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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Bill Gates Snubs Tesla In Post About Electric Vehicles

...He added that all-electric pick-up trucks will soon be available "thanks to legacy companies like GM and Ford and new companies like Rivian and Bollinger." Tesla's Cybertruck has received widespread publicity, but it didn't even warrant a mention from Bill Gates in a discussion about electric vehicles and pickup trucks....

...Bill Gates also indirectly said the Tesla Semi probably won't work. He noted that batteries are big and heavy, and the more weight that's being moved, the more batteries that are needed, which increase the weight further. He said even as new battery technology is developed, he doesn't think EVs will be a "practical solution" for 18-wheelers, cargo ships and passenger jets. Bill Gates explained that electric vehicles work for short distances, but another solution is needed for heavy vehicles that travel long distances.​

Years ago, I read that Bill's primary goal in any staff meeting at Microsoft was to prove to everyone that he was the smartest guy in the room. (The garbage sold by Microsoft also suggests this was their corporate culture.)

Now he seems intent on proving he is the dumbest guy in the blogosphere, despite having serious competition there.
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Bill Gates Snubs Tesla In Post About Electric Vehicles

...He added that all-electric pick-up trucks will soon be available "thanks to legacy companies like GM and Ford and new companies like Rivian and Bollinger." Tesla's Cybertruck has received widespread publicity, but it didn't even warrant a mention from Bill Gates in a discussion about electric vehicles and pickup trucks....

...Bill Gates also indirectly said the Tesla Semi probably won't work. He noted that batteries are big and heavy, and the more weight that's being moved, the more batteries that are needed, which increase the weight further. He said even as new battery technology is developed, he doesn't think EVs will be a "practical solution" for 18-wheelers, cargo ships and passenger jets. Bill Gates explained that electric vehicles work for short distances, but another solution is needed for heavy vehicles that travel long distances.​

Years ago, I read that Bill's primary goal in any staff meeting at Microsoft was to prove to everyone that he was the smartest guy in the room. (The garbage sold by Microsoft also suggests this was their corporate culture.)

Now he seems intent on proving he is the dumbest guy in the blogosphere, despite having serious competition there.

just anecdotal, but among my close and intermediate social circle, Im seeing more and more young people buying TSLA since it broke 1,000. Im hearing "take it to the grave" more and more. I dont know how much beating they can take, but the notion that our zooming up 100% since June was entirely due to speculation is not true, at least in my experience. I think we are picking up more investors now as TSLA's footprint begins to expand.
Bill Gates Snubs Tesla In Post About Electric Vehicles

...He added that all-electric pick-up trucks will soon be available "thanks to legacy companies like GM and Ford and new companies like Rivian and Bollinger." Tesla's Cybertruck has received widespread publicity, but it didn't even warrant a mention from Bill Gates in a discussion about electric vehicles and pickup trucks....

...Bill Gates also indirectly said the Tesla Semi probably won't work. He noted that batteries are big and heavy, and the more weight that's being moved, the more batteries that are needed, which increase the weight further. He said even as new battery technology is developed, he doesn't think EVs will be a "practical solution" for 18-wheelers, cargo ships and passenger jets. Bill Gates explained that electric vehicles work for short distances, but another solution is needed for heavy vehicles that travel long distances.​

Years ago, I read that Bill's primary goal in any staff meeting at Microsoft was to prove to everyone that he was the smartest guy in the room. (The garbage sold by Microsoft also suggests this was their corporate culture.)

Now he seems intent on proving he is the dumbest guy in the blogosphere, despite having serious competition there.

Stunning that he said these things.

Well, no not really. Gates has been ripping on renewables and batteries for a couple of decades. And he seems to have a particular issue with Tesla. Wonder why?

Let’s go back to 1995 so he can tell us again how the future of PCs is in local stuff like CD Roms.

Honestly Bill has always been about Bill.


Now if I could somehow get this prick out of my kids schools....
Cybertruck is so different from traditional pickups I see it as a unique category of vehicle. So I’d cut Gates some slack on not mentioning. That said, I wonder how Gates will react when Tesla Semi is on the road.Shades of Bob Lutz?
Gates has a personal issue with Elon, that's all this is about. You would think a billionaire who claims to care about climate change would be above something this petty. I guess not. Big $ = bigger ego.
And put the $$$ into TSLA.
That's the way to beat the index. Lots of fund managers struggle to outperform S&P500, even though it is very easy, just buy TSLA ;)
Unfortunately I only hold index funds in my 401k which doesn't have any access to Tesla directly. I think I'll just move to other funds that track the Nasdaq or Russel etc. I've never cared for these secret committees of self anointed oracles. You see the same kind of crap in Hollywood with the awards panels.
The results are in:
Account: xxxx-xxxx Your options position 5 TSLA Sep 04 '20 $390 Put have expired. This position no longer appears in your Portfolio and you will see this transaction on your upcoming E*TRADE Securities monthly statement. For details, see order #689 on the Orders page.

