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Service nightmare

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A week ago my Gen 3 charger flashed overheated error code. Tesla wall tech pushed an update to the charger and all good. Then my Florida based MS began maintaining 91 degree interior temperature (84 degree ambient) when parked and “off.” Numerous reboots to no avail. I explained that unlike wall charger support, calls to my Orlando SC go to voicemail and I have yet to receive a return call. The wall charger tech set up an appointment at my SC but first available was over a month away. More messages to my SC went unanswered so I tried Tesla Customer Service. An actual person answered and she was able to reach my SC and I began to receive text messages from the SC seeking details. I responded with info and repeatedly asked for someone to simply call me. No call. The SC downloaded logs and pushed some update but ultimately advised me by text that a firmware update in the future would address the interior sensors inaccurately averaging temps reported to app and I should turn on cabin temperature protection. I pointed out that interior temp accurately reported when AC on so blaming sensors made no sense to me and running the air conditioner 24/7 is no solution. Predictably, I did not receive a reply to my text asking what was the point in bringing the car in a month from now (1.5 hours away and no loaners) if the result would be the same - same logs, same analysis. So, back to Customer Service. Again, the customer service person was able to speak with my SC and she said the SC would actually call me (not text) Monday 9/28. We’ll see.


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A week ago my Gen 3 charger flashed overheated error code. Tesla wall tech pushed an update to the charger and all good. Then my Florida based MS began maintaining 91 degree interior temperature (84 degree ambient) when parked and “off.” Numerous reboots to no avail. I explained that unlike wall charger support, calls to my Orlando SC go to voicemail and I have yet to receive a return call. The wall charger tech set up an appointment at my SC but first available was over a month away. More messages to my SC went unanswered so I tried Tesla Customer Service. An actual person answered and she was able to reach my SC and I began to receive text messages from the SC seeking details. I responded with info and repeatedly asked for someone to simply call me. No call. The SC downloaded logs and pushed some update but ultimately advised me by text that a firmware update in the future would address the interior sensors inaccurately averaging temps reported to app and I should turn on cabin temperature protection. I pointed out that interior temp accurately reported when AC on so blaming sensors made no sense to me and running the air conditioner 24/7 is no solution. Predictably, I did not receive a reply to my text asking what was the point in bringing the car in a month from now (1.5 hours away and no loaners) if the result would be the same - same logs, same analysis. So, back to Customer Service. Again, the customer service person was able to speak with my SC and she said the SC would actually call me (not text) Monday 9/28. We’ll see.
Why you use another apps ??? Why you not use Telsa app ?
If there’s still something that still bothers you, it’s probably the neighbors being so close, so please don’t take it out on Tesla ;) Keep your eyes on the view.
Good advice, will try to sit calmly and look at the ocean while my car heats up the garage. UPDATE: SC did call this afternoon. Courteous and friendly but of no actual assistance. Best they can do is look at the car in a month and measure temperature inside with infrared to try to determine the source. In the meantime I am to stay plugged in with AC on if I don't want my car at 91 degrees. What is annoying is the refusal on the part of the SC to acknowledge this is a glitch that warrants more log sleuthing. My guess is I will drop the car off in a month (1.5 hours away), lose the use of my car for days (no loaner available), only to be told it was a software issue - that could have been figured out without the car actually being present. We will see. For now, back to the ocean.
Because the Tesla app sucks compared to RemoteS (or whatever it's called now... Tesla Remote?)
I whole heatedly concur. Remote is much better and has an Apple Watch app that is accessible by Shortcuts. One press on an icon or "Hey Siri Unlock Tesla" wakes up the car, turns on the AC, unlocks the doors, and tunes my iPhone to XM radio (I lost XM in the car when I updated the infotainment center - how annoying is that for $2600?). Endless variations possible. Try the app.
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Is your MX hotter than ambient temperature regardless of time of day? Even when vehicle turned off overnight? What sort of power drain overnight? Has it always been so?

I'm not sure about any time of the day, because sunlight, cabin overheat protection etc. I typically park in a parking garage at work, and it is always warmer in the car than it is outside. Currently she is at home, parked outside, still dark, it is 48 degrees outside and 62 inside my MX. I have lost 2% since I parked it at 7:30pm last night (no sentry mode at home).
Is your MX hotter than ambient temperature regardless of time of day? Even when vehicle turned off overnight? What sort of power drain overnight? Has it always been so?

Im a bit confused, is your car running the hvac heater to keep itself at 91 degrees with keep climate on turned off? or do you suspect some other electronics in the car is causing the temp to rise?
Is your MX hotter than ambient temperature regardless of time of day? Even when vehicle turned off overnight? What sort of power drain overnight? Has it always been so?

My model 3 is hotter than ambient air in my garage, yes, and has always been so because I dont keep my windows rolled down.

You also have no idea if that remote app is doing something that it didnt used to do. Anytime anyone has a problem with some feature or other on their car activating or not activating, the first thing they should ask themselves is "do I have anything running but the official tesla app?" If so, the should change their password so the app no longer has connection, then see if the problem goes away.\

Just because "it always worked fine" doesnt mean that it will continue to "always work fine" since tesla changes things so often, many times faster than these individual app developers do.

I presume that app can also do things like turn on pre conditioning, so you need to rule it out, whether it "always worked" or not.
I don't understand what your issue is. What do you think the interior temp should be?

If you have Cabin Overheat Protection or Summon Standby on, the car will run the HVAC or heat occasionally to keep the cabin in a certain range. If you don't have those on, I would certainly expect the interior to get higher than the ambient temps.