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Really don’t get the point of even making a prediction based on whatever tomorrow trading action does when major data/news catalyst is literally going to come out before the market opens on Tuesday

Also saying it struggled on Friday without taking in to account that the macro’s sold off and there was clear intent to get the stock back under 200 because of max pain is a bit dubious. And the stock managed to stay positive even as the macros sold off at the last min
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Really don’t get the point of even making a prediction based on whatever tomorrow trading action does when major data/news catalyst is literally going to come out before the market opens on Tuesday

Also saying it struggled on Friday without taking into account that the macro’s sold off and there was clear intent to get the stock back under 200 because of max pain is a bit dubious. And the stock managed to stay positive even as the macros sold off at the last min


IMO it's less a prediction and more providing ranges/probabilities. I found them helpful to put on the chart, along with other indications. Gives a helpful framework.

Like this one from QTA this past Friday (gray zone for top and bottom probability, turned out to be quite accurate:


IMO it's less a prediction and more providing ranges/probabilities. I found them helpful to put on the chart, along with other indications. Gives a helpful framework.

Like this one from QTA this past Friday (gray zone for top and bottom probability, turned out to be quite accurate:

View attachment 1061146
Yes but that was a week without a major data update. If the data update is either very bullish or very bearish, there’s no real technical analysis to be done

But if someone gets something useful from that technical analysis, more power to them
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Yes but that was a week without a major data update. If the data update is either very bullish or very bearish, there’s no real technical analysis to be done

🤷‍♂️ dunno.

Many traders block out news and strictly follow the chart, saying that the news ultimately shows up in the chart (and it does!). So in Cary's case, he's saying the chart can go to ~$210 (same as P&D is a beat/good) or ~$180's (same as P&D is a miss/bad) as a framework just using the chart alone vs. news headlines. TLDR: News shows up in the chart regardless. I guess it's a point of argument on both sides and maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle.
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Edit: I read the complaint. Plaintiff will have to establish that posting a picture of a gamer in a chair and other images = market manipulation and intent to defraud.

Plaintiff also argues that he was *induced* to buy GME shares because of RK’s activity (“68. Defendant willfully engaged in these transactions for the purpose of inducing Plaintiff and the Class to purchase GameStop securities.”)🤣

So let me get this straight, plaintiff can read RK’s mind and gets to make dumb and reckless investment decisions and can then sue others when it goes bad?

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MSTR, CVNA and SMCI got moved to Russell 1000 index from R2000. That explains the volume spike at 4 pm closing cross and subsequent dramatic price plunge in the minutes before close. Hoping for a recovery and lesser volatility next week.

Wasn't aware of the Russell index move, thanks for sharing! Didn't look at others you mentioned, recovery might have started. Overnight 24 hr market , per the Hood, MSTR $1,472 , up $93 or so... I sold -p1200 for the 5th, wasn't concerned, will take profit AM and be done for the week, if this trend continues. GLTA!
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Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

Edit: I read the complaint. Plaintiff will have to establish that posting a picture of a gamer in a chair and other images = market manipulation and intent to defraud.

Plaintiff also argues that he was *induced* to buy GME shares because of RK’s activity (“68. Defendant willfully engaged in these transactions for the purpose of inducing Plaintiff and the Class to purchase GameStop securities.”)🤣

So let me get this straight, plaintiff can read RK’s mind and gets to make dumb and reckless investment decisions and can then sue others when it goes bad?

From what I just watched on this frivolous lawsuit, this guy that is suing has 35 shares, and has only lost about $200 So far. Bought his GME after RK made the images. Really, this can be a reason to sue? This person should be suid for being an idiot and moron and wasting the courts time.
@Jim Holder...you got this correct, unfortunately. You can’t fix stupid! RK still holds a large position in GME and has telegraphed his trades. RK seems to be transparent on his trades, although I think he did open options before the gamer image came out.

Unless something else is going on behind the scenes.

This is just as dumb as the lawsuit against Elon and his compensation package.
Really don’t get the point of even making a prediction based on whatever tomorrow trading action does when major data/news catalyst is literally going to come out before the market opens on Tuesday
I used to think that way... but I am a little more open to the method of thinking now. Much of technical analysis in my mind is just self-fulfilling prophecy and telling a story that reflects changing events without a deep understanding behind the math that makes some of these things relevant or not.