Now, on to more important things... can you believe they didn't add ZM to the S&P 500 yesterday?

Maybe that's another one that will be announced next week. As pointed out, nothing new in the index, just stuff promoted from the lower-league.
Check this out: https://twitter.com/VGrinshpun/status/1302100259674390530

Looks like Consumer Reports is stooping to new lows as they falsify their reporting to make FSD look bad.

So, I get the reaction.

But there's an argument to be made that if a reviewer can think autopilot is engaged when it's not, that's a user interface issue that ought to be corrected. Perhaps whether the small steering wheel icon is gray or light blue is not sufficiently in-your-face? It's pretty important to know whether you are supposed to be in control or the AI is, and that indicator is not as obvious as it could be for such critical information. (It has happened to me before that I double-pulled the right stalk and yet didn't manage to do it correctly and engaged cruise control but not autopilot. So it's plausible to me that this wasn't malicious -- I can't tell from the Twitter pics whether cruise was engaged.)

Thus, even if CR ought to issue an update/correction, I think there's something for Tesla to learn here too. Even so, I would take that to be an opportunity for ongoing improvement as opposed to "fixing a problem."
Gates has a personal issue with Elon, that's all this is about. You would think a billionaire who claims to care about climate change would be above something this petty. I guess not. Big $ = bigger ego.

Unfortunately I only hold index funds in my 401k which doesn't have any access to Tesla directly. I think I'll just move to other funds that track the Nasdaq or Russel etc. I've never cared for these secret committees of self anointed oracles. You see the same kind of crap in Hollywood with the awards panels.

Not to pick a fight, supposition or evidence? I could suppose it's about Hollywood/starlet life style?
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No I don’t. As an investor, I’ve been positioned for 8 bloody years. Exactly how many more SP halvings and greater SP heights do you think I need to experience before being positioned to handle another one?

What you meant to say is that short term speculators and gamblers, those wanting to play with risky options controlled by the whimsy of various Wall Street characters, need to be prepared for such price action otherwise they take the chance of having their trading accounts wiped out.

The only investors who can be hurt by SP halving are those who need money during a very specific time frame and that time frame happens to be when the SP falls below a level that will net them the monetary value they require. But I’m going to assume that since they were smart enough to invest in Tesla long term, they’re smart enough to have preplanned an appropriate exit strategy to mitigate for that risk.

Or by investor preparedness did you mean we need to sell our lightly used worldly possessions stored in closets, attics, basements and garages so we might have cash on hand to buy even more stock during these future halvings? Because that actually sounds like excellent advice.
There are many types of investors using a variety of financial instruments. Narrowing it down to just shareholders is just gate keeping. we would only be on page 5000 if we deleted every comment that mentioned leaps.

In case you didn't know:p:
Investor - Wikipedia

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Stuff like “pigs get slaughtered” coming from him is meaningless. Nobody knows what the peak is. Outside of this message board, 90% of people sell after 400% gains. Most people sell out of stocks like TSLA or AMZN during their rise , missing out on most on the gains Most people following Kramers advice miss out.

Though, perhaps when there are two days in a row where I look at the massive gains in the stock and my eyes bug out and I say "What the actual f***?" then maybe that should be an indicator. Not necessarily an indicator to sell from my taxable account, but at least not to buy more just then (I say as the proud* owner of a handful of shares at $510-515... thank god for "cost basis"...)

* it's that I come from the future, you see...
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Bill Gates Snubs Tesla In Post About Electric Vehicles

...He added that all-electric pick-up trucks will soon be available "thanks to legacy companies like GM and Ford and new companies like Rivian and Bollinger." Tesla's Cybertruck has received widespread publicity, but it didn't even warrant a mention from Bill Gates in a discussion about electric vehicles and pickup trucks....

...Bill Gates also indirectly said the Tesla Semi probably won't work. He noted that batteries are big and heavy, and the more weight that's being moved, the more batteries that are needed, which increase the weight further. He said even as new battery technology is developed, he doesn't think EVs will be a "practical solution" for 18-wheelers, cargo ships and passenger jets. Bill Gates explained that electric vehicles work for short distances, but another solution is needed for heavy vehicles that travel long distances.​

Years ago, I read that Bill's primary goal in any staff meeting at Microsoft was to prove to everyone that he was the smartest guy in the room. (The garbage sold by Microsoft also suggests this was their corporate culture.)

