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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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t least out east a ton of SC locations are things like gas stations and shopping centers, not sure sticking a cell tower and a starlink dish would work well at many of them.... that said I'm not entirely sure why they'd help even if you could.... the gas station type locations tend to be right off major highways where there's already normal cell coverage.... so the cell tower AT the SC doesn't add much does it? And it'd be simpler for them to run a cell->wifi router there if they want to offer wifi than to do starlink (which in denser areas will work poorly anyway, and especially in areas where clear view of the sky isn't available due to other stuff around).... out west in AZ these probably aren't major issues, but they would be on the coasts at least.

Connection yes, but Starlink speed and privacy not the same as cell today. Like I said, it's an option for a new connection type. Could be for inter-vehicle video conf, FSD localized data or other.
Actually I think this could be a real bit of chess here..
With this he can sell the stock (which he has to do anyway to exercise his options?) without catering the price once it's published.

Selling shares to pay the taxes on the options makes no sense financially though.

He'd have to pay cap gains on the sold shares and immediate 53% tax on the gains from the options.

Versus if he only sold the new options shares to cover the taxes- he'd only pay the 53% tax with nothing on top.

Selling LT stock to do this is 20% more expensive.

I’d much rather he do this than take a huge loan on his shares to pay taxes on those options.

Again there's no reason he'd need to take a loan.

He can just exercise all the options, and sell 53% of them to cover the taxes.

That's the cheapest possible way to do it- and also literally how he said he planned to do it as recently as last month.

Selling LT stock instead adds 20% to his tax bill AND resets the holding period on the # of shares in question to be short term...lose lose.

The Elon poll is brilliant .
Look how much the media runs with any report of high level Tesla exec/ board members exercising options or planned sales. This makes it all transparent, up front, and "the will of the people". I don't see any way Elon could sell stock with less fictional narrative being attached.

Q has been telling the story forever that TSLA is a fraud pump and dump- to the point many claim Elon is the one who keeps buying calls to drive the price up so he can dump for more $.

This will 1000% be painted as he's using the "poll" as cover for starting the dump they've told you is coming for years.

Not that their story ever made sense, but the idea this would in any way prevent them from spinning it as all part of the fraud is... overly optimistic.

All great points. And yes, Tesla absolutely can purchase shares from Elon. In fact, that's a standard thing that some growth companies do.

That'd be double-proof for the Q narrative it's a dump where he's literally pulling cash directly from the companys pocket.
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What I am curious about: with Tesla cash rich, why couldn't Tesla purchase these shares from Elon ?

Because they can’t afford it? Tesla only has $16B in the bank, right? And they worked pretty hard to get there. I don’t see them going back into debt to afford a stock buyback, never mind they’d be crucified for just doing it as a favor/bailout directly for Elon.
Wonder how everyone will react if Elon will say tomorrow, after the poll ends, that X is buying everything he’s selling, not in the market, and that X is actually a big corporation or something like that. 🤔
Yeah. It just seems a bit strange why he said all that on Twitter. Maybe there’s something we obviously don’t know, just like the first time he did this.
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Elon may of course do whatever he wants with his shares.

And if he sells it's possibly a fixed price sale trough the big banks - like when new shares are issued. He won't dump anything on Monday.

I'm not a native English speaker but his tweet sounds like he is being almost blackmailed or mobbed to sell.

Which is not cool at all. So I voted no on his poll.
All this talk about margin and big drops makes me think we will go even higher soon based on that famous "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful". Joking 😋

I believe someone here posted moths ago that analysis of Berkshire’s investment strategy over the years and figured out that they had all this gains mostly because of one thing: always being leveraged/on margin to a maximum of 30% of their assets.

That strategy brought the most rewards on the long run, otherwise they would have had just “regular” gains in the market.

That strategy allowed them to profit and weather any downturns and any big drops without risking the core holdings.

So, its discipline and never going over 30% of your assets on margin that made the difference.

Did I got that wrong?
Yes. You got that wrong. Buffett has 150B in cash (or near cash) right now. He has no margin debt. What he has done is to generate insurance float which is expected to be near permanent. Also close to 150B. He uses much of that money to invest in low risk businesses. Borrowing money from a broker for a margin loan is about 100 times more risky than what Buffett is doing.
I place for greater trust in Elon than I do in politicians.

I voted NO.

Of course this is the point he wishes to make in the debate, but the public does not [yet] separate him from his billionaire brethren.

I suspect your answer would be different depending on the billionaire in question, no?

He’s the only one who is willing to pour every dollar (edit: and every ounce of his attention and energy) into advancing humanity and solving big problems. The rest tend to engage in philanthropy to varying degrees.
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...Saying after an hour he'd abide by the results of the poll is slightly sleight of hand, as we know that after an hour the polls are 95% indicative of the final results....

He posted the poll and his promise to abide by it at the same time, according to my Twitter feed. There was no "sleight of hand" (your euphemism for dishonesty).
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