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Sat Nav showing strange new route calculations

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I regularly drive Cardiff-Northumberland and back in my Model 3. Going north, we'd usually stop at Hopwood Park and Scotch Corner, sometimes Woodall. The satnav nearly always tells us to stop at Hopwood Park when calculating the route and charging, and Woodall on the way back. All good. However, the last couple of weeks, but in the same destination and it comes up saying I should charge at Hilton Park north of Birmingham, doubling back on the M6 Toll road to get there. This is not on the route, adds a toll and adds miles of extra driving so makes no sense. On the return it is now suggesting that too.

Has anyone else noticed a sudden Hilton Park fetish by the satnav? Maybe its underused and they're trying to make it more popular?
Tesla sat nav does not allow waypoints.

ie, you can only go London to Birmingham and not specify London-Newbury-Norwich-Birmingham.
If you want to do London-Newbury-Norwich-Birmingham then you must do multiple trips. London to Newbury, Newbury to Norwich, Norwich to Birmingham.

It may however decide to break a longer trip up with charging stops, but you have very limited control over this functionality.
I regularly drive Cardiff-Northumberland and back in my Model 3. Going north, we'd usually stop at Hopwood Park and Scotch Corner, sometimes Woodall. The satnav nearly always tells us to stop at Hopwood Park when calculating the route and charging, and Woodall on the way back. All good. However, the last couple of weeks, but in the same destination and it comes up saying I should charge at Hilton Park north of Birmingham, doubling back on the M6 Toll road to get there. This is not on the route, adds a toll and adds miles of extra driving so makes no sense. On the return it is now suggesting that too.

Has anyone else noticed a sudden Hilton Park fetish by the satnav? Maybe its underused and they're trying to make it more popular?
Since Hilton Park North is further along the route on the, you would arrive at Hilton Park North with a lower SOC and then not need to charge up so much to reach Scotch Corner, so you would have a shorter charge stop compared with Hopwood Park. I can see why the Nav might prefer that option in that case (not so sure about the return trip though). Google maps suggests it's about the same distance in terms of mileage and only 8 minutes slower with live traffic levels at the moment.

Generally the Nav is pretty good but there are plenty of times I feel I know better (nicer stop/site with more charging bays/more convenient stop time etc.) - and this will (hopefully) happen on more and more routes as new Superchargers open. It does make calculating your ETA much harder though, so I always have a look at ABRP and play with alternative routes/temperatures before doing a long journey (then I look at Google for traffic delay estimates).

The Nav accounts for traffic (presumably live) and some sort of temperature, maybe ambient (at least, on my MS it does something to up predicted consumption in winter and lower it in summer), so these will affect the routing and unlike ABRP you can't override the assumptions. I think it's fine _except_ for longer charging times due to throttling/battery degradation on my MS70. A bit annoying as the charge limits are software controlled, so why not program them into the Nav (you can do it in ABRP!)? Oh and when can we have waypoints/overnight stop calculations?
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I agree there's a bias in favour of Hilton Park. I was coming down the M6 from Scotland to Oxford and rather than Keele it suggested I skipped the toll, charge at Hilton Park and continue along M6 around Birmingham. As Keele is only 4 bays I though it worth trying, however I could see it was empty as I passed.
By the time I got to charge there was a big hold up on the M6 from there, so we took the exit labelled M6 North from Hilton Park Southbound, which seemed to be the service road that then took up easily up to the toll. If it's not allowed I wonder why they have a massive sign directing you that way.
Further north it was insisting on driving at 65 to reach the Tebay chargers rather than Gretna, I'm pretty sure it's routing now takes into account the number of chargers.
cezdoc - Thanks, I can see the logic. Personally I would avoid the M5 / M6 junction where possible as it can easily snarl up without much notice.

Generally ABRP gives me more realistic options, and the ability to add waypoints or preferred stops should definately be added to the in-car system. Also, the more I do the journey, the more I can get an intuitive feel for how far the car will go. Usually I just put in my preferred charger as the destination.

In the summer, it will predict the arrival S.O.C. and I will beat it by a mile. eg. I did Alnwick to Hopwood Park. Sat Nav warned me I'd only have 5% on arrival, did it to the speed limit and arrived with 18%.
What is the nerving solution then? It's something I'm trying to get my head round for long trips. Use ABRP to plan the trip, use Tesla Nav to locate superchargers but it seems neither of them calculate traffic effectively. Which Waze certainly does. Can someone please aggregate a Waze/ABRP/Tesla calculation to come up with an optimal route!

It all seems a really long way round of doing things. Of course, the answer is Tesla nav SHOULD have the route planning af ABRP and SHOULD have the traffic aware and rerouting qualities of Waze. Hopefully it eventually will.
Well, I tend to use ABRP before planning a long trip. It's fairly accurate. Then I'll use the Tesla Nav, but will change it if it's not doing what I want. eg. if I want to stop at a preferred service station, or would rather do two shorter stops than one longer (for toilet etc!), then I'll just set the next supercharger as the destination and follow that.

We need to start pressuring Musk to add waypoints etc to the navigation. They've done loads of work with Netflix, games, and autopilot features that can't be used in the UK, so it's time they spent some dev time on the basics!
Never mind Tesla picking strange routes, try the 'I'm feeling Lucky' destination selection.
The idea is it picks local points of interest to visit e.g your local roman ruins, parks etc etc.

My issue is not the destinations it picks, some of them sound great, but the fact they tend to be in and around Dublin, when I live in Basingstoke.
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Well, I tend to use ABRP before planning a long trip. It's fairly accurate. Then I'll use the Tesla Nav, but will change it if it's not doing what I want. eg. if I want to stop at a preferred service station, or would rather do two shorter stops than one longer (for toilet etc!), then I'll just set the next supercharger as the destination and follow that.

We need to start pressuring Musk to add waypoints etc to the navigation. They've done loads of work with Netflix, games, and autopilot features that can't be used in the UK, so it's time they spent some dev time on the basics!


Elon said no at the end of last year. When he was probed on this he said that the car would automatically know where you wanted to go in between the start and end of your journey.

I've no idea how he's going to achieve that though.
Looked a bit further into this:

View attachment 575811
Does anyone else find this utterly stupid?

If you're planning a road trip and want to see some sights along the way a: it won't be in your calendar, only the final destination will be (possibly) and b: it's not going to be able to work out based on previous activity if you want to visit somewhere new.
Does anyone else find this utterly stupid?

If you're planning a road trip and want to see some sights along the way a: it won't be in your calendar, only the final destination will be (possibly) and b: it's not going to be able to work out based on previous activity if you want to visit somewhere new.

Then don't read it :p. Forums are places of disparate views and opinions - just go with it and occasionally you will have an 'Aha' moment that makes it all worth while.

Plus I did not think you even have your car yet. You should be in those 'where is my car' and 'crap tesla customer service/comms' threads. Once it turns up the childish joy of rapid acceleration makes everything seem better and the pain of ordering and delivery will be soon forgotten and you will see these threads through more tolerant eyes (sorry been on the chill pills again)
Then don't read it :p. Forums are places of disparate views and opinions - just go with it and occasionally you will have an 'Aha' moment that makes it all worth while.

Plus I did not think you even have your car yet. You should be in those 'where is my car' and 'crap tesla customer service/comms' threads. Once it turns up the childish joy of rapid acceleration makes everything seem better and the pain of ordering and delivery will be soon forgotten and you will see these threads through more tolerant eyes (sorry been on the chill pills again)

I love my M3, but let's not equivocate, the inability to plot waypoints is stupid and Musk ruling it out on the basis that everyone has a populated calendar with every waypoint each day is also moronic.