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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Roadster no longer has a price listed

Tesla Roadster
Try and reserve one and you will see this:

Founders Series Roadster reservations require an initial $5,000 credit card payment, plus a $245,000 wire transfer payment due in 10 days. Reservations are not final until the wire transfer payment is received.
For GF-4 the story is very different. EU countries are mostly fragile politically, and in/close to recession. German auto companies are threatened. EU emissions mandates are making German business near panic. Tesla can have a positive force as it appears to be having in China.
Let us say Tesla locates GF-4 in Germany.

If there is a policy where the big German auto companies and Tesla take opposite positions, who do you think will have more weight ? 100 year old companies with 1 Million workers or the new foreign one with 5,000 ?
I guess... I won't be too popular here, but I'm just a lurking retail investor monitoring the bulls' sentiment. It amazes me how could anyone enter into a trade with NO (up/down) exit strategy. Especially when there is a relatively lot of money at stake. I'd rather donate that money to non-profits.
There are a lot of forum members who trade a percent of shares. Typically they sell when the stock runs up from the means and buy back when it drops. A lot sold from 350-370 and have bought back on the way down. I bought more as it approached 300 and wish I waited and would be buying more if I had. If I invest more now, it would prob be through Ark, which is diversified and has had good returns. I’ve thought about moving more into the stock, I’m confident Tesla will come within 5000 of delivery target or the quarter and that should be enough for positive cash flow. Cash flow will be more positive in q3, if not GAAP profits. Q4 should begin to see stronger earnings, offset by growing investments in Shanghai and Fremont for the new Y line and in Sparks to increase battery production for the Y and Semi and Roadster.
The Semi and Roadster assembly systems will be more manual and less costly then the Y or 3 lines. If Tesla can find an automaker willing to sell a plant, they could stand up the semi and Roadster very quickly. Stamping presses will be the critical path. Hopefully Tesla focuses on moderately positive cash flow, getting up to 5 billion next year and little profit, reinvesting as much as possible before anyone else has a legitimate contender. There is nothing coming before 2022 at this point. We will no better if 2022 becomes 2023 by next year. Porsche seems to have the best chance, but is very low scale and should help legitimize EV’s for many performance opinion leaders. Audi and VW efforts so far are sad. There’s no cheat device to make an Etron go 300 miles on a charge and they won’t scale before 2022 and unless they get a breakthrough, their products won’t be close to Tesla in price or performance.
My point of the long scread is that most of us are long term and would put up more if Elon would do a placement for existing stockholders. With no competition and looming price parity for electrics and lower life cycle cost already, the only chance of Tesla not winning a big chunk of the 2020’s global market is making Elon a villain or illegal. Some tried on the SpaceX side recently and the defense dept waved them off. Their not going to screw up national defense over a Joe Rogan podcast and most consumers aren’t going to screw themselves over a bunch of fat at oil barrons and legacy automakers with a long history of selling unsafe and dirty cheating cars. Put self driving leadership in the mix, and you have a potential 10 bagger with little short or medium term competition. So, do I think through if my investment is still as wise as it was at $30.53, I’d say way wiser now. I was mostly supporting a long shot tilting at windmills and trying to save the American space industry. Back then Tesla was struggling to make a 100 cars a week and then 100 a day, then a 1000 a week and now 1000 a day. I think they’ll be struggling to make 2000 a day in 2020 and will be defined as struggling for a while. A company that can continue to fight like an underdog even when it’s grown beyond humble beginnings is a sign of a company destined for great things.
Roadster no longer has a price listed

Tesla Roadster
Damn. I thought it was dirt cheap.
Seriously, Ferrari competitor with lesser specs would have been at least 400-500K, maybe 1M, depending on how exclusive it is.

Tesla may choose to make it uber exclusive, slap $500K price, build it by hand and all that. This is a hallo car, they don't need to sell many, it just needs to exist. It never was going to be large profit center anyhow, but it needs to exist, so it can end up reviewed by magazines and on the wall posters.
Question: what do the following all have in common?

-Launch of SC V3
-SEC, part two, distractions
-Launch of MY
-Closing stores—no wait—not closing stores, or at least most stores
-Installation & ramp up of new Grohman pack machine
-Launch of $35k M3
-Termination of MS 75D
-Standardization of model branding to standard, medium, long range
-Seemingly weekly changes to pricing and option packages
-Autonomy investor day
-ongoing improvements to NoA & self driving in general
-Filling pipeline to China & EU & the expected trials and tribulations that occur whenever pipeline diameters expand rapidly to unprecedented diameters
-Completed installation of new battery lines at GF1 by Panasonic
-Project Raven upgrades of MS & X
-FCA deal
-Ongoing acquisition of Maxwell
-Emissions testing mode, dog mode (sorry, no cats), sentry mode
-probably 10 other significant things that I’m forgetting

Answer: they all happened in the last 4 months.

Some of those things aren’t so good but most are. Regardless, it’s been a volatile and confusing time for those of us outside Tesla, which when combined with poor earnings for a quarter has hit the stock price. But damn, the sum total of those things also look to me like they're building an ever sturdier foundation’s for future prosperity and the moat grows ever wider for the--still nowhere on the horizon--competition. Tesla just needs to crank up and maintain production levels going forward, which should be a hell of a lot easier with what’s now past, and everything’ll quickly be back on course. Patiently holding long and strong…
Let us say Tesla locates GF-4 in Germany.

If there is a policy where the big German auto companies and Tesla take opposite positions, who do you think will have more weight ? 100 year old companies with 1 Million workers or the new foreign one with 5,000 ?

I think the best place for GF4 would probably be Czechia, Slovakia, or Poland. Lower labor costs, and short proximity to a large component supply base.
Damn. I thought it was dirt cheap.
Seriously, Ferrari competitor with lesser specs would have been at least 400-500K, maybe 1M, depending on how exclusive it is.

Tesla may choose to make it uber exclusive, slap $500K price, build it by hand and all that. This is a hallo car, they don't need to sell many, it just needs to exist. It never was going to be large profit center anyhow, but it needs to exist, so it can end up reviewed by magazines and on the wall posters.

I'd bet on the SpaceX edition costing $500k+
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April InsideEVs US delivery estimates come out in early to mid-May. If production "secret sources" are correct, they're going to really surprise a lot of people who aren't paying attention, so it could act as a positive catalyst.
InsideEVs numbers, being US only, are meaningless, especially with high numbers in transit overseas for April, likely to show on low side for US, negative short term catalyst.
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Here in China, FUD is at the peakest level ever. When I open my market newsfeed (in Chinese) in the morning, of the 30-50 news worldwide I got 6-10 negative Tesla pieces, that's 20-30% of all market news, just insane, most hit pieces on US media and SeekingAlpha got translated into Chinese and pushed to me.

But luckily nobody dare to publish anything against EV industry in general, since our communist government is so pro-EV and control all media very tightly.
I wonder if this is the work of Chinese competitors or Americans trying to harm Tesla in China. I would guess the Chinese government would try to stop propaganda aimed at Chinese that originates in America or is funded by Americans, but what do I know.
pleasantly surprised to see Uma Thurman driving a model X in the new Netflix series "Chambers"

An appeal to every scriptwriter out there who believes in a sustainable future.

Write in a scene that demands an EV, or even better, demands a Tesla. e.g. requires ludicrous acceleration for a getaway, or uses romance mode, or uses summon, or requires stealth to creep up on the bad guys hideout etc. I’m not a scriptwriter, so this sounds naff, but a good scriptwriter should be able to make it fabulous, dramatic or hilarious.