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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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We used to own a Leaf. There is no comparison between the ride and driving experience of a Model 3 and a Leaf. Model 3 is a million times better. Unless you are 80 years old and never drive faster than 30 mph, you would have to be crazy to buy a Leaf over a Model 3.
Yeah but that 0-30...:). And 80 is the new 65. So even then you would have to be severely mentally compromised.
Unless the goal is not to make money, but to bring down Tesla.

This is the one risk that I am concerned about.

Just bought 50 more shares.

They can cause all of us pain in losing some money BUT Tesla will not go BK as many FUDSTERS claim. If the SP takes enough damage there are a number of companies ( auto, tech, even energy...foreign and domestic ) that will buy them/JV with them.
Simon Alvarez at Teslarati has just published a new article about the censored CNBC interview with venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya:

I suspect CNBC is going to take down the embedded video too - where Chamath Palihapitiya shreds the CNBC host's TSLAQ talking points with brutal efficiency, but Teslarati has also transcribed the interview, and that probably cannot be taken down.

So if you want to spread the word about the Tesla-positive interview that CNBC is trying to erase from the Internet, this is the link to share.
It is so predictable how the FUD machine ramps up every time it looks like Tesla stock is trying to reverse. Instead of spending inordinate amounts of time focusing on harmless tweets, the SEC should focus on this phenomenon. The shorts seem to have a different set of rules by which they play.

Going on facts, yes, Tesla had a rough quarter, but this was priced in. There are so many positives at the moment that outweigh the negatives, that the stock action does not make sense. Elon is coming through on his promises these days (e.g., cars being available in the U.K. today). Also, I can only go by what I see on demand (which seems to still be a short talking point) - in my area, the # Teslas on the road seems to increase every day. My wife, who does not seem to pay attention to these things, came home the other day after a short drive and exclaimed, “what is going on?! I saw more than a dozen Teslas in my 30 minute drive!” When I take my 15 minute ride to the gym, no matter the time I go, I see at least a half dozen Teslas on back roads, a bunch of which are Model 3s.

At the end of the day, this is a company that has already massively changed an industry that many thought to be unchangeable. Its biggest challenge seems to be that Wall Street is upset that Elon will not play its game, and has decided to help the auto industry and big oil destroy Elon and Telsa. My hope is that this great company, with its amazing products, can survive the onslaught. Based on how good its products are, it should. Every time the stock gets hammered or there is untruthful FUD, I come back to the fact that the Model 3 is one of the best cars I have ever driven. I will do my part by ensuring I let lots of people who do not know Tesla or have misinformation on Tesla test drive my Model 3 this summer!
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There’s nothing wrong with his credibility. You’re also parroting the other side, caught up in the drama of it.

He’s not making promises, he’s giving forward looking guidance and optimistic timelines. In the end he always delivers.

I think you’re just frustrated you’re being screwed like the rest of us supporters by the scumbags, and essentially can’t do a thing about it except cross your fingers Tesla can get to the end quick enough that you can personally benefit.

I have to believe good wins in the end or what’s the point of it all? In the meantime, I refuse to give in or give up.
How many times did Elon mentioned 10,000 model 3 production guarantee ,
And then failed. Now the time horizon on 10,000 is indefinite.
Well this is what I'm referring to, the overly optimistic time-lines. I know Tesla will deliver, but I do not believe they will deliver when Elon says they will. I'm OK with that, but Wall Street, MSM, shorty, bears, et al. do care, or at least use this as a continual basis to attack Tesla.

So I think he should stop pulling predictions out of his ass - as he was clearly doing live "on TV" at the FSD event and just focus on execution. For sure push them internally to get things done, but stop with the over-promising.

Everything has been overhyped, with the result that there is no longer any hype.

It simply won’t matter. If he gives no timelines, they’ll attack. If he gives longer, realistic timelines, they’ll attack. Do you not understand that? Anything and everything can be attacked and turned negative if that’s the goal. Everything.

It’s sunny in Cali today; OMG, we’re all getting skin cancer!
It’s raining in Cali today; OMG, we’ll have flooding and lanslides!
It’s windy in Cali today; OMG, all the lush top soil will blown away!

We don’t care what *they* think. They’re evil and crooked and want you to die as soon as you give them your last dime.
It simply won’t matter. If he gives no timelines, they’ll attack. If he gives longer, realistic timelines, they’ll attack. Do you not understand that? Anything and everything can be attacked and turned negative if that’s the goal. Everything.

It’s sunny in Cali today; OMG, we’re all getting skin cancer!
It’s raining in Cali today; OMG, we’ll have flooding and lanslides!
It’s windy in Cali today; OMG, all the lush top soil will blown away!

