctly his tank was knocked out by mines despite having mine clearance rollers. He said the rollers can take four mine explosions, but the Russians are laying the mines in much larger clusters. In his case the sixth mine got them. That fits with video a week ago of a Leo that was disabled by mines - you could literally count half a dozen mines within a couple of metres of the front of the right track as the crew were working around it, jumping over the anti-tank mines. The Russians aren't stupid, they concentrated on laying mines rather than barbed wire for a reason. Let's hope that Ukraine can break through with the current infantry tactics before the Russians are able to lay both.)


The ISW jumps onto the claim that Ukraine is attacking in mass but then qualifies it. So far I have not seen the sort of postings from Russia to suggest a deep breakthrough but I've been working getting ready for our main harvesting season next month. Whether it is south of Bahkmut or towards Marioupl the UAF seems to be making slightly deeper penetrations into russian lines and russia is struggling with their (to date) effective method of responding immediately with counteroffensives to quickly take back lost ground.

Perhaps UAF can achieve a real breakthrough in a few days in the south and breach the heavily mined and manned front positions.