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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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So why is CNBC keeping the Tesla part of the video away from the public? This is getting damn curious.

Curious. I thought it was just the old boomer host who is extremeky anti tesla. But it looks like there is a decision from editing department to cut tesla discussion oit. The order came from somewhere upstairs.

Probably something like, "no positive coverage until capital raise"

But who owns cnbc and can give orders like that?
it's freaking amazing the extra miles they went through trying to hide what he said! There must be something that really scared them. If only we can know what is it? /s

there is an ancient Chinese saying: 欲盖弥彰, which means the more you tries to hide it, the more it got exposed. But the english translation does not do its justice.

Yes this idiom perfectly describes the whole situation.

It's amazing now the Vimeo link is dead.
I'm not sure how many times that Elon has to point out that mass production is far harder than most people give it credit for :Þ You don't just "change a motor" in a mass production line, as if it's some sort of weekend task.

Also: Tesla did not credit all of the drop to line downtime.
Exactly, who works weekends anyway? In the UK, we would change the motor at teatime. Preferably Earl Grey and crumpets.
Pulled the trigger and ordered Model X Performance w/ free Ludicrous and FSD before the price is going up. Trade in of 3+ years old Model X 90D at a very good price, given 68k miles already.

At the store, the Tesla authorization system was a bit slow to respond. According to an apologetic customer advocate, this had to do with unusual high number of orders being entered due to end of the month expiration of some of the special offers. I told him that was music to my ears (the high number of orders). :D

He had me enter the order on my iPhone which took all of 15 seconds, amazing! In and out of the store in 15 min, that’s unheard of when buying a new car.

Going from 90D to P100DL with $2,500 down and only $100 higher monthly payment is a fantastic deal in my opinion. I’m hopeful more owners think like me and are doing the same.

How much did Tesla give you for the trade-in?
Need to know that variable to decide whether it makes sense for ourselves.
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Thank you so much for that link @SPadival. It was a most excellent interview. Well the interviewee was most excellent, not so much the interviewer.

it's freaking amazing the extra miles they went through trying to hide what he said!

It is so annoying that so much of the media goes so far out of their way to spin a negative narrative about Tesla. The fact that in CNBC's online article about the Tesla portion of the interview, the video on that page has been edited to specifically exclude the Tesla portion is laughable.

If I had any social media clout, I'd love to call out CNBC for this. Post a link to CNBC's article, then point out the video on that page has the discussion about Tesla edited out, then link to the outtake where Chamath Palihapitiya discusses Tesla. Then ask "why would they go out of their way to do this?"
Thank you so much for that link @SPadival. It was a most excellent interview. Well the interviewee was most excellent, not so much the interviewer.

It is so annoying that so much of the media goes so far out of their way to spin a negative narrative about Tesla. The fact that in CNBC's online article about the Tesla portion of the interview, the video on that page has been edited to specifically exclude the Tesla portion is laughable.

If I had any social media clout, I'd love to call out CNBC for this. Post a link to CNBC's article, then point out the video on that page has the discussion about Tesla edited out, then link to the outtake where Chamath Palihapitiya discusses Tesla. Then ask "why would they go out of their way to do this?"
Yes, this needs to go viral as "The interview TSLAQ doesn’t want you to see".

I have no on-line presence, so I will cheer from the sidelines.