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Social Chat - Short Term TSLA Movements

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I feel guilty today about having regret. My overall portfolio went up a bunch today with the TSLA spike (20% overall), but I can't help kicking myself for selling 20 March22 250 calls I had bought last week during a dip and sold yesterday for a decent profit (20%). I was proud at the time for not bring greedy (which killed me and many of you in the lead up to Q3 when TSLA went up to 175 before earnings and I didn't sell or hedge any of it). Those March22 calls would have been 6 baggers today if I had held and I am stupidly not appreciating the overall huge spike I did have and instead am somewhat lamenting what could have been. It's nice to read others' stories on here - good to keep in mind that taking some profit is never a bad idea even if it doesn't always work for the best.

It is Unbelievable the bump to my portfolio Jan 14 and today! Luckily I had a mixture of long and short-term calls both times. Now I feel greedy and want more days like this but who knows when the next one could be. Could be this week, could be in 3 years. Luckily everyone on here is so good at pooling knowledge and predicting times when these huge short term plays may be possible. No way I could figure all this out on my own so thanks to everyone.
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I realized today, especially after watching that video of the guy making $1 million dollars in a day after the North American Auto Show, is that there is a completely different skill set to day trading a short squeeze than what I'm much better at, which is more "standard" long investing and data analysis. I don't believe I played the short squeeze correctly as far as a day trader goes, but I'm very happy with my gains regardless. Thanks to all at TMC for being a great resource and sounding board. Thanks even to SeekingAlpha, where understanding the bear arguments made me feel much better about TSLA and where it is going.
The car is a joy. Best purchase I've ever made. Enjoy the car and life. At your age, many of us were trying to figure out how to buy tubes for our bikes or bus passes! You're on a good track.

I'm pretty excited about it. I was mostly just sharing my woes of selling too soon. But the stock could have gone either way in my limited opinion/experience. I said I would sell at 200 and I did so here we are. :)

Excited about the process. Since I live in Texas I am beginning a long maze of hoops it sounds like just to own an innovative and AMERICAN car. Tesla makes me proud to be an American citizen. I am originally Canadian... I am proud of them too. :)
I realized today, especially after watching that video of the guy making $1 million dollars in a day after the North American Auto Show, is that there is a completely different skill set to day trading a short squeeze than what I'm much better at, which is more "standard" long investing and data analysis. I don't believe I played the short squeeze correctly as far as a day trader goes, but I'm very happy with my gains regardless. Thanks to all at TMC for being a great resource and sounding board. Thanks even to SeekingAlpha, where understanding the bear arguments made me feel much better about TSLA and where it is going.

I cashed out the weeklies I had today, but I feel like I should be back in doing something for the gigafactory announcement. I just have no idea. I look at the call/put prices and being on either end of them doesn't speak to me.
DaveT: I will help you buy that plane ticket and dinner for Speedy if (looking more like when) the stock hits $280 by March 31st.

Alright, sounds good. So far here’s who we got paying for sleepyhead’s trip to the annual TSLA shareholder meeting (if he’s willing/wanting to go):

RT Plane ticket - DaveT, AlMc
Dinner - DaveT, AlMC
one-night Hotel - DaveT
Limo service - FluxCap
AustinEV - pitch in for something

The stock just needs to touch 280 intra-day at some point before March 31st.

For those wondering what’s this about see here: Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014 - Page 166
Alright, sounds good. So far here’s who we got paying for sleepyhead’s trip to the annual TSLA shareholder meeting (if he’s willing/wanting to go):

RT Plane ticket - DaveT, AlMc
Dinner - DaveT, AlMC
one-night Hotel - DaveT
Limo service - FluxCap
AustinEV - pitch in for something

The stock just needs to touch 280 intra-day at some point before March 31st.

For those wondering what’s this about see here: Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014 - Page 166

I'm thinking one of those limos with a pool in it. Or maybe it should be me driving Sleepy as his chauffeur in my Model S?
Very happy for you, @Bardlebee. Setting a goal like that and sticking to it is really disciplined and great. Enjoy your well-deserved car. I'm assuming you have factored in the taxes for the gains in your finances overall.

With TSLA, I've been a weak long buying and selling at various levels to take good profits, the latest at $254. I believe in Tesla's (very bright) future, of course, but, I do believe that this market's getting frothy overall. I've been through a couple of boom-bust cycles (1999-2000, 2007-2008) but, escaped relatively unscathed thankfully - coincidentally, I was lucky to bail out in June '08 to buy my wife a Mini Cooper for her 30th birthday before the meltdown.
So you must have some retirement planning going on and so have an opportunity to benefit from T's growth on a different time scale.

Certainly. I hired a CPA and financial planner when I made the decision to sell Tesla. All things in order there. :)

Me and my wife are both network engineers. It is a fantastic field.

@gg_got_a_tesla: I think I will be going into solar stocks in the future. Tesla may be too much per stock by the time I am ready to go back into stock investing.
Alright, sounds good. So far here’s who we got paying for sleepyhead’s trip to the annual TSLA shareholder meeting (if he’s willing/wanting to go):

RT Plane ticket - DaveT, AlMc
Dinner - DaveT, AlMC
one-night Hotel - DaveT
Limo service - FluxCap
AustinEV - pitch in for something

The stock just needs to touch 280 intra-day at some point before March 31st.

For those wondering what’s this about see here: Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014 - Page 166

I owe more than half of my Solar earnings to date to Sleepy and would highly value his perspective observations. To entice his attendance, I'll cover all drinks for Sleepy and any other guest he may find productively entertaining. If it's logistically easier, I'll put in $100 spending money for 'good times' to keep it creative! Thanks in advance if you can make it Sleepy and thanks for all your contributions.
Alright, sounds good. So far here’s who we got paying for sleepyhead’s trip to the annual TSLA shareholder meeting (if he’s willing/wanting to go):

RT Plane ticket - DaveT, AlMc
Dinner - DaveT, AlMC
one-night Hotel - DaveT
Limo service - FluxCap
AustinEV - pitch in for something

The stock just needs to touch 280 intra-day at some point before March 31st.

For those wondering what’s this about see here: Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014 - Page 166

I'm in on this for sure! I have learned so much about stock and option trading and made lots of money because of sleepyhead and this (and TCI) site.

I'd like to rent a billboard in he city of the meeting for the time of the meeting saying thank you to Tesla and Elon from us owners for such an amazing breakthrough they have made with their car. It would show our thanks and also maybe give some extra positive publicity which never hurts. Not sure how much that would cost though - any ideas? Might need some helpers.