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Supercharger - San Mateo, CA - Bridgepointe Pkwy (12 V2 stalls)

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(Moderator note: this post was moved from the San Mateo Hillsdale Supercharger thread)
Apologies if I'm not posting this in the correct thread, but I'm not sure where else it would go and haven't seen anything posted (or listed as "under construction" on supercharge.info.

I randomly came across a new supercharger under construction in the San Mateo Target at the far west end (37.558482, -122.284509). The area is coned off but is not fenced off or look like an active construction zone. There are 10x supercharger stalls and 3x level 2 chargers. The pictures were from yesterday morning (Oct 28) and there was one guy working on the electrical box. I do hope that it's coming online soon.

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Outstanding find! Thanks for posting. :) As you can see, I have created a new thread for this new Supercharger location. For now, until we learn what Tesla will officially call it, I’m calling it the San Mateo Bridgepointe Supercharger.
Apologies if I'm not posting this in the correct thread, but I'm not sure where else it would go and haven't seen anything posted (or listed as "under construction" on supercharge.info.

I randomly came across a new supercharger under construction in the San Mateo Target at the far west end (37.558482, -122.284509). The area is coned off but is not fenced off or look like an active construction zone. There are 10x supercharger stalls and 3x level 2 chargers. The pictures were from yesterday morning (Oct 28) and there was one guy working on the electrical box. I do hope that it's coming online soon.
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I was just there yesterday, but I didn't stop by Target this time around, so I missed this. Crazy how no one posted about this earlier. I regularly see Teslas parked in those last two rows by Target.
The area is coned off but is not fenced off or look like an active construction zone.

I dropped by today and it looked more like active construction. There were a couple or three guys at work, and the area was largely fenced off. I could still look straight in and see the new pedestals on the right while entering Target, but other lines of sight were mostly closed off.

Hopefully these chargers are far enough away from the entrance to discourage ICE-ing. They aren't obviously convenient to the entrance, but they're fairly close.

BTW @ecarfan I think the thread title should be "Bridgepointe" not "Bridgepoint". It's a bit Ye Olde Shoppe for my taste, but they didn't consult me when they named it.

I visited this new site today. As you can see from these photos it looks complete. I spoke with one off the crew who told me they were “finishing up today”. I asked him if the PG&E inspection had been done and he said he didn’t know anything about that.



I could not get any closer or get a better angle on the charging cabinets.
The fact that this new site was not discovered by anyone on TMC until it was almost done is a reminder that there is Supercharger construction taking place that are not yet publicly known.

So next time someone posts something like “Why aren’t any new Superchargers being built?” yada yada yada, it is worth gently pointing out that TMC members do not know everything that is happening everywhere with the Supercharger build out...
I stopped by as well this evening and spoke to a couple of the guys finishing up. After a little prying they opened up and told me that the supercharger is active and they charged a car today. They said that there may be some synchronization issues with Tesla but it should be open very soon. As you can see in the photo, they are lit up!!!


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Huh, they move pretty quickly. When I saw it on Saturday, it wasn't striped yet and now that's all done. However, there are 2 light pole foundations in need of light poles. Also, it's actually 4 chargepoint L2 stations.

As for the cabinets, they're marked 135KW and there are 5 of them for the 10 stalls. Interestingly, there is a base and stubout for a missing sixth cabinet, but don't know if it's just for future expansion or they're still waiting on it. As you can see, the stalls are blocked off again and the lights are off.
I can't tell from the pictures, but if you can park at those chargers, I'm sure you could plug in and charge. This is based on the fact that they are lit up and the stalls are numbered.
When I was there yesterday the whole area was fenced off with temporary fencing. The photos taken by @yakking last night illustrate that you can walk into the area when no one is around. I could not do that yesterday because the workers were still there.

Since the latest photos show the stalls without power and the construction tape still in place, it seems likely that the final PG&E inspection has not yet been completed. So we could be days or even weeks away from being able to use this Supercharger.