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Tesla moments

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This morning went to Recycle two lead acid Batteries at the recycle station
Drove up and two of the people working there walked towards the back expecting
to see the goods to be in the back
I got out and said its in the front
popped the frunk
their mouths dropped "where is the engine?"
I don't know ,I seem to have lost it last week!
How does it move ?
I just push it around
then I showed them the trunk space
The most fun I have with the car is looking for the engine with onlookers
love the car
every day I say, I can't believe I drive a Tesla

ps ugliest1 Great story !
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I had another one the other day. I pulled into a crowded gas station near the store (was a 7-11 type store). Guy next to me as I left my model s says kinda sarcastically, "huh.... I thought those Tesla cars didn't need gas....". I looked at him and said, "ya buddy, here to get some ice"

When I returned with the bag of ice, I threw it in the frunk just to showboat. Hahahha
I got stopped the other day outside of Best Buy by an older couple that were very enthused and interested. Moments like those, I love. You could just feel their excitement and delight in "the way the world was going". I ended a call and took the time to walk them through it.
Yesterday after Easter lunch I found a nice recliner & had just dozed off when a family member woke me & wanted "to play with the Tesla"

The day before I was at a birthday party & the host is a huge Tesla fan & tells all of his friends about the car, he had lined up 4 test drives with people I didn't even know & while I was gone I missed out on the birthday cake.

On Friday went to the park with a friend who just bought a Mercedes S63 AMG & were parked next to each other & 2 guys riding bikes stopped & went on & on about how awesome the Tesla is & ignored my buddies S63 the whole time.

When is this going to end? :biggrin:
The day before I was at a birthday party & the host is a huge Tesla fan & tells all of his friends about the car, he had lined up 4 test drives with people I didn't even know & while I was gone I missed out on the birthday cake.
Did you mean rides here? If not, wow they are really presumptuous in your neck of the woods.
Did you mean rides here? If not, wow they are really presumptuous in your neck of the woods.

I normally don't let people I don't know touch the car, but my friend is very hyper & wanted everyone to have the "grin", the first person we took out was a LAPD officer so I didn't mind all that much, problem arose when he went back & the next person was standing out front waiting...the LAPD officer drove a couple miles but the rest I limited to just a block or two. I pulled my friend to the side & told him to chill out but I guess I created the little Tesla monster to begin with.
Im surprised of the number of people I've convinced that there's no motor at all, the battery just sends electricity directly to the wheels to make it go...

- - - Updated - - -

Also, this weekend I had just gotten back in my car after leaving a restaurant for lunch when the young hostess came running out (in the rain) and knocked on the window. I figured I'd left my credit card, but when I rolled down the window she just asked me what kind of car it was - she said she and the waitresses had been trying to it figure out ever since I'd parked there. "We saw you open the hood and saw there was no engine!" Amazing how the appeal for this car cuts across such wide age and socio-economic classes.
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A-hahahahahahaha!!! I'll have to try this!

I know this is all intended in good fun... but isn't there enough confusion about the car already?

Is it a hybrid? There's no engine? How much gas mileage does it get? What's a supercharger vs. a HPWC? Etc...

Joke around about something else maybe but try and give folks the straight story on the actual drivetrain?
I've never had someone ask "how's it work"? The usual question I get regarding the drivetrain -- a very positive direction -- is whether there are 1, 2, or 4 motors. Of course, the #1/2 questions are still range on a charge, and how long to charge it.
I know this is all intended in good fun... but isn't there enough confusion about the car already?

Is it a hybrid? There's no engine? How much gas mileage does it get? What's a supercharger vs. a HPWC? Etc...

Joke around about something else maybe but try and give folks the straight story on the actual drivetrain?
No no, you misunderstand -- it's just for the initial incredulous (or credulous) looks and *purely* for a bit of quick humour. The straight goods follow immediately, making sure the level of detail chosen doesn't make the eyes go glassy.
Man and woman in a late model Acura pull up beside my new blue baby....I am in the center lane of I-40. They are in the far left.

I see the woman passenger poking the male driver and pointing at the Tesla excitedly.

I keep them about a car length behind me - viewable in both the left side mirror and rear view mirror.

Then the lady whips out her iphone starts recording vid.

I decide to ZOOM AWAY. I floor it, and in 3 secs I went from 75mph to 106mph. I was like "Oh $&@!?"

They caught up, laughing and smiling as they passed by (no camera this time)

Great story! Say, how many owners locally? Is there a club that meets for beers or coffee? I'm in the pre-decision phase, but eager to learn. Thanks.
I had someone tail me for 4 blocks. At a stop sign he tooted the horn and waving frantically. He was so excited: he'd just watched the 60 Minutes show about Tesla on the weekend and turned into a fan. He was astonished that there was one in town (and even more so when I told him there were several). I wish I'd been able to give him a test ride but I had takeout to get home.
For Earth Day, we had both our Roadster and our Model S on display in the centre of our tiny town on Ganges on Salt Spring Island, BC. My wife fielded the Model S questions, while I showed off the Roadster, and also commented on the Model S. There were other EVs there, but the Teslas "Stole the show" in the words of one of the other owners. We did not stop talking for over three hours. Everyone was very positive; lots of days were made! I think a number of Teslas were also "sold." :smile:
This could qualify as both a Tesla Moment and a Random Model S sighting. No photo, though, so I guess this thread is a bit better. :)

I was walking with my family from the DC Convention Center toward the Verizon Center, along 7th St NW, and there was a little commotion on our left. At the same time as my kids pointed out a black Model S parked on the street, some other kid nearby yelled "Tesla!" excitedly. I turned around to look, and there was a small crowd gathering with a couple people taking photos. Funny because they're not all that rare in DC any more, and the DC store is just a few blocks away from there.

(P.S. For anyone in the DC area, we had just left the USA Science and Engineering Festival, which is also open tomorrow. HIGHLY recommended. I think we're going back tomorrow too! Tesla even has a booth, apparently, in the Career Pavillion, which I didn't see.)