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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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I'm pretty sure it's bogus, mainly because (indeed) Tesla needs no production techniques from VW.

Tesla providing batteries could however be useful (helping Tesla's mission and bottom line), but that was not a part of the rumor I heard.

Therefore: I don't buy it. But I just wanted to share it with my TMC friends.
VW can't even get their software to update OTA......they should start by making that a priority before anything.
Lol. This is what "winning" looks like:

GM to adopt Tesla-like strategy for its electric car push: report

GM needs to get onboard with the Mission for reals, not just endless empty PR promises.

TSLA will spank GM until they either join Tesla in fighting emissions, or GM fails as an ongoing enterprise.

If anybody hasn't read the book, Internal Combustion, please do. It's a book I go back to over and over when I forget pieces of it and I'm reading the GM chapter again. It talks about how GM took over the electricity rail lines by using front companies, one by one, city by city, to first push gas buses, and then eventually their cars. I forgot what a crooked company GM has always been.
As someone who has groggily reached for my phone to check the stock price every morning from bed, I’m used to the whipsaw, but trying to explain it sometimes is over my head! So I reach out here for confidence boost.
Don't sweat it man...it may go up or down daily...just ingrain that in your head :)
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Is Fred trying to ruin Battery Day or something? There are times when need people to dig and times when it's best left to the announcement!

I assume these are already going into a product as of this week, hence the leak.

Doesn't matter anyway.....I just woke up to hear GM is going to take over the EV market.

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It's always the time to dig. Fred has serious flaws but he deserves credit for this story if true. It won't materially hurt Tesla.
So much for that $450 defense. What's the next stop?

I assume the logical best feasible max pain is @ $500?

I would be veeeery surprised if it closed above 500 by Friday by any significant amount. It would have to be some sort of kick start, like a leaked email, or a report of a 600 mile model 3 being tested, or something.
As someone who has groggily reached for my phone to check the stock price every morning from bed, I’m used to the whipsaw, but trying to explain it sometimes is over my head! So I reach out here for confidence boost.

......you bunch of turds!
This. Still in bed trying to read what the experts here. Gotta tell you, it is getting harder to read the SP on my phone - I am in denial that I need reading glasses - that would mean getting old an my vanity won’t permit it!

so color is the tell - woke up to red and now green! So glad that these pages can be zoomed in for reading.
Will their dealerships allow them to do so?
Assuming GM tries the direct route, they will face the same issues Tesla faces. My guess is that because most cars are sold through dealers that are owned by large dealers that own many separate dealerships for multiple brands (if not every car brand) and span several states, they can easily get rid of their GM dealerships and still be fine. (For awhile anyway, until they lose all their relevance.)
Along with a higher energy density, this probably means fewer than 1/5 the number of cells are required for a given energy content. This obviously lowers manufacturing costs, but also can greatly increase production line speed

I think it also means they have lowered electrical resistance in the cells and don't need as much cooling as a result. From what I understand, one of the reasons the 2170 and 18650 cells are the size they are is to allow for sufficient cooling. This will lower the complexity of the pack and reduce the cost even further. This could be a result of the tabless electrode.
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This. Still in bed trying to read what the experts here. Gotta tell you, it is getting harder to read the SP on my phone - I am in denial that I need reading glasses - that would mean getting old an my vanity won’t permit it!

so color is the tell - woke up to red and now green! So glad that these pages can be zoomed in for reading.
It’s Ok gramps, I’m getting older too!

my #1 worry is my left hip, issues usually reserved for senior citizens, hitting me much to soon.

Summons the car...:.summons my coffefe!
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Is Fred trying to ruin Battery Day or something? There are times when need people to dig and times when it's best left to the announcement!

I assume these are already going into a product as of this week, hence the leak.

Doesn't matter anyway.....I just woke up to hear GM is going to take over the EV market.

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I maintain that the general market doesnt have a grasp on the technical significance of a bigger cell. Hell, if it wasn't for Dave's interview with TLF, I would have no idea still. The public likes easy to digest news, like how cheap battery is going to be or the reveal of Plaid models which is at this stage only hypothetical and will not happen, ever.
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