Short term moves (<= 1 week) are heavily influenced by big money, which is why technical analysis "works." It is also representative in many ways of emotional trading patterns.

Now, how does that relate to the "bigger story" of fundamentals? P&D numbers are known within a reasonable margin of error, so the magnitude of any surprise is limited.
FWIW Troys final Q2 P&D estimate is in, production is way higher than you were hoping for
...that worries me for the stock and could be a quite negative surprise. I don't understand why channel inventory hasn't normalized.
From what I just watched on this frivolous lawsuit, this guy that is suing has 35 shares, and has only lost about $200 So far. Bought his GME after RK made the images. Really, this can be a reason to sue? This person should be suid for being an idiot and moron and wasting the courts time.
@Jim Holder...you got this correct, unfortunately. You can’t fix stupid! RK still holds a large position in GME and has telegraphed his trades. RK seems to be transparent on his trades, although I think he did open options before the gamer image came out.

Unless something else is going on behind the scenes.

This is just as dumb as the lawsuit against Elon and his compensation package.

Also maybe a backdoor to try to get discovery going, and then expand the scope depending on what they find (if it even survives to discovery).

But yeh, owning 25 shares and suing is pathetic.
Also maybe a backdoor to try to get discovery going, and then expand the scope depending on what they find (if it even survives to discovery).

But yeh, owning 25 shares and suing is pathetic.

The guy who got Elons pay package thrown out only had 9 shares.

If you were allowed to be immune to lawsuits if you only do a LITTLE fraud to a LOT of people there'd be a lot more fraud.

NOTE: I'm not agreeing there even WAS fraud in this case-- but the principle of why you can sue even if the amount for you is small (while the potential amount for the whole class of those you claim are impacted is large in aggregate) remains.
Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

Edit: I read the complaint. Plaintiff will have to establish that posting a picture of a gamer in a chair and other images = market manipulation and intent to defraud.

Plaintiff also argues that he was *induced* to buy GME shares because of RK’s activity (“68. Defendant willfully engaged in these transactions for the purpose of inducing Plaintiff and the Class to purchase GameStop securities.”)🤣

So let me get this straight, plaintiff can read RK’s mind and gets to make dumb and reckless investment decisions and can then sue others when it goes bad?

So it's OK for an institutional short seller to go on CNBC and spout garbage about how Tesla is a bubble, Musk is a con-man and TSLA is going to $11, but some retail trader posts a cryptic photo it's securities fraud?
@MikeC @Max Plaid and anyone else:

For those that hold, say, -C240 12/2024 covered calls, if for whatever reason $240 comes sooner than December (one can dream 😆), what is the move of one wanted to sell the actual shares at $240 (to escape or counting on a retrace small or big) but the short calls are deep red.

Would the move be to roll them up and out and try to consolidate contracts to a lower count to free up shares to be able to sell? Is there a better way to handle it?

Yes, one can cut the short calls for a loss earlier, say with a sustained break over $207-$210, but the question is for cases when one doesn’t/didn’t.

One can also sell puts like -P300 12/2026 (~$121) on the way up to mitigate the loss on the short calls (and cut if TSLA fails and retraces).

But I’m curious if there are other, better ways to sell the shares at $230-$240 while there are short calls on them months further out, while not going pure naked.

Thanks in advance!
I've pondered the same thing... flipping to puts is a little disingenuous as you'd be selling the puts when the stock is high and then potentially get into the same issue on the way back down, when you'd need to then flip those puts back to calls at a loss

For me I'd look to buy some shitcalls, spend 10% of the share proceeds on some way-out LEAPS to cap the margin and then start rolling the short calls up

Or go 50%, flip half to puts... but if you think the SP goes up then you need to do that sooner rather than later
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I'm trying to get an early feel for European Q2 deliveries, so I've taken the TMC spreadsheet and I'm adding to that the early reporting from Roman Pircher on X, for those not yet reported I assume March figures (orange highlight), and 5000 for Italy (green highlight), which was the latest report we got end of last week

So far it's coming up -10k on Q1, Germany and UK the biggest yet to reports, Belgium and Denmark can also be strong numbers