We don’t care what *they* think. They’re evil and crooked and want you to die as soon as you give them your last dime.

You may well be right, but I still think there's value in keeping quiet for 6 months and just executing.

For sure, delivering 90-100k cars as guided in for Q2 will go a long way to repairing the situation.

And I hasten to add that I'm not selling, I'm not in panic, I'm long on this.

I also add that I don't want Elon going anywhere, we got to where we are thanks to his vision and leadership, warts and all.
There’s nothing wrong with his credibility. You’re also parroting the other side, caught up in the drama of it.

To be honest, the defense of him and the company right now sounds like delusional fanboism.

He’s not making promises, he’s giving forward looking guidance and optimistic timelines. In the end he always delivers.

He never says things as "I think" or "I hope" or "my guidance is..." he makes statements that sound like assured commitments, and he does not always deliver in the end at all, he moves the goalposts to score. 2018 - deifnitely no equity raise needed... 2018 this forum "no equity raise, if you disagree you're full of FUD and don't know anything". 2019 - "we think we need to do an equity raise..."

I think you’re just frustrated you’re being screwed like the rest of us supporters by the scumbags, and essentially can’t do a thing about it except cross your fingers Tesla can get to the end quick enough that you can personally benefit.

I have to believe good wins in the end or what’s the point of it all? In the meantime, I refuse to give in or give up.

I'm glad you said that exactly like that. Because most of the people posting here desperately want Tesla and TSLA to succeed, but telling people to STFU or accusing them of parroting FUD simply because they can see this emperor is not wearing any clothes, doesn't help anyone. If anyone things the current share price (which is 20% lower than it was in August 2014) is because of Chanos, CNBC and a couple of haters, then they're completely insane.

I honestly have not seen this kind of blind loyalty to a company constantly shooting itself in the face since 3dfx sank in the earlly 2000's - or maybe even since Atari (ask your dad...)
What I don’t understand is this: the new car I just ordered is a maxed out top of the line P100DL but still $15K cheaper than the 90D that I bought 3 years ago! Why did Tesla lower prices on flagship X and S? The car is so much better now, they should have raised prices! It’s not like people who buy this car are poor! Feels like a tax cut for the super rich.
So that people like you are tempted to buy a new one?
I have an S90D that is 3 years old and cost more than a new P100D. If there was a way to transfer my lifetime free supercharging to a new P100D S or X, I’d order immediately. Not that I use the free supercharging that much, it’s a psychological thing.
People always looking at percentage margin and thinks tsla is doing fine. The original plan was, keeps 20% margin, drops asp and INCREASE production substantially. But tsla did first two without the last one. The first two leads to lower unit dollar margin. But without substantial production improvement, the $4B/y gsa can't be covered by the current production rate and asp. So my suggestion for this cash hunger phase is to INCREASE price, at least in some regions or charge special delivery fee at certain time frame to get the required unit dollar margin.

It's not about the sticker price, it's about the gross margin. We know that the S/X line is more efficient now. We know from the financials that the gross margin is higher as a percentage now. So you get a better new car for less, and Tesla makes more money.

Two more importantant points to recognise:
  1. more people can afford that exact car now, so demand goes up, Tesla sells more
  2. you bought a brand new car when you still owned a perfectly good 3 yr old car
This is a classic win/win. And I'll through in a 3rd win, who will be the next owner of your tradein Model X.

Now if he or she parks an ICEbreaker to move up into that sweet X, that's the 4th win. :D

I have an S90D that is 3 years old and cost more than a new P100D. If there was a way to transfer my lifetime free supercharging to a new P100D S or X, I’d order immediately. Not that I use the free supercharging that much, it’s a psychological thing.
aren't they offering free ludicrous for previous owners? Isn't that a lot more bang for your buck? :cool:
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Unless the goal is not to make money, but to bring down Tesla.

This is the one risk that I am concerned about.

Lol, can not happen! Tesla is a best-of-industry technology leader, with 500K more new best-in-class cars headed onto the roads in the next 12 months.

If the SP ever got so low that it could somehow affect Tesla's day-to-day operations, then a coalition of Larry's (+ other angel investors) would swoop in to buy up 30% of TSLA at clearance prices. But SP won't stay low when word gets out, c.f. Saudi $2B.

It'll be "Shorts to the Moon" as SP rockets up under heavy buying pressure. But it has to be a sustained buying program so that MMs are forced to unwind their naked shorts by purchasing real shares.

Right now, they don't need sellers, MMs just invent shares (violating supply and demand pricing) and cover later at the lower SP they engineered. But it'll take just 13 trading days of rising SPs to begin forcing naked shorts out of the shadows (SEC Rule SHO).

