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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

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The 100 point drop was herd mentality nonsense almost entirely attributable to the market freaking out about falling oil prices. I had thought that was obvious then, but by now it and be crystal clear.
Maybe 20-30 of those Tesla points were model x related, the rest was market stupidity (thanks btw for the money, market)

Also remember the huge "China" drop that kicked it all off....you are right 100 pts had almost nothing really to do with X doors.
Wow I really did not think I would ever see those Jan 17 LEAPS go green again.

Anyone else of the opinion that today's M3 tweet won't move the stock much?
Model 3 demand is clearly spectacularly higher than almost anyone anticipated. Whether the tweet says 300k or 400k doesn't really make a difference to that narrative. A week ago, 100k woudl have been considered a great number for the stock.

If, of course, it comes in at something like 500, showing reservations have actually accelerated, that might be enough to give the stock yet another boost, but short of a real shock number like that I don't see a huge impact.
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No it wasn't. Every time stock price goes up, everybody calls it a squeeze. It really doesn't work like that.

Normally, on a day to day basis, shorts are very good traders. They short more when price goes up, they cover some when price goes down. This would be the same as good short-term traders on the long side. You sell some as price recovers and buy more when it dips. They just do it in the opposite order.

A real squeeze happens very rarely and under extreme situations. Very similar to how some longs capitulate at the very bottom in a severe downturn. Think of people dumping out their 401K's in Mar 09. Something like that but on the other side. Kind of like in early 2013 in TSLA. The price zoomed up so much that shorts were forced to cover. Either because of margin calls or simply because they couldn't handle the pain anymore. This is very rare.

Coming to specifics, looking at daily short-interest data published by MarkIt, since the reveal event on Mar 31st, there have been three trading days up to yesterday. Each of the days, short-interest went UP (as prices went up) but nothing crazy, it went up a tad bit each day. So this is the "normal" short action - the day to day stuff from above paragraph.

This may in fact be a short squeeze that is occurring which I define as some amount of net shorts closing out positions to help drive the stock price up

MarkIt is VERY OFTEN WRONG, particularly in unusual trading scenarios...their proprietary algos they use to give their best 'estimates' of short interest are only somewhat reliable when the stocks trading conditions are relatively normal. Look at the volume the past few days, is that normal????

The only true data point we have is the NASDAQ short interest publication which comes out every two weeks and is backwards looking. Also people often misunderstand the correct date to reference by 3 business days because it goes off of a snapshot on 'settlement date' which really is a snapshot of 3 business days prior since it takes 3 business days for US stocks to settle.

If i remember correct, SBenson had been claiming that MarkIt was stating record high short interest around March 10th as well a few days after we broke 200...this was the last true short interest data point given from the last NASDAQ publication which was disseminated on March 24th reflecting settlement of March 15th which was really for end of trading Thursday March 10th (3 business days prior to March 15th).

Please see my latest post in the short interest thread for more detail on why MarkIt is often wrong and keep the more detailed/technical discussion on short interest in that thread if possible.
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Okay, thanks... Kind of what I thought, but I don't know - thought Forbes was more credible :p

Forbes probably is more accurate than this "MarkIt" service when there is an anomaly going on with how the stock is being traded (e.g. during a 'short squeeze' for example)...we won't truly know if this is a short squeeze or not though until after NASDAQ publishes their metrics, and then it is almost two weeks in retrospect for each time they disseminate that data
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Forbes probably is more accurate than this "MarkIt" service when there is an anomaly going on with how the stock is being traded (e.g. during a 'short squeeze' for example)...we won't truly know if this is a short squeeze or not though until after NASDAQ publishes their metrics, and then it is almost two weeks in retrospect for each time they disseminate that data
Thank you.

Also, is anyone preparing for a massive surge following the announcement of new M3 res numbers? :D
So as on ongoing due diligence in my TSLA investment I feel it's important to hear and listen to what prominent shorts say. Granted, the interview with Andrew Left was short but this is what I heard:
- He is short at this price due to fear of future lack of profitability. Hard to argue with because so many variables go in to a valuation model. I disagree with his model.
- He said the S sold at 90k when it was supposed to be a 50k car. Same with X. Thus he doubts a 35k Model 3 and that it will be profitable. My interpretation is he thinks he has uncovered that Elon and Tesla are liars, he builds his short thesis (sometimes very successfully) on uncovering lies and fraud. In this case he's completely wrong.

I'd also invoke common sense: it's not like Model S buyers thought they were buying a 50k car but then the invoice said 90k. People didn't want the lower priced car. It's better for the company to sell cars with higher ASP and higher margins, it gives more revenue. His judgment is clouded so he misses pure facts.
I don't think there will be a massive surge after the week to date reservation numbers are announced but still lotto gambled by putting limit orders on 4/15 260 calls (house money). Expecting a midday dip to the current rally.
Ok, you all can blame me for the miss. Our new Model S was available for delivery on March 30, but we could not find time to take delivery until April 2. Additionally, the delivery specialist had what looked to be paper work for at least a dozen more deliveries on his desk. So we were not alone.

But here's the interesting thing. When we first got our VIN assignment, we where told to expect delivery in late April to May. Then about a week later it went into production and we were then told to expect delivery in late March to April. In hindsight, this could have been a tipoff that something was delaying the Model X. It seems that last minute, they had to reprioritize my Model S order. Unfortunately, bumping up Model S production that late in the quarter, put a lot on the cusp for quarterly delivery.

Thx JHM from FHM (my initials).

I gotta tell ya, I WAS a little upset with you (or anyone) delaying delivery at quarter end. I want all owners to be sensitive to how important hitting guidance is for any public company. But, most new owners (non investors) couldn't care less. It's just reality.

However, with your case (and other new MX owners) you clearly got surprised ('slammed') with a sudden surprise delivery at qtr end. Not your fault at all. Some reasonable percentage of these new owners can't quickly take delivery. Year-end is always the worst qtr for this. Holiday travel, etc

Finally, clearly even if every single customer was able to take delivery at qtr end it would NOT have made any difference. Tesla was still going to miss guidance by a wide margin

Thanks again for your detailed explanation
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Thank you.

Also, is anyone preparing for a massive surge following the announcement of new M3 res numbers? :D

I wouldn't even dare to guess because there are opposing trends in play:

Diminishing rate (of reservations per hour) because most early adopters who know of M3 have already reserved.
Increasing rate because knowledge of M3 is still diffusing into the enormous population group that has never heard of Tesla, the automaker.

The number alone will be interesting, but even more interesting IMO will be Musk's comments (if any) that come with it.
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