Now he seems intent on proving he is the dumbest guy in the blogosphere, despite having serious competition there.

It's amazing how many people just pretend this giant Tesla elephant, which is the driving force in disrupting energy and transportation markets, is on the front page of all the new sites every time Elon speaks, and has its vehicles driving along roads all over the world, doesn't exist. Humans are weird.
It's amazing how many people just pretend this giant Tesla elephant, which is the driving force in disrupting energy and transportation markets, is on the front page of all the new sites every time Elon speaks, and has its vehicles driving along roads all over the world, doesn't exist. Humans are weird.
I never liked Bill and I don't like him now. Looks like he got complacent too soon and now is just sitting high and mighty playing politics. I bet Elon will still be busting ass when he's at Bill's age. That's why they don't like him. They feel threatened because the next couple of decades will be Elon's.
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Bill Gates Snubs Tesla In Post About Electric Vehicles

...He added that all-electric pick-up trucks will soon be available "thanks to legacy companies like GM and Ford and new companies like Rivian and Bollinger." Tesla's Cybertruck has received widespread publicity, but it didn't even warrant a mention from Bill Gates in a discussion about electric vehicles and pickup trucks....

...Bill Gates also indirectly said the Tesla Semi probably won't work. He noted that batteries are big and heavy, and the more weight that's being moved, the more batteries that are needed, which increase the weight further. He said even as new battery technology is developed, he doesn't think EVs will be a "practical solution" for 18-wheelers, cargo ships and passenger jets. Bill Gates explained that electric vehicles work for short distances, but another solution is needed for heavy vehicles that travel long distances.​

Years ago, I read that Bill's primary goal in any staff meeting at Microsoft was to prove to everyone that he was the smartest guy in the room. (The garbage sold by Microsoft also suggests this was their corporate culture.)

Now he seems intent on proving he is the dumbest guy in the blogosphere, despite having serious competition there.

That thing that is driving through the country and is spotted by people, is it real or does it have a Tesla CEO running behind it?

Tesla Semi Prototype Spotted Hauling 75,000-Pound Load Through Northern California

Reality, it should trump any belief.
I never liked Bill and I don't like him now. Looks like he got complacent too soon and now is just sitting high and mighty playing politics. I bet Elon will still be busting ass when he's at Bill's age. That's why they don't like him. They feel threatened because the next couple of decades will be Elon's.

Nothing wrong with Bill Gates and people need to stay objective here. I am not going to trash him for not understanding the technology and he speaks with uncertainty. It's not like Tesla till now have came out and done a deep dive on the semi, answering all the questions of skeptics. In fact during the reveal it seems like the product was in alpha stage and requires additional battery refinements for version 1.0. It's kind of like the cybertrucks trimotor, which is a future tech not yet available commercially during the reveal.

So its not like he is making any claims like Tesla is a fraud or anything. The guy help changed the computing landscape and practically cured malaria. His foundation did plenty of good and let's not assume there's bad blood between the two as both are working for the good of humanity.
Indeed, the three companies joining the 500 are all being promoted from the lower-league, it could well be the case that the new-adds will be announced next week.
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I beleive u are referring to this image as a response to Gary blacks tweet .. although this is from the Bombay stock exchange in India lol... So I'm not sure this makes any difference to us so you have another source for our s&p


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Trust Tesla knows what’s going on. Now I understand why the short shorts were pushed to fall.

also understand why Elon is very quiet. If he was upset about s&p - he would have tweeted about it.

a quiet Elon is a dangerously good thing for us.

Remember - we still haven’t seen the SBOTC. Elon has never failed to deliver on something he has stated publicly. Never.
Just late.

I will be buying on any weakness.
Nothing wrong with Bill Gates and people need to stay objective here. I am not going to trash him for not understanding the technology and he speaks with uncertainty. It's not like Tesla till now have came out and done a deep dive on the semi, answering all the questions of skeptics. In fact during the reveal it seems like the product was in alpha stage and requires additional battery refinements for version 1.0. It's kind of like the cybertrucks trimotor, which is a future tech not yet available commercially during the reveal.

So its not like he is making any claims like Tesla is a fraud or anything. The guy help changed the computing landscape and practically cured malaria. His foundation did plenty of good and let's not assume there's bad blood between the two as both are working for the good of humanity.
I think you are describing ignorance. Where Bill is now, ignorance is not an excuse. Im not going to take anything from him. Hes done good for the unfortunate but on the technology front hes been complacent. What about the snarky remarks he throws at Elon every once in a while?