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Stat apps and services

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When you run an app on an iPhone it runs and you need to have it running in the background in order for it to collect data.
ie you can not quit the app or else no data will be collected.

I always quit un-needed apps on my iPhone and do not leave apps running in the background.
No one recommends quitting apps on the iPhone. Backgrounds apps are suspended. If you don't want an app to run in the background, you can turn off "background app refresh" in the settings for specific apps.
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There is a Background Refresh setting for Stats. Personally, I keep it off as I do not have the need for real time data collection. Stats also has a widget which you can tap to awaken the car. I think it collects data then as well.
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I understand what the iOS keychain is and how it works (it’s what I do for a living). That’s all irrelevant, though. It boils down to ‘if you trust us...’. You have to trust that the app does what it says it does, which is fine, but...

At the end of the day the security that is required, and missing (by design.. again this is a reverse-engineered private api) is on the api end anyway... the ability to control access and set permissions with some granularity, revoke app tokens etc.

The ‘click here for the latest client_id and secret’ in the docs leading to a google doc file is a strong smell. It’s not remotely secure, even if you trust that guy to do what he says he will with the info you give him. He’s claiming to do the best he can with a hands-off approach to the extent possible, but even then it’s not enough (again, by design... it’s someone else’s private api intended to be used by their own apps).

Tesla would need to implement things that they have no reason to implement so long as there are no authorized third party clients to manage or restrict access to. Until then, you’ll always basically have one master key that you’re trusting someone else to hold for you... pretty much exactly what I described.
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Correct me if I’m wrong, the stats app needs to be running on your phone on order to collect data. Correct ?

My biggest thing is making sure the app is running. In theory you can loss and or miss data because it’s not running.

Please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this.

Your Tesla does not keep logs locally so it’s not as if stats app is pulling those logs which is why it needs to be active and running to log events

iOS suspends a apps when they are not on screen (except navigation and audio apps). Stats doesn't run in the background continuously. iOS wakes it up once per hour and let it run for a few seconds. Virtually no effect on iPhone battery
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iOS suspends apps when they are not on screen (except navigation and audio apps). Stats don't run in the background continuously. iOS wakes it up once per hour and let it run for a few seconds. Virtually no effect on iPhone battery

@BobAbooey Thanks for that. With that said I have a habit of closing apps at least daily.
As for Stats app, you state it doesn't run in the background continuously but rather spins up once an hour for updates. If you have 30 apps open and they are all doing the same thing.. Then you see my point.

However, this really wasn't the point I was trying to make. The point is if the app is not running the logs are not being recorded. So it's possible for you to miss data since they are not held onto by the car. (To my understanding correct me if I'm wrong). I would much rather a service that pulls data from my car to a database in the cloud rather than relies on my phone catching all of it. Or maybe have a USB dongle that can collect the data on the car for a week or month so that the app can pull from that rather than having to pull live data.

Again correct me if I'm wrong I don't know the in's and outs of how data is pulled by Stats. However from what I've read so far this what I've come to.
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I have been using TezLab since I got the car (3/18). But there have been times when I logged out as I was unable to stop it losing a lot of power. Then I go back sometime later and don't have the issue. I am in the logged out time again, since March. Frustrating. Reported it to TezLab and they acted like no one was reporting issues. So I log in before a big drive and log out when I realize it's eating my battery again.

I have an alarm set for 7:30 am and 8 pm to check the range remaining. I screenshot it on my phone and if it's bad I troubleshoot
The stats app has been known to not record my charging. :( my charging on 6/15 wasn’t logged. It does this about 1X a week. I have location services to always on and background process on

I have the same issue, too. There's no question to me the app is a little flakey. I also don't get any notifications of doors unlocked or whatever..

I'll email the dev and see what's up.
The stats app has been known to not record my charging. :( my charging on 6/15 wasn’t logged. It does this about 1X a week. I have location services to always on and background process on

I have the same issue, too. There's no question to me the app is a little flakey. I also don't get any notifications of doors unlocked or whatever..

I'll email the dev and see what's up.
I have the same issue, too. There's no question to me the app is a little flakey. I also don't get any notifications of doors unlocked or whatever..

I'll email the dev and see what's up.

For balance to the above feedback, a record of charging my battery and also notifications of a door open have worked for me. Also, the ability to open my Frunk and Trunk using my Apple Watch has been flawless. The only bugginess I have noticed is on the first page where you get a status indicator of your phantom drain. Sometimes its there, but not always. However, you still have the phantom drain graph to provide the same info.
For balance to the above feedback, a record of charging my battery and also notifications of a door open have worked for me. Also, the ability to open my Frunk and Trunk using my Apple Watch has been flawless. The only bugginess I have noticed is on the first page where you get a status indicator of your phantom drain. Sometimes its there, but not always. However, you still have the phantom drain graph to provide the same info.

I haven’t seen anything listed in phantom drain for weeks. Also, no record of charging on 6/13 or 6/14.


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I haven't even looked at TezLab how does it compare to other apps like stats or teslastics
Well, I cannot find the second one, but I own the Stats app for iPhone and have not been running it. I was put off by the bouncy stats populating the screen when I first set it up. When I was having all the issues with Vampire Drain in March I tried Stats again and it gave me the same issue. I think it was that stats kept turning on my Sentry feature. To be fair, it's hard to track. My way of testing is to reset my password and then check my drain for a day using the Tesla app, taking a snapshot of the screen every 12 hours. I then make a change, like sign-in to TezLab and watch for another day. This all can get screwed if I need to drive the car. Or if like last night a software update comes out. Do I need to get a new baseline now?

I have been using TezLab as it tracks my travel and my charging and it does it from their servers, not from my phone. This should mean that it's very stable and very considerate of my power. There is even a web version of the info that I can read in my car's browser, also has a map from Waze in their interface. My stats are compared to others who share their data so I can see how I am doing. If you invite friends to join you can compare your stats next to theirs on screen. It's one central location showing you all the Superchargers you have visited and if you spend a lot of time at an individual one you become it's Mayor. Until I signed out of TezLab I was the Mayor of Alameda's SuC.

They have added controls so you don't have to leave the app to open the frunk, but really who cares? One app is as good as another, though if I could have the controls pop up over my iPhone display when I approach my car, that would be cool. It's often faster to just open the door and pop the frunk from the display. Really cannot wait until Tesla adds gesture recognition, so when you approach the car from the front or back it should see you and if you make a Godseye with your arms it pops the front or back based on which camera you are seen on.

It sounds like most people are happy with TeslaFi and I do use their site to track firmware releases. I just never was interested in paying $50/yr for something that doesn't even have an app. So far TezLab is free and has much of the same info, w/o the spreadsheet look
Looks like Phantom Drain recording might be a bigger problem than I thought. I thought I was the only one. Last recording I had was 6/12 and even before that it was a little spotty. It was recording maybe once every 3-4 days. Reached out to the dev and he recommended logging in and out of the app along with changing my password. Still no luck.