As AJ/MS is fond of saying "Tesla is strategically undervalued". The Larry's know this. MMs/Bears will get caught with their shorts down when traders get a whiff of a buyout move.

This dip is "Q1-boo-no-supply-boo-no-demand-boo-SEC" a ritulalized form of Kabuki theatre. I plan to be there for the final act when the play to own the Trillion Dollar Tesla starts.

Just like @NicoV says, losing a few bucks on TSLA won't change my life, I'll be fine. But if Tesla goes to $4K sometime next decade, that will change some things around here! GLTA!

......, I did my part yesterday by ordering a brand new Model X.
What I don’t understand is this: the new car I just ordered is a maxed out top of the line P100DL but still $15K cheaper than the 90D that I bought 3 years ago! Why did Tesla lower prices on flagship X and S? The car is so much better now, they should have raised prices! It’s not like people who buy this car are poor! Feels like a tax cut for the super rich.

I think most likely cost has been coming down due to reduced overhead, production efficiency improvement, and larger scale parts purchase. If this were Apple, they probably would raise price to make more money. Tesla has a different business model. They want more people to be able to afford the cars.

So that people like you are tempted to buy a new one?
I have an S90D that is 3 years old and cost more than a new P100D. If there was a way to transfer my lifetime free supercharging to a new P100D S or X, I’d order immediately. Not that I use the free supercharging that much, it’s a psychological thing.

This seems obvious so maybe it's truly a psych thing, but if you don't use Supercharging that much, and the price of the P100D is $15k less than the 90D, and you want the P100D if only you could transfer the Supercharging, your priorities are... not supported by the math. For example, here in the US, I'd have to drive 68,000+ miles solely on Superchargers to make up the $15k cost differential via free Supercharging. And that's not taking into account the fact that I'd be upgrading from a 90D to a P100D--it's solely to offset that $15k.
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So that people like you are tempted to buy a new one?
If there was a way to transfer my lifetime free supercharging to a new P100D S or X, I’d order immediately. Not that I use the free supercharging that much, it’s a psychological thing.

This type of thinking is what Tesla does not get, that and CS. They give away crazy rewards and then retract them but do not focus on core values that create loyalty. They are burning through their "brand capital" too quickly and recklessly and the curve can come back to bite them hard. Understanding customer behavior and psychology is not a Tesla forte but rater a easy ride because of they product itself- for now.
I'm glad you said that exactly like that. Because most of the people posting here desperately want Tesla and TSLA to succeed, but telling people to STFU or accusing them of parroting FUD simply because they can see this emperor is not wearing any clothes, doesn't help anyone. If anyone things the current share price (which is 20% lower than it was in August 2014) is because of Chanos, CNBC and a couple of haters, then they're completely insane.

I honestly have not seen this kind of blind loyalty to a company constantly shooting itself in the face since 3dfx sank in the earlly 2000's - or maybe even since Atari (ask your dad...)

On the one hand you seem to be claiming to be a rational person who does not like hyperbolic statements yet make these sort of claims.
It does not help your credibility.

And for the record were does EM say "we think we need to do an equity raise"?
So that people like you are tempted to buy a new one?
I have an S90D that is 3 years old and cost more than a new P100D. If there was a way to transfer my lifetime free supercharging to a new P100D S or X, I’d order immediately. Not that I use the free supercharging that much, it’s a psychological thing.
Why not promote your referral code here and there? That should get you nice nice for the next 6 months ;-)
BEVs are fighting these types of psuchologies, even with long time Tesla owners. This scene needs better PR. Not just fanboy screaming "FUD!", "Shorts!!", etc all the time.
S and X were priced high to help start Model 3. Mission complete, prices can come down.
Had they implemented this upgrade in 2017 PLUS secured cells to make a transition to Model 3 tech (also production as they were learning) right away, this demand drop would not have happened. Margins would be through the roof.
Production is key though. No reason to believe they can make more than 100K S+X. With cheaper tech and quicker production they ought to get away with lower prices to trigger much higher demand. But the recent update doesn't suffice. Model 3 is still too far ahead, despite in 2016 or 2017 them promising S and X would keep the tech lead.
If don't feel it's needed but it would impact the market greatly if Tesla just got up from their bums and built a 500 mile Model S. With 370 from 102.4 kWh, there is a lot of slack. Taller cells or even pack, fewer modules, promised energy density improvements that even seem to pan out. Since 2012, basically. One small improvement worked but caused DC charge deg. Then Model 3 got similar density and fixed the deg. A 500 mile, 400 kW charging 800V (make it a Wagon version at first) Model S would be well paid for. Convenient and probably much cheaper than building a faster line.